Coming Out Of The Broom Closet

Not necessarily an easy thing to do for a witch. Well, at least not for me. I was raised as a Baptist. When I was little, we went to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. We also attended other church related events and gatherings like Vacation Bible School and holiday celebrations. I was even in the church choir. Everyone was always extremely welcoming and full of love, however that was never enough. Why I say this is because while growing up, my curiosity always had the best of me. I would often question things about religion and the reply I got every time was, “Never question God.”. No disrespect to the ones who told me that, but their answer never satisfied me. It actually troubled me because I wanted to know more. I’ve always been extremely inquisitive about life in general. So, when I was told “Never question God”, that made me want to question all the more.

As I got older, and upon doing my own research, I discovered there was so much more than what I was lead to believe as a child. Keep in mind, I am not trying to dance on anyone’s toes or show any kind of disrespect to anyone’s beliefs. I am merely speaking on my own personal behalf and what it was like for me. But after years and years of going through life feeling unfulfilled with my faith, I finally came to a point in my life when I stopped listening to certain popular beliefs that made me feel uncertain and them trying to fulfill their need to “save me”.

Wait…. Save me? Save me from what? I don’t need saving just because I don’t believe like them. And I am not going to Hell because of my choice. I no longer follow the path to which I was raised, meaning that of course, I am not a Christian. I am a Wiccan, a solitary practitioner. I do not belong in a coven (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that for those who do). I follow my own heart, my own path. I love being at one with nature and embracing all its magic. I communicate with the Angels, listen to my Spirit Guides and try my very best to live at peace with all the beautiful energies of the Universe.

A few summers ago, a young individual tried to convert me. She was on a missionary trip that lasted several weeks to help spread the word of Christ. While doing so, she and her group were seasonally employed at the same place where I worked. One day she asked me about my faith, so I openly told her about it. And then, as time went on, she tried to persuade me to listen to her as she attempted to make me change my belief. I asked her very calmly, “Why are you trying to do this?”. She replied, “Because I’m worried for your soul. I don’t want you to go to Hell.”

Honestly, I could see the concern in her eyes. She was such a kind and bright young lady, just a little naive was all. When she said that she was worried for my soul I told her, “No need to be worried because I’m not. I feel that I’m following the right path for me just as you are in your belief. As long as we all follow what is right and what is good, isn’t that what really matters? What defines your belief doesn’t define mine. Just because I don’t follow your path doesn’t mean I’m going to Hell.” That made her quiet for a moment as she pondered, looking into my eyes. I continued (again, very calmly and politely), “Honey, you’re wasting your breath with me.” I then put my arms around her to give her a great big hug and told her that I loved her because after all, she was such a sweetheart and a complete joy to work with.

It’s only been within the past few years that I’ve found the courage to speak openly about coming out of the broom closet. Why? Well, because of my upbringing and the societal fear about witches. (Wiccaphobia: the fear of witches or witchcraft.) Throughout the centuries, and thanks to Hollywood’s constant misleading portrayal, it’s easy to understand why people fear us. However, it is ignorance that keeps people in the dark. That’s why I now openly talk about being a Wiccan in hope to help educate others and let them know that we are nothing to be afraid of. I can only speak personally on my behalf because I know how I am with my spiritual journey and the fact is that I only practice white magic. I negate anything that is dark, negative and/ or evil. I stand proudly and firm with my beliefs and if anything of the latter ever tried to gain control over me, I would quickly call upon the Angels, my Spirit Guides and the positive energies of the Universe for white light protection. Trust me, I do not follow the dark arts. I promote, protect and project only and all that is good. As I always say, “Love & Light!” and I mean that with all my heart!

Several years back I wrote a previous article about another encounter that I had with a “bible handler” going door to door. Here’s that article titled, “Ignorance is Bliss”…. or is it just annoying?

Keep it real, people and never be afraid to be yourself! You are loved!! AND…. YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!

Love & Light! ~ Sheila 💋


Coexistence…. Such a beautiful thing!

Happy first day of March and TGIF, everyone!! Just a quick note to wish you all well and hoping you have amazing plans for the weekend! I have to work, but don’t mind at all, always living and loving life! Happy to be alive!! As I say daily….. positive vibes only!!


This morning when I awoke I started scrolling through social media to see what everyone was up to. Many people post some of the most hilarious things that really crack me up and set the day off to a great start. I love reading all the quirky memes and such!

As I was scrolling, I came across one that really grabbed my attention. Loving it so much I already shared it via social media, but thought to share it with all of you as well. To me, it’s definitely something that speaks volumes. Kind of an eye opener I would say. Well, at least to the open-minded it would be, and should be for those who aren’t.

Here it is… the post that inspired me to write this article. Pardon the language, but as I said via social media, I couldn’t resist sharing. Love it!!







“How extremely profound!” I quietly thought to myself upon reading it. Often, we hear jokes pertaining to such topics of religions, spirituality, beliefs, etc… etc…..  but this one wasn’t a joke by any means. It’s message is short, simple, very direct and to the point! And again, I love it!!!

We are all here on this beautiful planet we call Earth… we call Home. To coexist shouldn’t be anything difficult to achieve. It should be as easy as breathing, as easy as the wonderful gesture of a smile. To genuinely want to help others and be there for them, for all of us as we achieve our goals, our hopes and dreams! Pardon my language again, but life shouldn’t be a pissing contest to see who can “out-do” who.

We shouldn’t compare ourselves to each other just to boost our own selfish egos. Those who do that need to wake up and see that the world is much bigger than they are.

To help each other rise against adversity, together as a whole, regardless of our beliefs and lifestyles, would make this world so much better!

But no, it’s due to the narrow-minded ways of bigots, societal fears, and so on and so forth who fall into similar categories such as that, who prevent things from flourishing and growing into something miraculous! They fear change and negate anything positive. They are the naysayers, the haters of the world.

That’s why it’s so extremely important for the lightworkers, the positive mind-sets to take charge and let the small-minded individuals know that they have no power over them. That their negative attitudes cannot, and will not dim the light that resides in those of us who welcome change with open arms, ready to embrace a new day with high hopes of a brighter and better future!



Have a great weekend, everyone! Remember, YOU ROCK & YOU ARE LOVED!!! ❤

~ Sheila 🙂






Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker

“I have Rosacea”

“Rosacea (roe-ZAY-she-uh) is a common skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels in your face. It may also produce small, red, pus-filled bumps. These signs and symptoms may flare up for a period of weeks to months and then diminish for a while. Rosacea can be mistaken for acne, an allergic reaction or other skin problems.

Rosacea can occur in anyone. But it most commonly affects middle-aged women who have fair skin. While there’s no cure for rosacea, treatments can control and reduce the signs and symptoms. If you experience persistent redness of your face, see your doctor for a diagnosis and proper treatment.” ~




Sounds so simple doesn’t it? To many it might be, but not for me. More than 16 million Americans are reported to have rosacea.

What causes rosacea? Excellent question! According to the Mayo Clinic, “The cause of rosacea is unknown, but it could be due to a combination of hereditary and environmental factors.” ~

Back in October, just before Halloween I noticed some irritation on my chin, tiny little bumps that oozed clear fluid and my skin had become quite sensitive, itchy and somewhat tender. The redness was embarrassing, looked like I had a red beard of inflammation. Unfortunately, I recognized it from something I had years ago on a couple of different occasions. I scheduled an appointment with my dermatologist and got my diagnosis. It was perioral dermatitis which “is a facial rash that tends to occur around the mouth. Most often it is red and slightly scaly or bumpy. Any itching or burning is mild. It may spread up around the nose, and occasionally the eyes while avoiding the skin adjacent to the lips.” ~

This was the third time in twenty years that I had perioral dermatitis. UGH….. Anyway, this time I went to a new dermatologist, a different clinic than the one I had previously gone to from years ago only because I had moved to a different state.

The dermatologist this time prescribed me a steroidal cream and two weeks worth of doxycycline. Sounds good, right? I would have thought so, too until when I was finished with my doxycycline I noticed that my condition wasn’t improving. It actually was getting worse. So, I went back to the clinic, but saw a different dermatologist this time. He assessed the condition, confirming it was still indeed perioral dermatitis. He looked at my record from my prior visit and told me that I shouldn’t have been prescribed a steroidal cream at all and advised me to stop using it. He then told me that I should have actually been prescribed an anti-steroidal cream instead and my prescription of doxycycline needed to be a stronger dose lasting for a month instead of the two weeks, unlike what his colleague had previously recommended for me to do. (Which has made me never want to see his colleague again. Anywho…)

I followed his advice, took the medication exactly like I was supposed to do and applied the anti-steroidal cream daily. Guess what?! My skin was starting to improve! YES, thank goodness!! Finally the tiny, itchy bumps were going away and the minor oozing had stopped.

…… BUT THEN…… I noticed that my skin was still having problems. Even though I could tell that the perorial dermatitis was going away, I was having skin issues of a different sort. On my face, not just on my chin this time, I was getting more bumps and redness. I could tell that it wasn’t from the previous condition, it was something else. There were these pustule nodules forming and they were painful and very red. It was getting to the point where people were starting to ask me, “what’s going on with your face?” Talk about the embarrassment! Here I am 42 years old and dealing with the face of a pubescent teenager, or so I felt. I was completely aggravated… mortified! I tried natural remedies like making my own facial scrub using lemon and sugar…. I also tried witch hazel… store bought masks…. OTC products… nothing worked! I was trying not to have to go back to the dermatologist. I was getting so discouraged and didn’t want to be seen publicly anywhere. All I wanted to do was hide in the darkest corner away from everyone. It’s been that embarrassing for me! Was I being a tad bit dramatic? I don’t think so because for anyone who’s dealt with these issues, then they unfortunately know exactly what I’m talking about.

So, finally after weeks of dealing with ongoing skin problems that were continually getting worse, I bit the bullet and scheduled another appointment (the third one since October) with my dermatologist. I saw the same dermatologist as I did the second time because I felt confident with him. He walked into the room and immediately started listening to all I had to say. He confirmed that the perorial dermatitis had in fact cleared up, but took a deeper look at my face. He then pointed out the flushing on my cheeks and the visible small blood vessels that are on both sides of my nose, along with my redness and bumps. That’s when he said the dreaded words….. “You have rosacea.”. I was like, “what?!” My dermatologist then continued that it was nothing to worry about and that he has rosacea as well.

He gave me a short list of some triggers that can cause rosacea flare-ups, plus he advised me on skincare tips to help prevent any worsening of this condition. He also prescribed me Soolantra, which is a cream that helps reduce rosacea bumps and blemishes. So far, so good…. it’s been three weeks since my last appointment and things are improving, slowly but surely.

Upon my research of rosacea, it is a skin condition with no cure, meaning that anyone who has it will have it for the rest of their lives. Treatment is available, the sooner the better because untreated rosacea can worsen greatly over time, causing permanent skin damage, including skin thickening of the nose making it appear bulbous and swollen. “Phymatous rosacea is more common in men than women, and although the thickened skin and irregular surface nodules may affect other areas of the face, it is most often involves the nose. Mild cases may be treated with medications, but more severe cases of rhinophyma typically require surgery.” ~

“Rosacea can cause eyelids to become red, swollen, and sties may develop. The area around the eyelid may develop a crust or scaling and, much like the nose and cheeks, blood vessels may become visible.” ~ Which can eventually lead to eye irritation and vision problems.

“Rosacea is more common in women than men, but in men, the symptoms can be more severe. It can also become progressively worse. Leaving it untreated can cause significant damage, not only to the skin, but to the eyes as well. That’s why it’s so important to visit a dermatologist at the earliest sign of these symptoms.” ~

I am extremely grateful that I went back to the dermatologist, which led to the diagnosis of my rosacea. Knowing what I know now has answered so many questions that I’ve had for a while regarding my face…. like the sensitivity to certain products… the random breakouts which I now know are flare-ups…. why even things including atmospheric conditions like humidity, hot or cold temperatures, and wind will often irritate my skin. However, I will say that I’ve been noticing the flushing on my cheeks and the visible blood vessels around my nose for a long time, but never thought much about it until my skin worsened.

This has definitely been an eye-opener for me. Learning what can trigger flare-ups is something that I am steadily reading about. What kinds of foods to eat, being wise about what kind of facial products to use to cleanse my face (I recommend Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser. “It’s formulated with a hypoallergenic fragrance that’s free of known skin allergens and irritating essential oils. It’s been clinically proven to be gentle for cleansing sensitive skin, including acne-prone skin, eczema, rosacea and atopic dermatitis.

  • Dermatologist developed for even sensitive skin
  • Soap-free
  • Non-comedogenic” ~”) 

So far the cleanser has proven to be fantastic for my skin! Not using a washcloth to wash my face has helped a great deal, too! I have read that people with rosacea have to be careful even with doing so because the cloth and facial sponges can be too aggressive on our skin. And getting facials, sitting in saunas and other things like that are not necessarily the best idea for people with this skin condition. Also, modifying my exercise routine. Wait, why that?! Because the elevation of body temperature may also bring on the possibility of a flare-up. So I make sure to drink water as I workout to help maintain a cooler body temperature. When going outdoors be sure to always use a sunscreen, especially one that’s made for people with rosacea.

Like I mentioned earlier, being mindful of certain foods that can cause flare-ups like certain spices, spicy foods, citrus, dairy… the list is actually quite lengthy. Even hot beverages such as coffee and teas can be a no-no. I’ve learned to drink my hot beverages at a much lower temperature. (This part has been difficult because I do love my hot coffee and hot herbal teas!)

Other triggers for many people are sunlight, wind, certain kinds of make-up, emotions, alcohol, certain drugs that can dilate blood vessels such as blood pressure medications.

As far as foods go that have been triggers for me that I’ve discovered so far are citrus fruits, tomatoes, chili, pizza, anything with excessive sugar or white flour.. even the cinnamon infused water that I used to drink on a daily basis I’ve had to stop because of the flare-ups. I’ve also had to stop with my vinegar dose that I would take daily as an aid to help with my arthritis. Even things like mustard, strawberries, spinach and chocolate (which I love all) can be triggers. I’ve recently discovered that mouthwash with alcohol as an ingredient even triggers my rosacea. Crazy, huh?! Finding what triggers my rosacea will be a continuing lesson as time goes on. I’ve learned that triggers can be different from one person to the next, meaning that what may cause a flare-up for someone may not necessarily cause a flare-up for someone else.

My research on the topic has been extensive so far, and let me just tell you…. WOW!! But I am learning and I will get my rosacea under control. I understand that it won’t happen overnight, unfortunately, but it will be under control. The important part is that I was diagnosed with it early, thankfully!

And the month of April is known as Rosacea Awareness Month. “The goal of Rosacea Awareness Month is to spread public education on this disease so that more people who may have rosacea seek medical help before it gets worse, and so those whose lives are affected can find greater public acceptance and understanding.” ~

“Getting treatment is a must, so make sure you see your doctor. If you don’t take care of your rosacea, redness and swelling can get worse and might become permanent.” ~ webMD




Famous people with rosacea:

Bill Clinton (42nd President of the United States)

Renee Zellweger (Actress)

Diana, Princess of Whales

Prince William (Diana’s son)

W.C. Fields (Early film star from the 1920s and 1930s.)

Cameron Diaz (Actress)

Sam Smith (Musician)

Cynthia Nixon (Actress)

Rembrandt van Rijn (17th century Dutch painter)

Dita Von Teese (Model)

Lisa Faulkner (Celebrity chef)



The following are some really great sites that I’ve discovered regarding rosacea:

National Rosacea Society:

American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.: Rosacea Diet: Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid for Calmer Skin:

webMD: What is Rosacea:




So, wow!! A lot of info…. and so much more to learn!! If any of you have rosacea, please feel free to share. What are your triggers and how do you manage any flare-ups?





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





The Black Heart

On a bed of roses she lies

as the vampire drains her, she dies.

Drinking her blood, drop by drop,

tasting her crimson as her heart stops.

He feels the essence of her very soul

leave her body while she turns cold.

Then, the embodiment of Death comes to take her over.

The vampire has become her final lover.

The Grim Reaper reaches for her hand

to take her away to Purgatory’s land.

She looks up into his dark, hollowed eyes

then looks back at the vampire to say her goodbyes.

He returns her gaze as she drifts away,

longing for just one more moment for her to stay.

But her time has come for her at last.

It will no longer be present, the time will be past

as the reaper takes her away,

alone the vampire must stay.



(“The Black Heart” ~ Poem by Sheila Renee Parker)





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker

~ Sheila Renee Parker, “co-co-host” on The Calling @

and tune into us LIVE on The Calling every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. CST – 8 p.m. CST and join in the free chatroom at!





“Spooky Random Fact: #21”

“Spooky Random Fact: #21”

Street Light Interference….. what is this electrical phenomenon?

It’s a supernatural ability claimed by those who believe they have the power to manipulate outdoor lighting, like street lights, by turning them on or off at will when approaching them. A popular theory shared by believers suggest that individuals with this extraordinary ability can create street light interference by using the energy they emit from their own bodies. People who supposedly have this ability are referred to as Sliders.

Many skeptics believe that the cause behind SLI (Street Light Interference) is from the idea that street lights have timers and that the SLI events are simply pure coincidental when the lights happen to turn on or off at the exact same time when Sliders are near. Some skeptics even blame the lights going out on old, burned out light bulbs.

There is another phenomenon that closely resembles Street Light Interference and this other one is referred to as…. Read more at Street Light Interference: An Electrical Phenomenon






Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker




“The Empyrean”

Viewing the highest level of Heaven as it beams down through the clouds, amid its grandeur and grace.

There’s such beauty when gazing into the above, wouldn’t you agree? While watching the clouds drift by, one can see endless images form right before their very eyes. Such a majestic world we live in, one can easily get lost daydreaming in its glory.

“The Empyrean” is a work of art that I passionately created inspired by the late afternoon’s sky. I was so moved by the vibrancy of the blues and the cotton candied hues that I couldn’t resist getting lost in the intensity of the moment.

For prints, beach towels, fleece blankets, phone cases and so much more….visit Fine Art America!





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker






(“The Empyrean” ~ artwork by Sheila Renee Parker. Prints, beach towels, fleece blankets, phone cases and so much more…. available only at Fine Art America!)

“Dodging the Bullet”

Hey, everyone! Hoping you’re all having a great weekend! It’s a beautiful day here in the South. The Gulf Coast is blessed with amazing sunshine and the temp is currently 82°. 

However gorgeous the day is, the past few days haven’t been so bright for me. As many of you know, I’m a huge advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness. I’m always encouraging ladies to get annual mammograms to keep the ta-tas in check. I began getting mine when I turned forty. The first two years my mammograms came back with clean results, my ta-tas were healthy. *Thank goodness!*

But…. a couple of weeks ago when I went for my annual mammogram everything went well, same as usual….. or so I thought…. Then, last week I got a letter from the Women’s Imaging Center saying that my current screening “required additional imagining studies” and they wanted me to schedule to have another mammogram done. (I got this letter the very same afternoon that I learned about a very close friend of mine being diagnosed with stage three cancer in her intestines, so my nerves were already on end.)

My husband was in the shower and our son was in his room. As I quietly stood in the kitchen trying to keep myself quietly composed while I read the letter about my mammogram results, I couldn’t help but feel a lump in my throat as the tears welled in my eyes. I knew that my breasts felt fine, never any discomfort or anything of the sort, but I also knew that cancer could be present without any signs known to the individual.

I continued to keep silent, not wanting to cause any concern for my son, but when my husband got out of the shower, I showed him the letter. He read it and then told me that I was going to be fine and not to read too much into it. He was being strong when I couldn’t be. But then I remembered dinner and it was time for my family to eat, so I wiped away the tears and kept myself together for the rest of the evening, being my same ol’ silly self.

The next day as soon as I knew the clinic was open I called to make my appointment to have another mammogram. I had to wait a week before I could get in. That meant a week of not knowing what was going on with my body. The fear I concealed from my friends and family wasn’t easy to hold back. With everyone else having their busy lives, I didn’t want to trouble anyone with mine. So I’ve kept this to myself, until now. For those who know me best, I’m actually an extremely private person and don’t talk a lot about my personal life. What I do disclose about myself, I do so in hope to help others find courage and strength to overcome anything they may be going through.

As I said, I had to wait a week before getting my next appointment. Not just the fear of the possibility of maybe having anything cancerous, but also the entire “game changing” that it would do to me and my family. If I did have breast cancer, how would I tell my loved ones? It would crush them! And what would I do for work. I have two jobs, how would I be able to maintain my employment if I had to go to doctor appointments? Also, the treatments…. I know what it can do to the body. I’ve seen dear ones to me suffer and I didn’t want to go through that, too. Didn’t want my family to have to deal with that.

My thoughts were literally running scared. Of course, I continued with my goofy ways, but what I was going through stayed heavy on my mind. And the couple of days right before my appointment were even a little heavier to deal with. I just wanted the next mammogram to be done. I honestly had never wished for a day to be over with so badly.

Yesterday was the day. The alarm clock chimed at 5:40 a.m. I woke my son up for school just like any other day. He still was unaware of everything. My husband held me and reassured me that everything was going to be ok. As sweet as he was being, I still couldn’t stop my eyes from tearing up. But then I composed myself quickly so that our son couldn’t see me that way. About an hour later after my husband left for work and our son left for school, I was on my way to my appointment. I had to be at the Women’s Imaging Center at 7:00 a.m. When I arrived, the lady at the front desk said, “Oh, you’re here for a diagnostic mammogram and an ultrasound.” I questioned the ultrasound because I wasn’t aware of that one. The lady continued, “That’s just to be on the safe side in case they still have questions about this next mammogram.” I was quietly like, “Ok.” She added with her genuine smile, “Everything’s going to be fine.”

As I sat down, waiting to be called back, Stevie Nicks with Don Henley came on the radio singing “Leather & Lace”. I took a breath and sat still, listening to the song. I took it as a sign, a beautiful, positive sign that everything was going to be alright. Why? Because I am such a huge Stevie Nicks fan and hearing her voice made me feel better. I love her music!!

A few minutes later I was called back to have my mammogram. The tech said, “Oh, you’re back again.” I said quietly, “Yeah, unfortunately.” She, like everyone else, tried to reassure me by saying, “Everything’s gonna be ok.” To be honest, hearing everyone say that was beginning to become quite repetitive, but I knew everyone’s intentions were heartfelt.

During this next mammogram, as the tech was going through the steps, she asked me, “Did you lose weight since last year’s mammogram?” I said, “Yeah, a significant amount.” I then continued to explain why and how I did so by my lifestyle change of eating and being healthier and working out (I wrote about being healthier in a recent article titled, You’re Looking Too Thin.)

The tech looked at me and said, “That’s probably it!” I said, “Really? Cuz the thought did cross my mind.” The tech continued, “Yeah, losing weight can change the shape and appearance of your breasts. That’s probably why the concern of the mammograms from last year to now, but we still have to run the tests just to make absolute sure.”

“WOW!” I thought. I was starting to feel even better! It made total sense. Losing weight, changing my body…. I was beginning to understand things more clearly.

After the mammogram they still wanted to conduct the ultrasound. I happily went along with it. The second tech, just like the first one, was super sweet and made me feel even more comfortable. The ultrasound took nearly ten minutes. After that I had to wait almost ten more minutes for the second tech to return with the results. And you wanna know what?! The results came back perfectly fine!! Yep, that’s right!! A clean bill of health!! Talk about a massive huge weight being lifted off my shoulders!!! PHEW!!!! It was like all that heaviness of fear and the unknown from the previous week just automatically vanished!

I walked out of the ultrasound room and into the main lobby. The lady at the front desk asked me how things went. I gave her a big smile with two thumbs up saying, “Perfect!” She smiled back saying how happy she was for me. She and I then briefly exchanged stories of losing loved ones to breast cancer and how important it is to spread breast cancer awareness. Which lead to my purchase of a new t-shirt that the clinic was selling to raise money for the cause.

I am a very proud supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness! What I recently went through, even though my results came back clean and clear, the whole experience was still a “game changer” for me. It put even more things in perspective, my appreciation for love and life is all the stronger now. Not knowing for that week made me realize how fragile life really can be and how things can be changed literally all in an instant. All the questions… all the fear…. and yet one thing I have to admit is… I never questioned “Why me?”

The reason being is that with my belief, prior to us coming into our lives, us being born, we all agree to a “soul contract” that we accept. Now whether or not we fulfill our contracts, (or even acknowledge them for that matter) is up to our own personal awakening and how open we are to embracing change. (Again, this is my belief and I am not speaking on the behalf of anyone else.)

I am happy to say that I don’t have breast cancer, but if I did…. I would hope that I would continue to spread positive love and light to those who are in need. As a light worker I feel that is extremely important to continue. The night before last, I took a long hard look in the mirror and said to myself, “Alright, if you do have cancer, you’re still gonna do the best you can to live life to the fullest! You will not let this get the best of you! You’re strong, you’re gonna get through this! You have to for yourself and for your loved ones!”

I then put my game face on and said a silent prayer to the Universe… reaching out to the Angels and my Guardians, feeling their positive energy of love and light.




And with all of you, I feel that we should honor the ladies out there who aren’t so fortunate. May our hearts and prayers always go out to the fighters, the survivors and those whose lives were taken by breast cancer!



In memory of a very dear friend of mine…. Julie. After a long and exhausting battle, she lost her fight with breast cancer nearly four years ago. Along with my family, she is my inspiration to spreading awareness for this extremely important cause!



Here’s another article I wrote for Breast Cancer Awareness.





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker






The back of the t-shirt that I proudly bought to show my support for Breast Cancer Awareness!



The front of the t-shirt that I proudly bought to show my support for Breast Cancer Awareness! It’s a small image on the upper left-hand side of the shirt.



The delicious homemade cookie that the clinic was giving out. YUM!!!


“Coastal Life”

A beautiful depiction of a day at the beach!

Life here on Alabama’s beautiful Gulf Coast has always been such a blessing to me and my family. We’re originally from Tennessee, moved to the coast back in 2006 after eight years of vacationing at the location.

It’s definitely a different world than from where we’re from, but everything has been such a wonderful change. We don’t have any actual family here, but the close friends that we’ve made while living here have without a doubt become our family. Even though they aren’t blood relatives, they are all special parts of our lives. All of whom we hold very dear to our hearts!

Living on the coast, there’s a sense of wonderment that still captivates me and I wanted to capture that moment so I could share it with you. A day at the beach offers serenity for any and all who appreciate the blissfulness that the coast has to offer.

My artwork simply titled, “Coastal Life” can be found at Fine Art America…… prints, phone chargers, towels, blankets and so much more!





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





(“Coastal Life” ~ artwork by Sheila Renee Parker. Prints, phone chargers, towels, blankets and so much more available only at…..


“Spooky Random Fact: #17”

“Spooky Random Fact: #17”

Ok, everyone’s heard of Casper the Friendly Ghost, right? You know, the cute transparent guy who floats around through walls? If all the hauntings were as adorable as him, then that would be pretty amazing and all the little kiddies wouldn’t be so afraid of the things that go bump in the night.

Well, let’s take a step back and face reality here. Some hauntings can be pretty frightening and down right mind-numbing. Did you know that there are actually two known types of hauntings? Yes, intelligent and residual…

An intelligent haunting is when the spirits can interact with the living, a type of energy that DOES have consciousness. These spirits may find ways of communication much like the ways discussed in my previous blog titled, The Afterlife ~ A Corporeal’s Transition, or the spirits can often communicate through the use of a voice box; a tool that is used to collect electronic voice phenomena (EVPs)……….

The second type of haunting is known as a residual haunting. It’s more like a supernatural experience that resembles a recording of past energy. For instance, like hearing footsteps walking down an empty hallway when no one is there. It’s believed that in a location where someone has released a large amount of energy or heightened emotions were experienced and the energy attaches or “imprints” itself. As a result of the abiding energy, individuals in the future may get to experience seeing a type of “recording” of these events. Some signs of a residual haunting may be the absence of interaction from the spirit. As if the spirit doesn’t acknowledge the presence of the living person. The spirit will almost seem totally oblivious to anything that’s occurring in it’s presence.

I’ve actually encountered both. Read more at Intelligent & Residual Hauntings: What Are They?





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker






“Spooky Random Fact: #16”

“Spooky Random Fact: #16”

Do you have a fear of ghosts, anything ghoulish that goes bump in the night and causes fright?

Well, if you do, then don’t worry because millions of others do, too. It’s a very common fear known as “phasmophobia”. The word “phasmos” derives from the Greek language referring to “phantom” or “supernatural being”. It’s also known as “spectrophobia”. “Spectrum” is Latin referring to a specter, or an image of a thing, or an apparition.

Symptoms of phasmobia can typically be found in most disorders that lead to anxiety. A sufferer can go through feelings of dread, rapid heartbeat, panic attacks, also nausea and severe vomiting. It’s even been reported that a person suffering from phasmosphobia can develop OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in order to conduct rituals to negate any kind of ghostly presence.

Is there treatment for such a phobia? Read more at Phasmophobia: A Ghostly Fear





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: