The Lizard Totem

This little guy was hanging out on our decorative garden flag. So beautiful!!

“If Lizard is your Animal Totem, it reveals your inner world, and your stamina. It guides, and protects you, but at the same time it reminds you the importance of going with the flow of life. Lizard Totem is the symbol of a fluid mindset, that adapts fast in every situation, and makes the best of it.” ~,makes%20the%20best%20of%20it.


Be strong……

“Be strong, but not rude. Be kind, but not weak. Be bold, but don’t bully. Be humble, but not shy. Be confident, but not arrogant.” ~ Attitude to Inspiration ❤️

Should you ever find yourself victim….

“Should you ever find yourself victim of other people’s bitterness, jealousy, lies and insecurities, don’t let it bother you. Remember… things could be worse, you could be them.” ~ Attitude to Inspiration

Feeling the Vibe…

Feeling the vibe with the sun shining high above… It’s a great day to be alive!

Just a quick post to wish you a blessed day and a great weekend ahead. Hope you all are able to find some time to relax and take in a moment of peace.

You all are always greatly appreciated and much loved! Thank you for everything you do and for being amazing! You rock!!!

Love & Light!

~ Sheila 💋



“When a negative thought enters your mind, think three positive ones. Train yourself to flip the script!”

Wishing you all a great day! Enjoy!

~ Sheila 💋

Holding a grudge ….

“Holding a grudge doesn’t make you strong, it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn’t make you weak, it sets you free.”

Something I saw online, it speaks volumes! Don’t let grudges and bitterness rule you. Sometimes forgiving isn’t easy to do, trust me I know, but to forgive is also to release and releasing the negative can be so freeing for oneself.

Stay blessed and always know that you are much loved!

~ Sheila 💋

Being at Peace…

Last night was another beautiful sunset on the bay. It had rained earlier in the day yesterday, and like most days with many “after the rain” moments, the evening sky was full of breathtaking colors.

After dinner, my husband and I took a drive to a couple of different locations on the coast. Both places were just a few miles apart from each other, and for some strange reason, there were so many dragonflies out! More so than usual, it seemed. My husband and I loved it! Dragonflies are very special creatures to us. Their totem meaning ….

I tried to take photos of the dragonflies, but was unable to because they were so fast with their flight. But in one of my videos, a dragonfly did fly across my screen. I felt blessed!

Here are some photos from last night’s magical sunset. Had to share with you all. Hope you enjoy!

Much love & light!

~ Sheila 💋

The Power of Positive Affirmation: Positively Amazing!

What a fantastic way to live, bringing forth one’s own positive energy to create a sense of empowerment. Now I know that life isn’t always a bowl of Hershey Kisses, but each and every single one of us has the ability to manifest great things in our lives.

On a television show that I’ve recently viewed, the host was conveying a very inspiring message. It was right after I finished writing “Hearing Angels”, an article about angelic communication. I was already feeling a great deal of positive energy when I started watching what was on t.v., but for some reason the show really pulled me in. The entire thirty minutes of its air time was one continuous uplifting message. I was in such awe because of the timing. It was like a message of affirmation…. a positive reinforcement of what I had just finished writing prior to the show.

It helped me to better understand that we all have this remarkable sense of power within us. A strength that resides deep within our well-being that yearns to surface so that each of us can manifest our dreams, birthing them into reality.

All we have to do is be positive. I know sometimes that’s not easy to do. Trust me, I’ve had my share of hardships too, but whether or not to let that weigh me down was my choice. And I chose not to let it weigh me down. Instead, I allowed those difficult times to show me how to better myself, not just for me, but for those around me as well.

Energy is all around us, good and bad. Stay strong and stand for what you believe in. Focus on all that is good and positive things will happen. Have faith and know that the power of positive affirmation does exist.

Light will always prevail!

~ Sheila 💋

Today…. I will not…..

Remember, that which we cannot control causes unnecessary stress, which can lead to so many unnecessary problems. So, let go of the toxic mindset and simply “enjoy this beautiful day”.

~ Sheila 💋