Hey, hey, hey, everyone! TGIF and a very happy weekend to you all! If you’re here in the beautiful U.S.A., hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving yesterday! I know my fam and I did! Nothing better than spending time with loved ones!
It’s been a while since my last post…. a little more than three months, but I’ve been taking this time to…. as I mentioned in my last article…. “disconnect to reconnect”. Still working out daily, continuing to eat better… eating cleaner by omitting butter, oils, grease… refined sugars…. etc…. eating more produce and less processed…. and making sure to drink plenty of water instead of caloric drinks that are unhealthy.
Also, continuing to spend as much time going on nature walks as I can, weather permitting… (after all, the temps are getting colder). Trying to slow down my pace when it comes to enjoying life. Unfortunately, so many of us get wrapped up in the rat race of trying to get everything done in such a minute amount of time that we forget to literally stop and simply just…. breathe.
Periodically throughout the day, if we could all take a moment here and there to stop what we’re doing, regardless of what it is, and take a slow breath in… exhale slowly… repeat two more times, resulting in a total amount of three calming breaths. If we can all just do this two, three, or perhaps even more times a day, think of how much better we will feel. A more peaceful mindset helping us to stay focused so we can accomplish our goals more effectively with a positive outlook! Really isn’t hard to do once an individual initiates the process. Incorporate this simple act into your daily life, and before ya know it…. it becomes routine! That’s how it was for me. Something so simple as learning to stop and breathe has lead to so much more for me. And I couldn’t be happier! Life is a beautiful blessing, treat it as such and you will be blessed with life’s wondrous gifts.
And since my last post, not only have I been changing things internally for myself, I have also changed my appearance somewhat… lol. I no longer color my hair. Finally embracing my natural salt and pepper look! Got all my hair cut off and I love it!!! No more getting my hair colored every few weeks to hide the roots. My hair is so much softer and healthier now. Should have done it a loooonnnnggggg time ago, but I wasn’t quite ready to. All in due time, things will always happen accordingly. 🙂
Anywho…. I love you all and please stay blessed! You all are so extremely important, not just to me, but to those who hold you dear to their hearts as well. Realize your self-worth and continue to rock on!!! STAY AWESOME!!!!!! ❤
CSParkerJewelry on Etsy! https://www.etsy.com/shop/CSParkerJewelry (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)
Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!
~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.
~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author
~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker
~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html
~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker

Me with all my hair cut off…. Total transformation!!! And I love it!!! Stay blessed, everyone!! 🙂