Happy Monday, everyone!! It has been far too long since my last post back in February! Hope you all have been well during this pandemic. What a crazy time we are in….. Phew!
With that being said, just a simple reminder as I write this post that each and every single one of you are so very important. You rock in your own unique way! Life really is a blessing. Even though there are times that we go through that may seem otherwise, we need to remind ourselves that those moments, as difficult as they can be, can be used as catalysts to make us stronger. Trust me, I know from experience. I’m not always smiles and positive vibes. However, I do try my very best to promote “feel good energy”. 🙂
We all have our darkness and that’s perfectly ok. As long as we are constructive with our emotions and never destructive. We must construct learning experiences and grow from them, rising ever so high and graciously like the soaring Phoenixes that we all are!!
Remember when you look in the mirror…. you are looking at someone amazing! There is an insurmountable greatness within you! The ability that you have to achieve your dreams is something phenomenal! Anything is possible and you own the key to your future, no one else does. Let no one ever dim the light that resides deep within your beautiful heart. Shine your magnificence for all the world to see!!!
With all the negativity that’s out there, let’s negate those bad, nasty vibes by overcoming adversity. Stand tall, shoulders back with heads held high. Inhale a deep, engaging breath in through the nose… hold for a count of five…. then slowly exhale that breath out through the mouth. Continue that simple breathing technique periodically as you carry out your day. And guess what?! You’ve got this!!!! Go on with your awesome self!!! Rock those positive vibes! Love yourself and love others! Promote Love – Not Hate!
Massive Love & Light! ~ Sheila ❤

Sheila Renee Parker ~ Author. Artist. Empath.