Today I’m welcoming author and demonologist, GP Haggart. Thank you, GP for stopping by!
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am an author and theologian who has been involved with spiritual warfare since my first encounter with a demon in 1997. You know that ending phrase at the end of paranormal shows, “An exorcism was done in the house.” Yep, that’s me.
Why the paranormal?
I never attempted to associate myself with the paranormal community. I have always been a part of the church community. One day word spread about me to some paranormal groups who were confronting demonic cases and they asked me for advise. I then thought, “Hey, this paranormal community is growing quickly,” at the time, “I should write a book to help them with demonology.” I thought, “What better way to help more people.” Then, some online radio buffs contacted me to be on their shows and things took off. Next thing I knew producers were calling me for demonic advice and nearly got my own show. I look back now and thank God I didn’t. People are very opinionated these days and I just do not care to deal with the BS of slander and defamation that comes with the negative aspects of the paranormal community. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve made many friends in the paranormal and have a lot of fun talking with people in it. There is a sense of belonging the paranormal community has about it which is attractive.
What’s it like being both a pastor and a demonologist?
I was a pastor from 2003 to 2012. I do not pastor anymore and still get called by a few ministries to pastor for them but I have my reasons. When God calls me back to pastor I’ll do my best to be ready. To be both a pastor and a demonologist was intriguing. I investigated the cases and being an ordained minister at the time I would just cast out the demons right there; unlike most demonologists who wait for clergy to see evidence and get through their objective diagnosis.
You’re the demonology consultant for The Travel Channel’s, The Dead Files. Can you share with us one of your most frightening experiences?
The Demon War episode was frightening for the family. Amy determined the spirits there were demons and mainly in the little boys room. They were also plaguing the boy, and I felt for him. As a father, I love children and basically brought the heavy artillery in to keep those demons out. About the only thing you see me do on that episode is use the Orthodox intense burner because the producers really like the looks of it; that just cleansed the home. What I actually did that you don’t see that cast the demons out was the use of anointing oil from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on entry areas, and Holy soil wrapped in scripture placed in cracks outside the home. Needless to say they never came back and the boy is safe.
How do you prepare yourself for an investigation? And how do you protect yourself from any demonic activity?
I don’t usually investigate: paranormal investigators provide me with materials I need to study a case and make a determination of what applications to use to cast out demons. I have dealt with mostly stage 4 (The Advanced Stage) and stage 5 (The Dangerous Stage) and to be honest, the stuff I’ve seen makes you humble before God and hope He is there protecting you. You have to have faith in spiritual warfare. Most new comers to demonology get excited and go looking for demonic cases; I don’t. I hate this field, and am only involved because I have the knowledge and experience necessary to know what the demon is doing, what they are after, and how to remove their rights. There is nothing exciting about this field. I have experience so much spiritual warfare I was diagnosed with PTSD. People who get involved in demonology and spiritual warfare need to realize evangelism (love, spreading the gospel) is most important. You’ll know you are spreading the gospel right when the devil sends a demon your way. The knowledge of spiritual warfare is for defense purposes, not offense. Jesus and the apostles never went looking for demons, demons looked for them and showed up to try and divert attention away from the message of Jesus Christ. They hate Jesus. I recall one demon told me during an exorcism that he hated all the “Jesus crap.” When we spread God’s word and a demon shows up to put a wrench in our ministry, that is when spiritual warfare knowledge is needed: other than that the devil does not deserve any attention.
You’re also an author. Can you tell everyone a little about your books and where they can be purchased?
My books seem to be every where and for some reason they are very popular in Britain. But anyone can type my name in Amazon and there they are. I write a Mechanics series, volume one and two on demonology are out there, volume 3 I’m still writing and Mechanics of Angelology should be out in 2016. I wrote my testimony titled The Ekballist, about my life struggles with the demonic. I also wrote a few financial books to help people with money; used to be a financial rep too. I write a fantasy novel series titled Dragon Slayer, which chronicles the Pendragon family line from beginning to end.
If someone is in need of a demonologist, how can they contact you?
I’m on Facebook mostly and take a lot of questions, and consult. Most of the Paranormal groups in the Great Lakes region know me also.
What would you consider as a positive highlight from being a demonologist?
I have witnessed God’s providence. If you don’t know what that is, it is where God allows something to happen to you to strengthen and build you up for something in the future. You’re there wondering why events are happening to you but months or years down the road something happens in which you are prepared for. For me I suffered demonic possession in 1997 and look where I am today: using my experience to put a wrench in the devil’s plans for people.
What’s next for GP Haggart?
I would like to write a few more books on demonology and call it good. Then concentrate on writing novels. Continue to consult on cases, take extreme cases no one can handle as usual, and be a loving father to my son. I’m working on my masters of theology right now and ultimately would like to work on a doctorate. I may even be involved in a new show consulting on demonic cases. Oops, said too much. LOL
Any words of advice?
It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man. Just kidding. LOL
Always keep in mind demonic activity is a smoke screen; know what the demon is really after. And if you’ve ever been abused, please seek help. Most of the cases of possession I’ve handled always involved sexual abuse of some kind. No one should go through life with emotional pain.