A Strange Phenomenon

Last night something eerie happened! However, it wasn’t the first time, nor will it ever be the last time, I feel.

At home the light above the kitchen sink randomly started to flicker. (*No other lights in the house did this either.)

So, we decided to pull out the K2 Meters. They began lighting up! We were lucky enough to capture it on video.

Notice the stove light next to the sink light. It never flickered at all. Only the light above the sink kept performing its electrical theatrics, while both K2 Meters responded.

We bought the house nearly eight years ago. We were automatically drawn to its energy. Several things have happened while living here.

We’ve even captured EVPs here before!

Wanted to share an article that I recently wrote for my site about our house and its otherworldly activities….

(And trust me, I am definitely one to research and debunk before making any claims…. )

Anywho, here’s the article titled, “The House of Spirits” that I wrote about our beloved residence….. https://sheilareneeparker.com/2022/08/04/the-house-of-spirits/

Below are a couple of videos of last night’s strange phenomenon. Again, we checked the light bulb.. lighting… Etc… All are fine. Besides, if it were the light bulb and lighting, then explain the K2 Meters reacting and the EVPs we’ve captured before?!


The Historical Saluda Hill Cemetery

Saluda Hill Cemetery is a private historical cemetery established in 1824. Among the graves here is that of Zachariah Godbold, the only known Revolutionary War veteran buried in Baldwin County. Many Blakeley residents and Confederate soldiers also are buried in the cemetery.
Erected 1997 by Alabama Historical Association.” ~ https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=81854

The location is a small one with headstones dating back a couple of centuries. As mentioned above, Revolutionary War veteran Zachariah Godbold is buried there as well.  ~ https://sites.rootsweb.com/~alzgcdar/photos.htm

It’s a fascinating cemetery, aged, yet it also includes a few burials from recent years. My husband and I saw it across from the entrance of the Historic Blakeley State Park. Before heading back home, we decided to check it out and pay our respects to the graves.

Inside the cemetery were a couple of sectioned off places that looked like family plots. These two separate areas had low brick walls and wrought iron fences with a gate. One of the squared off plots had several old headstones dating back to the 1800s. One was of a young mother and her two young children. The headstone beside theirs was so weathered and worn that it was pieced together like a puzzle. It was obvious that someone went to great lengths to keep it together because it was being held up by some sort of makeshift metal brace.

The second sectioned off place didn’t have any visible markers or headstones that my husband or I could see. Perhaps it was due to the overgrowth of grass, or maybe the graves were unknown, or maybe the surviving family members couldn’t afford headstones (which was often the case back in the day.)

And at the back of this old cemetery was another gate with a pathway that lead to the Alabama State Veterans Memorial Cemetery. This cemetery was beautifully kept as well.

The following are some photos that we took of the historical Saluda Hill Cemetery.

This photo is of The Alabama State Veterans Memorial Cemetery.

Being at Peace…

Last night was another beautiful sunset on the bay. It had rained earlier in the day yesterday, and like most days with many “after the rain” moments, the evening sky was full of breathtaking colors.

After dinner, my husband and I took a drive to a couple of different locations on the coast. Both places were just a few miles apart from each other, and for some strange reason, there were so many dragonflies out! More so than usual, it seemed. My husband and I loved it! Dragonflies are very special creatures to us. Their totem meaning ….

I tried to take photos of the dragonflies, but was unable to because they were so fast with their flight. But in one of my videos, a dragonfly did fly across my screen. I felt blessed!

Here are some photos from last night’s magical sunset. Had to share with you all. Hope you enjoy!

Much love & light!

~ Sheila 💋

Dracula… A very intriguing coloring book!

A few years ago, a very dear friend of mine gave me a unique coloring book. I found it to be rather interesting because its theme was one of gothic design.

My friend, knowing my love of the classic story of Dracula written by Bram Stoker, was so excited to gift the book to me, and I was honored to accept such thoughtfulness.

The coloring book is full of pages containing beautiful artistic depictions from the story, also excerpts from the various characters including Dracula, Jonathan Harker, Jonathan’s beloved Mina, Dr. Seward and Professor Van Helsing.

The story’s quotes are illustrated in a beautiful font, as if someone had literally scripted them onto the pages by hand.

Now I must admit, I’ve never colored in this very special coloring book. Why? Especially since I’m such a huge fan and ever so grateful of my dear friend’s gift? The reason why I have never colored on its pages is because to me, the coloring book is already so extremely beautiful and I want to keep it just as it was when my friend first gave it to me. (I am an extremely sentimental person. 😉)

A shout out to my friend, Gigi for her kindness and thoughtful ways! ❤️

The following photos are of the beautiful coloring book, “Bram Stoker’s Dracula, a coloring classic. “

Stop and “Just Be….”

Taking a moment to “just be” is something we should all do more often. However, with the constant hustle and bustle of every day life, it can be rather difficult to do sometimes. That’s why it’s so important to stop what we’re doing, on occasion, and take a much needed moment to clear our thoughts and take a deep breath…..

A few nights ago my husband and I went to the bay and watched the sunset. The evening sky’s pinks were so intense!

Here are a few photos… Hope you enjoy!

~ Much love to you all! ❤️

Another day in the life of Fibro….

“Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain around the body. The pain stems from a problem in the way the nervous system processes pain signals.

Fibromyalgia also causes symptoms like tiredness, depression, and mental fog……

Fibromyalgia is a long-term, or chronic, condition. It causes symptoms such as:

  • musculoskeletal pain, or pain in the muscles and bones
  • tenderness
  • general fatigue
  • sleep and cognitive disturbances” ~ https://www.healthline.com/health/fibromyalgia/signs-of-fibromyalgia

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on September 29, 2020. At first the diagnosis felt like a slap in the face. I was kind of in denial because to accept it was to know that what I have is something that I would have to deal with for the rest of my life, and it terrified me. Initially I went to the doctor for my chronic pain and was hoping for a quick cure, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

Months of testing… Blood work…. X-rays…. MRIs… Specialists…. Physical therapy….. Chiropractor care…

Now, I look at Fibromyalgia differently. It has taught me acceptance and patience, as weird as that sounds. It has forced me to acknowledge that which I cannot control and to respect my body’s limits. I no longer push myself to do things, because if I do, I will greatly pay the price for it and my body will hurt a lot more the next day.

I still try to make the best of life and enjoy things, but at a much different level now.

Along with my Fibromyalgia, the doctors have discovered that I also have, degenerative disc disease and foraminal stenosis in my neck and lower spine, along with several other issues including bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, depression and anxiety.

Each day is different. It’s hard to make plans at times, because chronic pain with fibro flares can happen so unexpectedly. And then there’s the nausea that can come at random. Even while out running errands I’ve had to pull the car over to the side of the road because the nausea associated with fibromyalgia has been so intense that it would make me vomit.

So many crazy things that make me appreciate the good moments in life all the more. Life is what we make it and no matter what…. Life is beautiful and it is a blessing. ❤️

My rheumatologist once made a comment about my positive attitude. He was like, “if you’re in pain, it’s ok to let people know about it.” My response was… “I know, but coming into your office with a negative attitude could bring others down and I don’t want to do that. I’d rather make people smile. ” My chiropractor and physical therapist have also made similar comments…. Yet, that doesn’t mean that I don’t get cranky… But I refuse to let my body get the best of me. I have all these conditions that I’ve told you about, but they don’t have me! Inner strength and my faith help keep me strong.

We are all blessed. We just have to see the light from the brighter days.

Much love to you all!!

~ Sheila 💋

“Management – During a Flare”

Here is a great article I discovered. Wanted to share with those who are living with chronic pain….. you are not alone! ❤️

“Management – During a Flare.”

“• Recognise what is happening and how you are feeling. …
• Take the medications prescribed by your doctor, but avoid escalating doses for prolonged periods of time. …
• Focus on things you can control. …
• Reframe repetitive unhelpful thoughts. …
• Practice kindness and self-compassion…. ”

Read more @…… https://www.northernpaincentre.com.au/wellness/chronic-pain-tools/flare-management/

This is not a good day….

Oh my God, did I seriously write that as the title for this post?! So negative and you have my apologies!

But like I’ve mentioned before, it’s ok to have an “off day” .. And unfortunately, this is one for me.

Woke up hurting all over…. Head to toe … As many of you know, I have a lot of medical problems that cause me to have mobility issues and restrictions, plus I have fibromyalgia that intensifies everything.

About a month ago I had more X-rays, blood work and another MRI. The recent MRI was ordered by my pain management specialist. This time on both, my neck and back. In my neck they discovered straightening of my cervical lordosis… Also in my neck (like my lower back) I have degenerative disc disease.. and they also discovered foraminal stenosis in my neck and lower back. A lot going on!! So…. Pain, stiffness and aches still exist.

Also, I was asked a series of questions to rate my depression. I scored higher than normal (which apparently wasn’t good) and was recommended to start seeing a psychiatrist.

All of this is very embarrassing for me to openly talk about. So, why am I doing this?? Because I want others to know that we can all prevail, regardless.

I did sleep some last night and woke up hurting. My back, neck, and hip with a nasty headache, to add. Insomnia keeps me awake most nights and the previous night I was lucky to have gotten about 30 minutes of sleep.

Not just the insomnia, but the chronic pain makes rest very difficult to obtain.

With all the doctors, specialists and treatments that I get, the pain, stiffness and mobility issues still continue… But staying strong and positive the best I can… One day at a time! ❤️

Stay blessed, everyone. You are all loved!

~ Sheila 💋

The Bloody Benders….. A Family of Serial Killers

A few nights ago, I was channel surfing looking for something to watch as my eyes grew heavy with sleep. Then, I stumbled upon a film on Tubi (https://tubitv.com/ which is a free streaming channel with lots of great films and t.v. shows. I highly recommend it! And like I said… It’s free! 😁)

Anywho…. A horror film caught my eye. The actors and actresses were people I was unfamiliar with and there wasn’t loads of cinematic action, romance…. etc… So, why did this movie grab my attention?

Because of its description… And here it is…. “The real-life story of America’s first serial killer family, the infamous “Bloody Benders,” that terrorized homesteaders in late-19th century Kansas.” ~ https://tubitv.com/movies/514711/bender

“The Bender family, more well known as the Bloody Benders, were a family of serial killers who lived and operated in Labette County, Kansas, United States, from May 1871 to December 1872.[1] The family consisted of John Bender, his wife Elvira and their son John Jr. and daughter Kate. ” ~ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Benders

Even though my eyes were heavy and I was ready to drift off to sleep, I couldn’t resist wanting to watch this film all because it was based on true events. I was like, “A serial killer family? From the 1800s? Why was this the first time I was hearing about this?!?!” This family was alleged of killing several people.

I watched it and was tripping the whole time. Without giving any spoilers, the premise of the movie is about a doctor who is traveling out on the prairie. He happens upon an old house, literally out in the middle of nowhere, stops for groceries, a meal and a night’s lodging. All hosted by the Bender family which consists of an older couple, their daughter and young son. Well, he takes to their kindness and then falls victim to their murderous ways. Later, the doctor’s brother stumbles upon the house in search of his missing brother. He takes a liking to the daughter, but unlike his brother, was able to escape the murderous family’s acts…. You’ll have to watch the film to see how it ends because I don’t want to ruin the film for ya..

But according to several reports, this nefarious family was never… let me repeat…. NEVER….. caught! A family of serial killers…. Loose…. Never caught…. OMG, really?! That is freaky!! Chills!!

Anyway…. Check it out for yourself if you’re into history and films based on true events. It was insane! The whole story still freaks me out!