It’s been ten years ….. Wow!!

Hey everyone!

Going through some of my things… Can’t believe it’s been ten years since the publication of my novel, The Spirit Within!! Wow, time has really flown by!

Anywho… I have two copies…. If you would like to purchase a signed copy, just message me.

It’s $20 plus shipping.

Here’s what The Spirit Within is all about…..

“This is a paranormal romance. Perfect for young teens, young adults and everyone who believes in the spirit within. College student, Cassandra Blakemore may seem to have the perfect life on the outside with her loving family and friends, but on the inside she harbors a terror created by her abusive boyfriend, Raleigh Nichols, who quickly sinks his way deep into the bottom of the bottle. Cassandra’s emotional strength suddenly emerges but at a price as she’s faced with her worst fear. Battered and betrayed, she soon discovers hidden abilities while her own secrets unfold. As if levitation, telekinesis and premonitions weren’t enough, what else is Cassandra Blakemore hiding?”


Coming Out Of The Broom Closet

Not necessarily an easy thing to do for a witch. Well, at least not for me. I was raised as a Baptist. When I was little, we went to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. We also attended other church related events and gatherings like Vacation Bible School and holiday celebrations. I was even in the church choir. Everyone was always extremely welcoming and full of love, however that was never enough. Why I say this is because while growing up, my curiosity always had the best of me. I would often question things about religion and the reply I got every time was, “Never question God.”. No disrespect to the ones who told me that, but their answer never satisfied me. It actually troubled me because I wanted to know more. I’ve always been extremely inquisitive about life in general. So, when I was told “Never question God”, that made me want to question all the more.

As I got older, and upon doing my own research, I discovered there was so much more than what I was lead to believe as a child. Keep in mind, I am not trying to dance on anyone’s toes or show any kind of disrespect to anyone’s beliefs. I am merely speaking on my own personal behalf and what it was like for me. But after years and years of going through life feeling unfulfilled with my faith, I finally came to a point in my life when I stopped listening to certain popular beliefs that made me feel uncertain and them trying to fulfill their need to “save me”.

Wait…. Save me? Save me from what? I don’t need saving just because I don’t believe like them. And I am not going to Hell because of my choice. I no longer follow the path to which I was raised, meaning that of course, I am not a Christian. I am a Wiccan, a solitary practitioner. I do not belong in a coven (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that for those who do). I follow my own heart, my own path. I love being at one with nature and embracing all its magic. I communicate with the Angels, listen to my Spirit Guides and try my very best to live at peace with all the beautiful energies of the Universe.

A few summers ago, a young individual tried to convert me. She was on a missionary trip that lasted several weeks to help spread the word of Christ. While doing so, she and her group were seasonally employed at the same place where I worked. One day she asked me about my faith, so I openly told her about it. And then, as time went on, she tried to persuade me to listen to her as she attempted to make me change my belief. I asked her very calmly, “Why are you trying to do this?”. She replied, “Because I’m worried for your soul. I don’t want you to go to Hell.”

Honestly, I could see the concern in her eyes. She was such a kind and bright young lady, just a little naive was all. When she said that she was worried for my soul I told her, “No need to be worried because I’m not. I feel that I’m following the right path for me just as you are in your belief. As long as we all follow what is right and what is good, isn’t that what really matters? What defines your belief doesn’t define mine. Just because I don’t follow your path doesn’t mean I’m going to Hell.” That made her quiet for a moment as she pondered, looking into my eyes. I continued (again, very calmly and politely), “Honey, you’re wasting your breath with me.” I then put my arms around her to give her a great big hug and told her that I loved her because after all, she was such a sweetheart and a complete joy to work with.

It’s only been within the past few years that I’ve found the courage to speak openly about coming out of the broom closet. Why? Well, because of my upbringing and the societal fear about witches. (Wiccaphobia: the fear of witches or witchcraft.) Throughout the centuries, and thanks to Hollywood’s constant misleading portrayal, it’s easy to understand why people fear us. However, it is ignorance that keeps people in the dark. That’s why I now openly talk about being a Wiccan in hope to help educate others and let them know that we are nothing to be afraid of. I can only speak personally on my behalf because I know how I am with my spiritual journey and the fact is that I only practice white magic. I negate anything that is dark, negative and/ or evil. I stand proudly and firm with my beliefs and if anything of the latter ever tried to gain control over me, I would quickly call upon the Angels, my Spirit Guides and the positive energies of the Universe for white light protection. Trust me, I do not follow the dark arts. I promote, protect and project only and all that is good. As I always say, “Love & Light!” and I mean that with all my heart!

Several years back I wrote a previous article about another encounter that I had with a “bible handler” going door to door. Here’s that article titled, “Ignorance is Bliss”…. or is it just annoying?

Keep it real, people and never be afraid to be yourself! You are loved!! AND…. YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!

Love & Light! ~ Sheila 💋

Flowing with those beautiful positive vibes!!

Hey, hey, hey all you amazing people!! Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to you all! It’s been quite a while since my last post, but wanted to drop by to wish everyone well. Whatever your plans are for the upcoming days, make sure that they are full of all the wondrous possibilities that life has to offer. Why?? Because YOU are worth it!! Help spread those beautiful positive vibes and pay that gorgeous smile forward! Remember, even the most minute act of kindness can mean volumes to someone who needs it!


Love & Light, my friends!! ❤


~ Sheila





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





I Am A Witch……

I am a Witch, I do not hide.

A path I follow with great pride.

Love and Light I share thee well,

with intent cast in spell.

My heart is true, I do not lie

’tis can see with thine eye.

My Spirit runs deep by the Power of Three.

An’ it harm none…. so mote it be!



~ Poem by Sheila Renee Parker



I wrote the above poem about my own spirituality inspired by the wonderful season of Yule. However you spend this precious time of year, stay blessed and enjoy!


~ Love & Light, Sheila ❤





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker









Feeling Blessed!

Hey, hey, hey, everyone! TGIF and a very happy weekend to you all! If you’re here in the beautiful U.S.A., hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving yesterday! I know my fam and I did! Nothing better than spending time with loved ones!

It’s been a while since my last post…. a little more than three months, but I’ve been taking this time to…. as I mentioned in my last article…. “disconnect to reconnect”. Still working out daily, continuing to eat better… eating cleaner by omitting butter, oils, grease… refined sugars…. etc…. eating more produce and less processed…. and making sure to drink plenty of water instead of caloric drinks that are unhealthy.

Also, continuing to spend as much time going on nature walks as I can, weather permitting… (after all, the temps are getting colder). Trying to slow down my pace when it comes to enjoying life. Unfortunately, so many of us get wrapped up in the rat race of trying to get everything done in such a minute amount of time that we forget to literally stop and simply just…. breathe.

Periodically throughout the day, if we could all take a moment here and there to stop what we’re doing, regardless of what it is, and take a slow breath in… exhale slowly… repeat two more times, resulting in a total amount of three calming breaths. If we can all just do this two, three, or perhaps even more times a day, think of how much better we will feel. A more peaceful mindset helping us to stay focused so we can accomplish our goals more effectively with a positive outlook! Really isn’t hard to do once an individual initiates the process. Incorporate this simple act into your daily life, and before ya know it…. it becomes routine! That’s how it was for me. Something so simple as learning to stop and breathe has lead to so much more for me. And I couldn’t be happier! Life is a beautiful blessing, treat it as such and you will be blessed with life’s wondrous gifts.

And since my last post, not only have I been changing things internally for myself, I have also changed my appearance somewhat… lol. I no longer color my hair. Finally embracing my natural salt and pepper look! Got all my hair cut off and I love it!!! No more getting my hair colored every few weeks to hide the roots. My hair is so much softer and healthier now. Should have done it a loooonnnnggggg time ago, but I wasn’t quite ready to. All in due time, things will always happen accordingly. 🙂

Anywho…. I love you all and please stay blessed! You all are so extremely important, not just to me, but to those who hold you dear to their hearts as well. Realize your self-worth and continue to rock on!!! STAY AWESOME!!!!!! ❤





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





Me with all my hair cut off…. Total transformation!!! And I love it!!! Stay blessed, everyone!! 🙂

Disconnecting to Reconnect!

Happy Thursday, everyone! Hope you’re all doing well! It definitely has been an exciting and extremely busy time lately. So much going on with writing, working, scheduling a couple of upcoming events…… and getting my younger son prepared to go off to college in less than two weeks!!! That last part….. ripping my heart out!! LOL…. I feel the “empty nest syndrome” seriously coming on! But all is good. My son is moving onto a wonderful new chapter in his life! The waterworks have been well underway these past few days as we are getting the last minute details taken care of. He laughs at my reminiscing of the past eighteen years as I tell him how proud of him that me and my husband are and how inspiring of a young man that he is to us. With his kindhearted smile he says, “Oh, Mom…” …. I can’t help but to smile even more when he says things like that. Moments like that are sweet and precious to me. *sigh*  🙂

And since there is a lot going on right now, I’ve recently taken a hiatus from a few things including social media. I uninstalled all social media apps from my phone. I still have my profiles and can access them from the computer whenever I am on it and am very happy to do so. I will always love talking with everyone!

But I am taking this hiatus to focus on family time as my son goes off to college. Also, I’m taking this time as a “recharging time”, and let me tell ya, it has been absolutely wonderful!!! Not just on a “family level”, but also on a “personal level”. I’ve started meditating daily, learning new breathing techniques to help purify the body and channel positive energy, and making sure to go outside and walk barefoot to feel the beautiful Earth below my feet. As I’ve been doing that, I have brought my towel outside, got into a comfortable meditative position to become one with Nature. To feel the breeze gently blow around me, feel the sun’s rays on my skin and hear the birds. On Sunday there was even some thunder rolling off in the distance as the sun shined high in the sky with billowy clouds floating by…. pure serenity! I’ve also started listening to pan flute music while meditating, which is AMAZING!!! Highly recommend! Here are a few songs on YouTube that are beautiful!! I have to share with ya! If you meditate, incorporate them into your sessions. One word…. Relaxing!”




However, uninstalling from my phone certain apps to “disconnect”, I have discovered one app that I have fallen absolutely in love with! Here’s the link….

Just like the description says, “Deep Meditation: Relaxation & Sleep Meditation App”, and it’s FREE!!! I’ve had it since Monday and use it literally every single day. It’s extremely easy to navigate, and thank goodness because I am so technologically challenged. It does run very few adds, but not enough to be bothersome at all, and the adds never run during any meditation session. Only briefly for like a quick second when selecting a meditation option and no sound accompanies any of the adds. As soon as I see one, I just simply click it off. There is an option to pay for the app if one wants to remove the adds, but like I said, the adds are so few (hardly do I see one) that they aren’t a bother at all.

I love that the app has different types of meditation to choose from. Here are the ones in their selection: “Breathe”, Mindfulness Sessions”, “Deep Muscle Relaxation”, “Escapes”, “Classical Sessions”, and “Sleep Series”. The app also has awesome music to help relax one’s spirit, and throughout the day it sends little reminders of positive affirmation (that I love!). For example one will say, “If you want to relax, watch the clouds pass by if you’re laying on the grass, or sit in front of the creek, just doing nothing and having those still moments is what really rejuvenates the body.” or here’s another one… “There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.”.

At night, I’ve been using the “Sleep Series” before going to bed and it really does work. It helps greatly in calming my mind and relaxing my body which helps me to feel so much more rested. Honestly, I fell asleep during last night’s session because it worked so well. With the “Deep Muscle Relaxation” category, there are the different timed body scans that last five minutes, or twenty minutes, or thirty minutes, or forty-five minutes, depending on how long the individual wants the session to last. The body scans peacefully target different parts of the body, focusing on sending breath to each location, helping the mind, body and spirit to become aware of our breathing. Phenomenal techniques!

Since I’ve started “disconnecting to reconnect”, I have felt so much more at one and at peace with my surroundings. There is such a beautiful calmness that I’m discovering during this time of transition. Even though my baby, the grown man that he has become, is going off to college, I am also taking this time to reawaken myself.

So, definitely beautiful and fantastic things are happening! I hope for you all as well!

Remember to stay positive, pay it forward and always know that you rock!!! Wake up each and every single day knowing how truly amazing you are! Take a deep look in the mirror and see your inner light emerge, allowing it to shine so brightly that it illuminates any and everyone that you encounter! Let your smile be what makes someone else’s day all the more enjoyable! Stay blessed!!!


Much Love & Light!! ~ Sheila





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker











Year Five!! What a time to thrive!!!

WHOA!!!! WAIT!!! Where did the time go?! It’s been five awesome years since I created this blog and since then I have met soooooo many fantastic people!! I want to take this extremely special opportunity to thank each and every single one of you for being the amazing individuals that you are!! Let’s take a moment to….. *HAPPY DANCE* 😀

By writing and publishing my articles, it gives me the chance to not only learn from the research that I conduct, but also to learn from all of you. And just like one of my all time fave quotes go…. “I am still learning.” ~ Michelangelo ….. (which is so true) it really does speak volumes. The day that any one of us claims to have learned it all, is a sad day to behold, because it doesn’t matter who we are or what we do, there will always be more to learn.

I thank you all for being such wonderful inspirations. I hope everyone realizes their worth and how extremely important you are. Let each day be the start of something new, something so phenomenal that it excites you to be alive! Life is full of miraculous and beautiful things. We have to have the right mindset to see it, know it, and feel it with every fiber of our being. We are not here on this beautiful planet that we call home to “just exist”, we are all here to coexist to the absolute best of our ability!

Continue to share those positive vibes and pay it forward! You are massively appreciated and you are seriously loved! Together we can help each other rise above adversity and become the radiant stars that we are destined to be! Please don’t ever let anyone dim your light. We do have a purpose. Keep shining for all the world to see!!!

YOU ROCK!!!!!!! ❤


Love & Light,






CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker






“What A Sweetheart Design!”

Happy Monday all you ladies and gents!! We’re off to a great start for a fabulous week ahead! Wanted to share with you another gorgeous creation that Clay has made! This sweetheart choker-style necklace measures roughly 15 inches in length and is adorned with Earth-toned colored glass beads and copper-toned hearts.

Just a lovely example of the many pieces of jewelry that we are constantly wholeheartedly creating!



And always remember because you rock…. to live the life, laugh at every chance you can, and love the moment! Live. Laugh. Love. Continue to share those beautiful, positive vibes, everyone!! ❤



Love & Light, Sheila & Clay



Find us at CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!





(Sweetheart choker-style necklace handmade by Clay Parker of CSParkerJewelry!)

(Sweetheart choker-style necklace handmade by Clay Parker of CSParkerJewelry!)

(Sweetheart choker-style necklace handmade by Clay Parker of CSParkerJewelry!)

(Sweetheart choker-style necklace handmade by Clay Parker of CSParkerJewelry!)

(Sweetheart choker-style necklace handmade by Clay Parker of CSParkerJewelry!)

See What’s New!!!

Happy Friday, everyone! A definite TGIF, indeed! For those of you who are here in the United States, hope you all had a great 4th of July!

Just wanted to share with you a couple of pairs of beautiful dangle drop earrings that I created yesterday. Even though it was a holiday, my creativity never slows down. lol… As I always say….. “A creative mind never rests.”

Anywho…. stay blessed!! ❤

Massive love & light! ~ Sheila


Find our handmade jewelry at CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy! (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

CSParkerJewelry on Etsy! (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

CSParkerJewelry on Etsy! (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

CSParkerJewelry on Etsy! (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

CSParkerJewelry on Etsy! (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

“The Change”


The loud sound of gunfire exploded just feet away from my head causing my eyes to pop wide open. Panic stricken, I immediately jumped to my feet.

“Ma’am, are you ok?” The rifle toting man frantically asked.

“Huh? What?!” I spat the words out as my heart raced with fear. “What the hell’s goin’ on?”

“You were being attacked.” He continued while oddly looking my body over as if he was checking for something.

I shrugged him off with a harsh, scowled expression. “Get off me!”

“Hey, I was only tryin’ to help!” He abruptly growled back.

“Huh?” The confusion was still running rampant through my brain, but then a brief second of clarity began to occur. The night was pitch black, so black that even the moonlight couldn’t be seen through the thick cover of trees. I honestly couldn’t even see me waving my own hand in front of my eyes.

Then suddenly, my estranged hero started snapping his fingers in a rude attempt to get my attention. “Hey!” He exclaimed.

“What?” I shouted back.

“Look around you!” He yelled while shining his flashlight throughout the woods like a deranged lunatic.

“What the hell are you…….” My voice trailed off with a weakened tone as I started to see what he was referring to.

In my stunned state I had become paralyzed with fear. For what I had seen before me, in the flashed glimpses of his light, was the vanishing of ravenous creatures scurrying away. Their bellowed groans diminished into the air along with the foul stench that wreaked of rotting flesh from their bones.

I freaked, “What are those??!!”

“Calm down.” The hunter said.

“How can you tell me to calm down?” The tears welled my eyes and rushed down my cheeks like a busted dam had given way.

“Take a breath. Are you all right?” He added.

“I dunno, I guess so.” I began to feel my body, checking to make sure that everything was still intact. However, I did feel some soreness, maybe bruising in my lower back on the right side, but I wasn’t about to tell him about it. There was absolutely no way I was going to let some creeper lift up my shirt, even if it was to help me. His rough, unkempt appearance made me feel uncomfortable enough as it was. So, I casually lowered the bottom of my shirt and pretended that everything was ok.

“What’s a girl like you doing out here?” He asked, twitching around towards every little sound amongst the trees. His trigger happy self was armed and ready to fire again.

With a shameful tone I answered, “I’m homeless.”

“Homeless?” His annoying questions continued as he finally took notice of my make-shift campsite not far behind me.

“Yeah, had it out with my folks. Haven’t seen them in months. I guess with all the sleepless nights I’ve been having, that I finally passed out hard enough and didn’t even realize I was being attacked. Or maybe it was the drunk induced coma…. who knows? Or better yet…. who cares?” I spewed the words out with pure sarcasm. The harsh taste of last night’s whiskey still lingered on my lips.

“Ya know, you’re pretty nosy for an old man.” I snapped.

“Whatever, I gotcha. None of my business.” He backed off with his hands waving in the air.

Then, it was my turn to quiz him like he did me. “What’s your story? Why ya out here in the middle of the night carrying around a gun? Who goes huntin’ this late?”

“I’m a hunter.” He boastfully replied.

“Well, duh… I can see that.” I scoffed.

“Uh huh…..” He paused, looking around, guarded as if waiting for those vile creatures to return. “Those damned things. Whatever the hell they are. I hunt them.”

“Zombies?” The word blurted from my lips before I had a chance to even rationally think about what I was about to say. Suddenly, I felt a wave of embarrassment sweep over me because I knew that mentioning anything so bizarre was completely and totally insane.

“Yeah, somethin’ like that.” He quickly answered, still looking around, paranoid with every twitching sound. His trigger happy finger on his gun continued to be ready and waiting upon command.

“Wait! No way!! Zombies don’t exist.” I joked, but then was quickly reminded of the sharp pain in my back as it throbbed like that of a nagging toothache. And then, a disturbing thought popped into my head. One so horrifying that I wouldn’t dare speak about it to the hunter. The nightmarish possibility that what if when I was being attacked, I was actually bitten by one of those gruesome things? It was at that moment that I discovered the intensity of the wound on my back. As discreet as I was trying to be, the hunter took notice of my sudden behavior.

“Somethin’ wrong?” He glared.

“Nah, I’m good. Just an itch.” Quickly I brushed it off.

“Uh huh… don’t be such a lady and let me take a look then.” The old man stepped towards me, shining his flashlight at my waistline.

“I sure as hell ain’t no lady, and I swear if you take one step closer, I’m gonna take you out at the knee. Trust me, old man, I know how to take care of myself.” Moving three to four steps back, I stiffened up, ready for my defense.

“Ok, whatever. I don’t give a damn anyway.” He said as he backed away. And as he stepped back, a stick snapped under his foot. Somehow he lost his balance and fell to the ground. When he did, he caught himself, but while landing he scraped his hand, exposing the raw flesh just beneath the skin’s surface.

“Son of a…..” He mumbled.

Then, all of a sudden, I caught the sweet scent of something. It was something I had never smelled before, something sweet like nectar. I raised my head, sniffing the air around me trying to catch wind of it again. But the higher my nose got, the more faint the desirable smell became. Confused, I began to look around for its origin. My mood was changing and the feeling of emptiness started to take over in my stomach. Hunger was beginning to consume me at an exceedingly rapid pace. My stomach growled with a pain that was so intense that it needed immediate satisfaction. It was growling extremely uncontrollably and the need of fulfillment was urgent. My senses were sharpening, my vision and hearing, and my movements twitched. Something was happening, something terrifying!

“Hey, you all right?” The fallen hunter asked. He looked up at me with a puzzled look on his face, well aware of my odd behavior.

“Yeah, I feel just fine.” A malicious grin slowly formed across my face. As I spoke those words, I began to feel a nefarious sense engulf me. It permeated from the spot on my back and grew stronger as it coursed through my veins. Was it happening? Did those creatures pierce my skin with their razor-like teeth? I felt as if I was changing into one of them. The sense of being predator was exhilarating and the sudden urge to hunt was dire. I needed to feed.

And that was when it hit me. I looked down at the injured man on the ground. His scraped hand was bleeding….. ahhhh…. the sweet smell of nectar!

Our eyes locked and we both knew of the imminent danger that he was in. Obviously, his mounted years of being an experienced hunter paid off because he knew with whom he was dealing. The fierce change had been rapid for me. I had just been born into this ravenous world where rage devoured my soul and hunger had taken over. My nostrils flared and my heart raced, pulsating with every beat. I was ready to pounce him and tear him flesh from bone.

“Now, Miss…. ya ain’t gotta do this….” The rough man pleaded. He tried scurrying back while reaching for the long handled blade that was tucked away in his boot, but wasn’t quick enough for my unbridled advance.

In an instant, I was straddling on top of him, pinning his arms down with my legs. He struggled as hard as he could, even spat in my face and called me some “not so kind”names, but he still couldn’t break free. I suppose that with this new change of mine, came an insurmountable strength that I would have to get use to. Whatever it was, I liked it!

“Now, now, now…. I thought you were big, bad and tough.” I playfully teased, leaning in just inches from his face, so close that our breath intertwined. Anger filled his eyes as he gritted his teeth. Tension thickened between us as the heavy moment in time felt like an eternity. I was waiting for the right moment, almost like toying with my prey. It felt so good, almost orgasmic. Then, without warning, the bastard head butted me, busting my nose. The blood automatically started to flow down into my mouth.

“Mmmmm……” I licked it from my top lip. Tasting my own nectar caused the rage to intensify as it surged throughout my entire body. I reared back and bellowed out a wicked howl, then glared into the frightened eyes of my weakened victim. Terror covered him like a fear filled blanket. His lips trembled and his eyes welled while he cried out, “NOOOO!!!!”

I quickly lunged into him with razor-sharp teeth, piercing the warm, soft flesh of his neck like a hot knife cutting into butter. His blood flowed so sweetly into my mouth like the finest glass of merlot. From there, I began to nibble, then taking full bites to satisfy my insatiable hunger. I could feel his dying body convulse between my legs as I devoured him down to the last fiber of his being.

Finally, the hunter had become the hunted…..





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker