Today I’m welcoming empath/soul treader, Kelen, owner of Thank you, Kelen for stopping by!
Tell us about yourself.
I’m 38 years old, born in the east of France, I’m living in Canada since 3 years 1/2 now. As a lonely child, I was very calm and scared like hell about almost everything, I always thought the song “Fear of the Dark” had been written for me…Later, I studied psychology, learned about occult sciences, paranormal, stepped into meditation, Zen, crystals, cards, auras, Buddhism, symbols and dreams analysis almost ten years ago, I developed my empathic accuracy that works now with people, animals and houses.
I was raised in a catholic family and attended private catholic schools, nobody asked my opinion at that time, I rejected all kinds of religion and found myself in what I call “a way of mind and soul” with Buddhist philosophy. I discovered my psychic empathy very young, without really knowing about it… life of a souls treader…
Your website is called Unwanted, What was the driving force behind its creation?
At the beginning I didn’t even think about sharing my “gift” or helping people, I wasn’t sure about my feelings, if it was real or a trick played by my mind… First, I had to be sure that I wanted to deal with this part of me almost everyday, and then with people. I waited many years before I finally let myself in and use social media… I don’t like “clichés” and stereotypes as I use on my website, but sometimes you need to put popular words on what you’re dealing with. I don’t like to talk about ghosts or evil or spirits, those come from our fears, our ignorance about the unknown… for me it’s residual or intelligent energies, bad or good, stuck in our world or able to travel by vortex or portal. My strength is that I’m very comfortable with the two sides: very good or very bad, in bright light or darkness, life or death… duality is my soul mate in a perfect balance.
Unwanted sounds right to me, because everybody is afraid of the unknown, being disturbed by those kind of energies could be really unwanted… and I found it “catchy” 🙂
On your site you mention how you can feel the energies of the unexplained. What has that been like for you and how would you consider this ability, good or bad?
I guess it’s a family story, mixed with gypsy blood and bohemian origins on my father’s side, my great grandmother was a natural healer, the village “shaman”, her daughter was a tarot reader and passionate about occult sciences, my dad does astrology and has a very strong intuition…I grew up in Europe where houses can be 1000 years old, carrying a lot of energies and stories inside ..when I was younger I wasn’t sure about my perception, if it was a gift or a curse! It took me a few years before talking about it and starting to help people… Empaths are awake about their environment, energies, vibes… when you realize there’s something “different” inside you, you need to understand, it’s like learning a new language. For me now it’s having a kind of a permanent decoder and be able to “feel, hear and see” what’s behind.
Mind sharing with us some of your experiences and were they frightening or positive in nature, or maybe even both?
There’s two side on the coin, not more. Good or bad, light or darkness, positive or negative…
We have to deal with nice people or very bad people in life, residual or intelligent energies are alike.
I have a few stories and good or bad memories, but it’s usually good and positive experiences… especially with people I meet.
A funny one was the owners of a 200 year old house. They were sure that something wrong was moving the furniture and accessories in the house. It was an intelligent energy (precedent owner) who disagreed with the new decoration of the house, when I asked them if they wanted me to clean the house and make this entity leave, they said “no it’s not necessary, you know we get use to it and it’s very friendly, can she just not be upset every time we change furniture?”
Sad stories are connected with bad endings… violent death like suicide, alcohol trouble, violence, murder… the perfect cocktail to have residual energies.
I’ve never been physically attacked, but psychologically reached, destabilized a few times and scared… I had few experiences when I’ve been talked to, it always comes out of nowhere…
The last very sad one was a couple months ago when I was visiting a brand new shop of a friend of mine but in an old location. Everything was ok until I went to the back store. sadness took me down, I would throw up and cry immediately. I had to leave the room to feel better. I did the back and forward three times, same reaction… I finally found out what it was… a young woman, probably in her 30’s died, after sexual assault…
It took a medium and another souls treader to handle this case… I still have shivers every time I think about this place…
Also on your site you talk about the symptoms of having the presence of unwanted energies. What are some of the signs that people may experience?
There’s a lot of different signs, beside the water vs electrical problem (being watch sensation) or telluric fault (earth fault who can provide weird feeling) you may have those few experiences:
– You hear footsteps, tapping, or bumps
– You frequently experience cold spots, or a room temperature dramatically drops.
– You hear voices, music, or smells such as perfume or cigar smoke, or feel being touched somewhere on your body.
– You see shadows move across the room, or out of the corner of your eye.
– You often feel that you’re being watched or get that chilling feeling that makes your hair on your arms stand up.
– Items or furniture in your home move, disappear, then reappear frequently.
– Electrical appliances and/or lights turn on or off by themselves
– You see orbs, flashes of light, or mists.
– You or your kid see an apparition, your pets have a weird behavior
– You have a bad feeling or feeling anxious, nauseous in specific spots of the house.
– Or you simply moved to a new house and you want to be sure that it’s clean from negatives energies.
You even discuss dreams and symbols analysis. Share with everyone a little about that.
We spend almost one third or half of our lives asleep. I realized how important messages, symbols or others secrets in our lucid dreaming could be. The analysis is not a simple act as opening a dream dictionary and finding the meaning. Environment, feelings, sensations, people, light, location… every single part and details of the dream are related with the most important thing: symbols.
The most helpful way to understand is the analysis of these symbols hidden in the dreams. There’re strong messages in our unconscious life during the night, and some affect the daily one…
It took me a few years of research, analysis to understand my own dreams, now to provide advice and interpretations for people, reminds me how powerful dreams are in our spiritual leader life.
Tell me what you dream about, I’ll tell you who you are and where you’ll go!
Tell us about the types of services you provide and how can people contact you?
I do dream analysis as a consultant, you can reach me by phone or email, give me a few lines about your dream and I will provide a complete file with analysis, symbols and meaning.
For my principal “activity” it’s very simple: contact me by email, I will after a short interview and analysis, set an appointment at your place. I will walk around the house and let you know about my feelings.
If necessary, and only if, I will start a ritual:
– Cleansing complete house
– Cleansing owners / tenants
– Psychic protection and blessing
– Advice.
As you said earlier, I have my own website (home made) and I’m active on Twitter, Facebook, and recently (thanks to you) on wordpress..
What’s your advice when dealing with unwanted energies?
It’s very special, don’t try by yourself or with people who think they know. It’s almost like you’re sick and you want to cure yourself…
Stay away from internet advice, usually it’s the best way to make it worse.
Ghost Hunters are very popular, but beside the fact they want proof and a lot of views on youtube, they don’t really provide help, it’s more a hobby than anything else. I have a lot of respect for them, but as people can see in those “shows” when it starts to be excessively strong or powerful they ask for help! Mediums, psychics or souls treaders are the most qualified to do something really efficient and provide real help.
It could be a nice debate for a next interview : Ghost Hunters vs Souls treaders… at least we are powered by the same energy: the unknown! 🙂
Being respectful and well protected is the key. When those energies are very bad, malicious and powerful, only strong minds can avoid them. Another major risk: bringing it back with you…
A little tip: Think about cleaning yourself before and after, and believe!
Any positive words of wisdom?
As it’s written on my website, I’m grateful for every blessing the Universe has and will ever create for me!
I would like to sincerely thank you for your interest and your kindness!