A Shout Out to all our Veterans!

Good morning, everyone! It’s a beautiful, chilly day here on the Gulf Coast. I have my hot coffee at hand as I write you this article, ready to start the day!

Today is Friday, November 11th. A very important day for us here in the United States. It’s Veterans Day!

“A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.” ~ https://www.va.gov/opa/vetsday/vetdayhistory.asp

I have a lot of family members that have served in the military, and are still serving…. Including all branches. The military is extremely dear to me, gets me choked up with pride. I love them all!!

Also, with it being November 11th…. Which is Angel Number 11/11…. To me, it holds a great deal of significance as well.

*While other numbers also have special meanings, 1111 — in particular — is considered an “angel number” that has been connected to good events, “such as, people being saved from some life-threatening occurrences or circumstances,” says Vincent Genna, spiritual teacher, psychic therapist and host of weekly radio show, Stop Stopping Yourself!” ~ https://www.womansday.com/life/a39779218/1111-meaning-numerology/

“1111 is a very high vibration number that communicates confirmation, especially as it pertains to spiritual discovery and journeying,” says Lady Tracey Bond, innovator, co-creator of the DoubleOHHSevenEffect and spiritual author.

What does it mean to see 1111?

When you see 1111 — a time, on a piece of paper, on a license plate, a phone number, on a sign, etc. — angels are trying to tell you something. It’s time to connect with your intuition. Whether your life is about to change for the better or it’s signaling you to take action for a positive outcome, have faith. A good transformation is near.” ~ https://www.womansday.com/life/a39779218/1111-meaning-numerology/

So, it’s 11/11…. About our Angels and our courageous Veterans. Who in my heart, our Veterans are our Angels!

Thank you so much to all the Veterans who served our country! Your bravery and commitment speak volumes and there aren’t enough wonderful words to express the ongoing appreciation, respect and love that we have for you! ❤️

Resources for this article are: https://www.va.gov/opa/vetsday/vetdayhistory.asp & https://www.womansday.com/life/a39779218/1111-meaning-numerology/


Positivity is a choice…

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you all have a great week!

“Sure, not every day will be good, but there will always be something good about every day. Notice these thing and celebrate them.
Train your mind to see what’s right. Positivity is a choice.”

Stay blessed!

~ Sheila 💋

Fall In Love With Being Alive

Feeling those beautiful positive vibes and counting my blessings each and every single day!

Floating Transformations

Lately, it seems like I have been super fascinated with clouds. Yep, as random as that is. Lol

Life is full of changes, that’s why it’s so important to stay positive and count our blessings each and every single day!

While going for walks (and the occasional road trip), I can’t help but notice the clouds. As they drift by, they remind me of life. The clouds, being so different… from one floating body to the next… are like snowflakes, no two are alike.

Some appear to have a bright silver lining, while others don’t. Much like the ups and downs of life. And yet, the clouds still drift by, transforming and changing their shapes with the winds. Some times the clouds “cry” with their rain, while other times they make way for the sun to shine. They make things seem so simple. Which makes me wonder, why do we as humans tend to complicate things? For so many different reasons, I guess.

As I get older and face the changes that lie ahead, I am finally learning to accept that which I cannot control, embrace the unknown and love myself all the more with an open mind and an open heart. And to realize that it’s ok to smile and cry all in the same day. Sometimes even on the sunniest of days, rain can still fall. Actually, going for a nice, brisk walk in the rain can be quite invigorating, just sayin’!

Life is what we make it…. 😉

~ Sheila 💋

Here are some randomness from some of my walks… Had to share! ❤️

Thought for Today….

If someone gave you a rose, would you admire it for its beauty? Or would you criticize it for its thorns? 🤔 Or, would you appreciate the purpose of the thorns and understand the protection that they provide the flower from harmful predators?

Simple post, but life is all about perception. Have a great day, Happy Friday all you wonderful people!

~ Sheila 💋

Never Give Up!

“Never give up on your aspirations. Sometimes life is funny and can get in the way with simple distractions, but don’t let that stop you. If you have a dream, then go for it. You have the power to make it manifest itself into something fantastic, so mesmerizing that it has the possibility to astonish even the most daring of minds. Dream on and make it a reality.” ~ Sheila Renee Parker

Stay strong and always stay blessed! 🤗

The Paranormal & Me

All my life the paranormal has always been there, and I don’t mean that I’ve been plagued by demons or anything sinister. It was never like that for me. Still, when I saw my first shadow person prior to my teen years, it scared the living daylights out of me. It manifested itself just out of the corner of my eye. It was night time in a very well-lit room. I could feel its eyes looking straight at me. That was what prompted me to look in its direction. As soon as I turned my head to meet its gaze, it vanished into thin air. Even though its presence was nothing malevolent, I was still terrified to no end. I stayed up all night, too afraid to sleep, until the sun came up the next morning.

I’ve had several encounters with shadow people throughout the years since then, but I’m no longer afraid. Unlike many people who have negative encounters with shadow people, mine are quite the opposite. I experience no malevolence at all with shadow people. It’s almost like I get a sense of observance from them. Their presence is always “split-second” when they appear, then they’re gone.

I’m also an empath. Always knew I was different, but never knew how to “label” my ability until I reached my adult years. An empath is someone who is highly sensitive (in the supernatural sense) to others’ energies and emotions. To many, this ability is often thought of as a curse. I used to think this way as well and that was only because I didn’t understand what was going on. But now it’s no longer a curse for me. Rather, I consider it a gift that I’m very proud to have.

Growing up I usually kept quiet about the paranormal, only spoke to very few about it. My selective silence was due to the judgmental fear of what others thought. I didn’t want anyone to think I was crazy. So often is the paranormal viewed by many as something that’s dark and evil. Although, that’s not necessarily the case. The paranormal realm does consist of entities that may bring forth malevolence, but so does the world of the living. There are wicked people that walk around every single day. Spirits can also be very loving and full of light. However the spirit was during their living state, is how they often are once they have passed on. Meaning, that a person can carry on the same characteristics even after death.

The study and research of paranormal activity is extremely fascinating to me. I openly embrace the unknown, but with caution. I never provoke the spiritual world. I would never recommend doing that. Don’t provoke the living and don’t provoke the dead. It’s all about respect, I believe. And just because someone finds interest in the paranormal doesn’t mean that they’re living a “dark life and going straight to hell”. That’s for the narrow minded to believe. To better understand things, one must open their mind. Knowledge is never ending. One of my all time favorite quotes is by Michelangelo. It says, “I am still learning.” … and yes, for me that even applies to the paranormal.