A Grave Attraction

Hmmm…. The fascination of cemeteries, graves, headstones, gargoyles…. etc. etc…. To many, they are quite attracted to such places. Why? Well, to me (and yes, I am one of those who find these macabre locations to be rather intriguing.) there’s something serene about the atmosphere. I am at such peace when I am at a cemetery. Which, if one truly thinks about it, should be comforting to know that the dead are “resting in peace”. After all, I am an empath and can feel the deceased’s energy. 😉

Now that’s not to say that nefarious beings don’t lurk around in these places. All I’m saying is that I am never afraid while I’m in a cemetery. And then again, I’m always saying “no fear” when I publicly talk about the supernatural. Only because I faced my fears of the paranormal many years ago (from seeing shadow people to having a horrible Ouija Board experience), which is why I no longer am afraid. And I honestly believe that the main reason why I am not afraid of graveyards, is because that was actually the first location I had anything otherworldly happen to me. Previously, I wrote an article about it titled, “My First Paranormal Experience”. I was a very small child, and even though I was as young as I was, the experience was extremely comforting to me. I was so fascinated by it that it has always remained with me after all these years.

Getting back to the morbid curiosity of cemeteries. There is actually a name for this referred to as coimetromania. According to an online definition, it’s simply defined as “An abnormal attraction to and desire to visit cemeteries.” There are many, many people with this interest. And I’m sure that with each individual, their reasoning is just as unique as they are.

Just like those who love the final resting places of our beloved, there are many, many people who are terrified by cemeteries. Those who have this fear have coimetrophobia, which is referred to as “The abnormal and persistent fear of cemeteries.” Three years ago I wrote an article about this phobia titled, “A Grave Fear”. As much as I love graveyards, I personally do know some people who won’t even go near the places. And that in itself I find interesting… how people can be from one extreme to the other. Guess it’s all in part of how we as individuals can be as remarkable as we are!

I’m interested in how you feel about the topic? Are you intrigued by coimetromania or do you suffer from coimetrophobia? Or are you indifferent about it? I’d love to hear what you think!!


Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html








A Positive Note

Just wanted to wish you all a fabulous weekend! Like many folks, I have to work, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy to the best of our ability, right? 🙂

February is almost here! January literally flew by it seems, wow! Mardi Gras season has arrived here on the beautiful Gulf Coast with lots of exciting events planned. So many people will be attending the festive parades and fancy masquerade balls. Love seeing the costumes and such, absolutely beautiful and extremely creative!

I have some exciting news as well!! In the very near future I’ll be the guest on three different shows. I’m really looking forward to it all! Hope you can tune in and join us! I’ll be posting updates via social media to keep everyone informed. Here are my links on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram….

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

Again, everyone…. have a fabulous weekend!! Enjoy and be blessed!!


You are always loved!!! ❤

~ Sheila





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html






Teetering on the Parallels of Darkness & Light

“There should be no fear of darkness when the presence of light exists.”

~ Sheila Renee Parker ~


The battle between Light vs. Dark, Good vs. Evil is something that has plagued mankind throughout the millennia. Yin and Yang, Angels and Demons…. however one prefers to term it, each one of us faces what is right and what is wrong on a daily basis.

Does that mean that we “sin”? I believe that the interpretation of the word “sin” depends on the individual and their beliefs. Does that mean that I believe it’s okay for an individual to go out and cause havoc and harm if they believe that it’s okay? Definitely not! A rational mind should always know what is right from wrong. As I’ve said in a previous post titled, “Embrace the Dark, but live the Light”, I believe in “An it harm none, do what ye will.” 

So quick are people to place judgement upon others and call them “sinners” simply because of different morals and lifestyles. We are all different! Why is that so hard for so many to accept this simple fact? Often, when someone bravely decides to go on their own and not be a part of the “cookie cutter society” anymore, the person quickly becomes ostracized because they choose to embrace their individualism. Why is that? Does that mean that they’re bad people? Of course not! We are all unique!


There is good in everyone. However, some people do choose to embrace it more than others. Here is a verse from a book that I don’t necessarily follow, but I am extremely familiar with. It certainly speaks volumes. “He who is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” John 8:7

Often times, there is a fine line between the Dark and the Light that we may delicately find ourselves teetering on. And it’s okay to be aware of this. We just have to maintain the strength to always do what is right. Have faith and accept that there can be a beautiful balance between the two. So many times we beat ourselves up for faltering, and we shouldn’t do this. We are our own worst critics. This is something I’m far too familiar with, never giving myself enough credit, all in fear of exhibiting ego. But then again, many of us are guilty of this…. not giving ourselves enough credit where credit is due.

So, with all that being said… and that was a mouthful! LOL

“Live the Light, love the Dark and embrace everything in between.”

Keep the faith! And always remember…. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!


Love & Light ~ Sheila 🙂




~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html








Interview with Adventurer, Jax Menez Atwell

Today I’m welcoming adventurer, Jax Menez Atwell. Previously he shared with us what it was like to be the star of The History Channel’s television series, Missing In Alaska. And now he’s back to tell us about his exciting new show, Journey With Jax! Thank you, Jax for stopping by!




Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I like to describe myself, not by what I do or what I have done but what I am. I am a God fearing adventure lover who gets to be one of the fortunate people in this life that gets to make a living loving what he does! As an investigator, I’m right where I want to be.



In your previous interview you shared with us your experiences as an investigator on The History Channel’s television series, “Missing In Alaska”. Now you have an exciting new project that’s well underway. Tell us about “Journey With Jax”.

We didn’t struggle long in coming up with name for our new TV project. One thing that I have loved by my followers and friends is the ability to share so much of the world we live in for people who can’t do the things I can do. So, the “Journey” isn’t just mine it is all of us taking on an adventure together. JWJ is an investigative adventure show. We will look at abandoned places, adventures, lost stories, cold cases, and missing people but always coming from an investigative angle!



What’s the inspiration behind your new show?

To be honest the Journey I intend for JWJ is because I see a world that is truly becoming locked in one direction. A direction of “if it doesn’t exist on google” or “the internet can’t find an answer” then it doesn’t exist. I see our children, teens, and young adults locked into a world no bigger than their phones or tablets.

Our great older generations didn’t operate like that. They tell stories but nobody is listening. Cold cases are forever frozen. The missing stay missing. The abandoned walls of buildings have no champion as they are torn down. I can go on and on but if we don’t find a way to capture these things through investigative efforts they will be lost forever. I intend on doing my part to preserve as much and solve as much as possibly can!



What kind of locations do you visit throughout your travels for the show?

Every single location we go to for JWJ will be unique. They will originate from a case, the adventure to get to them and work on them will provide the back drop.



Do you have a favorite location so far?

You know there are so many places that I love, but too be honest I just love discovering new things and seeing things that very few, if any people get to see. So, I honestly don’t care where I am. If I can humanly get there I want to be there.



When and where will fans be able to tune in to “Journey With Jax”?

We are in a spot with JWJ in this changing digital world that we haven’t wanted to hamstring ourselves until we get really moving. The first investigation we will be working on is filming shortly and moves right into the second in a vastly different location. With all the interest we have been having, we’ve decided to do what we do with JWJ to the best of our abilities. We will know the answer soon, but at this time it could be on a network TV or go full blown digital so we can maintain the best control of it. Regardless, filming is commencing!



Where can fans follow you and your updates?

Journey with Jax can be followed in two spots: JourneywithJax.com and Facebook.com/journeywithjaxtv (also extra content and personal video blogs on youtube.com/journeywithjax)

I can be followed on social media:
IG: jax_menez_atwell
Twitter: @jaxmenezatwell


What else is in store for Jax Menez Atwell?

I so wish I could answer this question fully, but I am working on a huge project for an international social issue. It is a long way from where I can comment, but if God allows its completion, I hope it really opens some eyes!

I have a main role in a short film called, “The Survivors” premiering in film festivals starting in January. It was one of the most fulfilling films I’ve had the pleasure to work on and I hope the world gets a glimpse of what I feel is an incredible up and coming director.



Any positive words of wisdom you’d care to share?

Live each day like it’s your last and don’t ever believe you are the master of your life. You are a caretaker to what you have been given, so be a diligent steward to simple doors that God and life open or close for you. The only thing you can control is how hard you work, how much effort you put into things, and how much you allow the negative forces affect you. I know so many amazing people that do so much with so little and so many with so much that don’t come close.





Poltergeist: The “Noisy Ghost”



It’s been quite a while, but in the past I discussed two different types of hauntings known as intelligent and residual hauntings. An intelligent haunting is that of a spirit interaction with a conscious energy, whereas a residual haunting is energy that has been “recorded” from the past.

Ok, so what’s a poltergeist you ask? Well, the word “poltergeist” is German and loosely translates to meaning “noisy ghost”. I suppose you could say it’s similar to that of an intelligent haunting because it does interact with the living whereas a residual haunting is composed of “left-over” energy that’s a repetitive playback of itself. Poltergeist activity is quite often thought to be the work of malicious spirits wanting to wreak havoc upon the living. Many people have reported crazy things happening, like personal items being misplaced without plausible reason. Example: Wrist watches being left on a nightstand before falling deep into slumber only to awake to them being mysteriously relocated to another part of the house or lights flickering, television sets turning on by themselves, doors opening and closing, etc. etc. On a more frightening note, poltergeists have been known to be more physical in nature, inflicting pain like hair being pulled, poking or jabbing and even scratching people. The list of poltergeist activity can be very extensive and seem almost “made-up”, but accounts like these and many others date back centuries, coming from stories of old. They are not to be taken lightly and can be quite detrimental for anyone involved. People of all religions and spiritual paths have experienced such encounters.

A common belief claims that poltergeists are demons or “evil ghosts” that possibly are here to torment the living. An alternate belief claims that the origin of poltergeists actually derives from the individual experiencing it. For instance, a severely depressed person who harbors a lot of pinned up pain and frustration. Unfortunately, the saddened individual can often get so wrapped up in their own depression, that whatever negative energies they have can unconsciously project outward, out of the person’s psyche and body and manifest into something malevolent, thus taking on it’s own consciousness. And by this happening, this newly formed entity can form what is known as a spirit attachment to the living individual who is being haunted.

Parapsychologists believe that poltergeist activity can be explained by a phenomenon known as psychokinesis which is an alleged psychic ability that allows an individual to influence a physical system without physical interaction. However, there is no proven evidence that validates the existence of psychokinesis.




Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html