Hmmm…. The fascination of cemeteries, graves, headstones, gargoyles…. etc. etc…. To many, they are quite attracted to such places. Why? Well, to me (and yes, I am one of those who find these macabre locations to be rather intriguing.) there’s something serene about the atmosphere. I am at such peace when I am at a cemetery. Which, if one truly thinks about it, should be comforting to know that the dead are “resting in peace”. After all, I am an empath and can feel the deceased’s energy. 😉
Now that’s not to say that nefarious beings don’t lurk around in these places. All I’m saying is that I am never afraid while I’m in a cemetery. And then again, I’m always saying “no fear” when I publicly talk about the supernatural. Only because I faced my fears of the paranormal many years ago (from seeing shadow people to having a horrible Ouija Board experience), which is why I no longer am afraid. And I honestly believe that the main reason why I am not afraid of graveyards, is because that was actually the first location I had anything otherworldly happen to me. Previously, I wrote an article about it titled, “My First Paranormal Experience”. I was a very small child, and even though I was as young as I was, the experience was extremely comforting to me. I was so fascinated by it that it has always remained with me after all these years.
Getting back to the morbid curiosity of cemeteries. There is actually a name for this referred to as coimetromania. According to an online definition, it’s simply defined as “An abnormal attraction to and desire to visit cemeteries.” There are many, many people with this interest. And I’m sure that with each individual, their reasoning is just as unique as they are.
Just like those who love the final resting places of our beloved, there are many, many people who are terrified by cemeteries. Those who have this fear have coimetrophobia, which is referred to as “The abnormal and persistent fear of cemeteries.” Three years ago I wrote an article about this phobia titled, “A Grave Fear”. As much as I love graveyards, I personally do know some people who won’t even go near the places. And that in itself I find interesting… how people can be from one extreme to the other. Guess it’s all in part of how we as individuals can be as remarkable as we are!
I’m interested in how you feel about the topic? Are you intrigued by coimetromania or do you suffer from coimetrophobia? Or are you indifferent about it? I’d love to hear what you think!!
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~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.
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~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: