Yep, that’s right! I firmly believe that.
Ever get a feeling that you’re being watched? It doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad or terrifying feeling, just one when you know that you’re alone, but still…. you look over your shoulder because you swear that someone is there watching you? We all get that feeling. I know that I do, my whole life. And no, I am not crazy. lol. But I’ve always felt the presences of things. Ghosts, spirits, entities… whatever you want to call them, they are there. It’s not paranoia either. Trust me, I’m not paranoid about anything.
Ever since I can remember I’ve seen shadow people, been touched by spirits, heard and witnessed things, been visited by deceased loved ones in dreams, smelled odors and fragrances without any plausible explanation…. and so on, and so forth…. (not to mention how my “Angel Radio” is always on, but that’s another topic totally not related to ghosts, etc. My ability of angelic communication is on a different level all together for me.)
When I was a teenager, the house I lived in, I swear the presence of my deceased grandmother was felt on several occasions, and not just by me, but by others as well. Did that mean that our house was haunted? Definitely not! I never considered that, not for even a single moment.
A few years ago my husband and I, along with our younger son, lived in an apartment. My husband told me that he once saw a purple orb-like light there in one of the rooms. While living there I actually felt light touches, like a small child’s hand softly press against my arm. Did that mean that we feared that our apartment was haunted? No way!
And nearly four years ago we began the search to buy a home. Here’s the uncanny part…. my husband and I both looked at a listing of different homes, separately without looking at them together. We did this because we wanted to see if we were drawn to the same place without the influence of the other while looking. After we both made our choice, we showed each other which house we liked. Wanna know what? We both were drawn to the same exact house! The house was nearly twenty years old, had previous residents who obviously didn’t take proper care of the house and needed desperate painting in all the rooms throughout the brick home. It sat on almost a whole acre of land with lots of trees around it.
We decided to call our friend who’s a realtor so we could go look at the property located on the edge of town. As soon as we neared the address, right before pulling into the driveway, we started getting this intense feeling. It’s kind of hard to explain, but it was one where we literally felt like we were home, like it was speaking to us. I know that sounds insane, but it’s the truth. My husband and I felt so drawn to this house that we knew that we had to get it no matter what. It was a HUD home and a complete ass pain to get regardless of the fact that we were approved for the home’s mortgage. (Advice: if you are interested in purchasing a foreclosed home, be prepared to go through lots of red tape, just sayin’.)
Anyway, four months later we finally got the keys to our home and immediately started on the renovating. One day while my son and I were gone to school and work, my husband decided to take the day off so he could do some painting on the inside. When I got home he told me that he could feel a presence watching him from a corner in one of the rooms he was in. I then told him that I felt a presence there as well, an older female one. Also, I heard a male’s voice quietly say “Hey” in my right ear when I was all by myself on the other side of the house. And since then, we continue to feel their presences, but nothing malevolent. We believe they’re simply observing us. Why? Who knows. Maybe because they’re curious… perhaps bored…. but whatever the reason is… we coexist. My husband and I respect the spirits.
Recently, my husband bought some paranormal investigative equipment so we can start conducting our own paranormal investigations. (Ever since we got back from visiting The Bellaire House, my husband has been pumped about wanting to start investigating the paranormal even more, which has me even more excited as well!!) So with that being said, with the new equipment, he and I decided to attempt communication with the spirits that we have felt in our home. We were given the names of Isabella and Bryce. Isabella is the presence of the older lady that we felt. She feels warm and caring and Bryce seems like “he’s just hanging out”. Nothing bad at all.
What equipment did we use while communicating with our spirits? A Spirit Box SB 11, 2 KII EMF Meters and a flashlight (for flashlight responses, which is actually my favorite technique, as simple as it is.)
Do we think our home is haunted? No, we don’t! Again, nothing malevolent has ever happened in our home. And as far as the spirits go, no one has ever died in the house. So, where did the spirits come from? Excellent question! But my point is this, for as long as the beautiful Earth has existed, and for as many people who have died since the beginning of time….. not all of them have crossed over to the “Great Beyond”. So, where are their spirits? I believe here…. all around us. Meaning that spirits are everywhere!!
Keep in mind, I am an empath. I would have very easily picked up on negative entities if any lurked around our home. I believe in using sage to help keep the property cleansed and I practice white magic. Also, I call upon my guides and angels for white light protection because I am extremely protective of my family. Like I always say, positive vibes only!
Protect. Project. & Promote all that is good and good will always come back to you!
Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!
~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.
~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author
~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker
~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:
~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker

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