Dreams… or Premonitions?

Dreams come in many forms. For some people, dreams occur like random flashes of broken images while other individuals may experience visuals that are in-depth with extreme detail. Many people dream in various shades of black and white, and others dream in vivid colors. Dreams are as unique as the individual who has them. There are even people who claim they don’t dream at all. Some dreams can have such an effect on us that they may linger on our minds for days. However, some can become easily forgotten within minutes upon us waking.

And yet, there are those of us who have dreams that are more than mere fantasy. I’m speaking in regards to premonitions like the ones that I have. When I get premonitions, they happen like reoccurring dreams. Often, I will have them over a matter of weeks and more extreme ones have happened over a matter of a few years. For me, these reoccurring dreams (or premonitions as I like to call them) don’t cease until they actually happen in real life. Occasionally, I will get a premonition only once just prior to it becoming real.

Do I consider myself a seer? Absolutely not. I’ve never experienced visions like those reported by Michel de Nostredame, Edgar Cayce or even Sylvia Brown. I don’t even have visions on a regular basis. They’re not something that I can easily pull out of thin air either.

Some of the earliest premonitions that I can recall happened back when I was a little girl in elementary school. The visions weren’t anything epic, but nonetheless, they were still something to me. I could “see” events happening in advance and other similar things. Like I stated earlier, my premonitions occur during dreams. I, like everyone else, have ordinary dreams that aren’t premonitions. It’s easy for me to tell them apart. All my dreams and premonitions come to me very vividly and realistically. However, with my premonitions I get a feeling that’s kind of hard to explain. The best way for me to describe it would be to say that when I get a premonition dream, the vision is accompanied by an intense sense of “knowing”.

When I was a kid I wouldn’t speak about my visions, but as I got older, I would randomly say little things to my friends and they would be like, “how did you know?”. I would simply shrug my shoulders and laugh it off, being very nonchalant about it. Do I take my premonitions lightly? Of course not, but I don’t shy away from them either. I welcome them and always listen to my intuition.


A Spooky Q & A

At the speaking events that I’ve hosted in the past about the paranormal, I got asked all kinds of questions. The following are some of those questions.

1. What are some ways to help ward off negative energy?

As simple as this sounds, I get asked this a lot. There are actually lots of different things that a person can do to help guard against anything negative.

Saging (a.k.a. “smudging”) can be very effective and is very easy to do. All one has to do is get a bundle of sage and light one end of it. Blow the flame out and fan the burning smoke (this can be done with the use of a feather) throughout the area needing to be cleansed of negative energy. Many people choose to repeat a mantra as they do this. The mantra is primarily chosen by the individual and includes positive words of reinforcement. Also, the use of certain kinds of incense like dragonsblood and sandalwood can be used much in the same way as doing a smudging with sage.

Another way to help ward off negative energy is by “cleansing” the home with sea salt at the base of windows and doorways. This can also be extended out to the perimeter of one’s property to help create a protective barrier that blocks out anything negative.

Calling upon Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels is another effective way to help maintain a positive atmosphere. In my belief, I like to use the protection of white light. I find it pretty easy to do. All I do is envision a “protection shield of white light” encircling me.

Like I tell people, there are so many ways of removing negative energy. My suggestion is to find a way that works and practice it. Find comfort with it and know deep within the heart that there is empowerment in all that is positive.

2. Several family members have seen the spirits of deceased loved ones, but a certain family member may not be able to. Why is that?

Often the deceased will be seen by loved ones. Their spirits are seen by the bereaved sometimes for closure purposes, but there are times when the deceased will not make their presence known to certain individuals simply because the spirit may feel that their living loved one may not be “ready” to see them, there may be fear creating the block that prevents the encounter from happening.

The loss of a loved one is never easy for anyone, including the dead. We, the living, have lost them, but they’re the ones who lost their lives and for many deceased, the acceptance of passing away is more difficult to swallow than it is for the living. It’s possible for the dead to go through a grieving period as well.

3. Can animals be sensitive to the paranormal like humans?

I strongly believe that this is possible. I once talked with a lady who had a cat. Along with her family, she and the cat lived in an older house whose previous occupants also had a cat that had unfortunately died in the home. Prior to moving into the house, the lady said that her cat was sweet but very “stand-offish”. Then after they moved into the home, her cat started becoming very affectionate and wanted to be held all the time. It would act strangely around certain parts of the house as well. The lady told me that she believed that her cat was trying to hoard all the attention from the ghost cat of the previous tenants.

4. After someone who was considered a good person dies, can their spirit become malevolent?

Yes. For example, this can happen to victims of violent crimes that resulted in death. Therefore, causing them to feel as if they were horribly robbed of their life, creating mixed feelings of confusion and rage. With these distraught emotions, a happy person could quite possibly become the opposite in the afterlife.

5. Can the negative energy of someone living manifest itself into a malicious entity?

Unfortunately, this can happen. Someone who is deeply depressed and saddened can bear a great deal of negative energy. This dark energy emitted from the individual’s body can become so “weighed down” and “heavy” that it manifests into a separate entity that attaches itself to the depressed person. Therefore, the creation of something malevolent can be born even without the intentions of the individual.

At my speaking events, I encounter so many inquisitive people, and from them, I also learn. Knowledge is never ending… and understanding… well, that goes without saying…. having an opened mind is key to understanding the unknown.

“Wherever there is darkness, light will always prevail.”
~ Sheila Renee Parker

Being at Peace…

Last night was another beautiful sunset on the bay. It had rained earlier in the day yesterday, and like most days with many “after the rain” moments, the evening sky was full of breathtaking colors.

After dinner, my husband and I took a drive to a couple of different locations on the coast. Both places were just a few miles apart from each other, and for some strange reason, there were so many dragonflies out! More so than usual, it seemed. My husband and I loved it! Dragonflies are very special creatures to us. Their totem meaning ….

I tried to take photos of the dragonflies, but was unable to because they were so fast with their flight. But in one of my videos, a dragonfly did fly across my screen. I felt blessed!

Here are some photos from last night’s magical sunset. Had to share with you all. Hope you enjoy!

Much love & light!

~ Sheila 💋

Positivity is a choice…

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you all have a great week!

“Sure, not every day will be good, but there will always be something good about every day. Notice these thing and celebrate them.
Train your mind to see what’s right. Positivity is a choice.”

Stay blessed!

~ Sheila 💋

Dracula… A very intriguing coloring book!

A few years ago, a very dear friend of mine gave me a unique coloring book. I found it to be rather interesting because its theme was one of gothic design.

My friend, knowing my love of the classic story of Dracula written by Bram Stoker, was so excited to gift the book to me, and I was honored to accept such thoughtfulness.

The coloring book is full of pages containing beautiful artistic depictions from the story, also excerpts from the various characters including Dracula, Jonathan Harker, Jonathan’s beloved Mina, Dr. Seward and Professor Van Helsing.

The story’s quotes are illustrated in a beautiful font, as if someone had literally scripted them onto the pages by hand.

Now I must admit, I’ve never colored in this very special coloring book. Why? Especially since I’m such a huge fan and ever so grateful of my dear friend’s gift? The reason why I have never colored on its pages is because to me, the coloring book is already so extremely beautiful and I want to keep it just as it was when my friend first gave it to me. (I am an extremely sentimental person. 😉)

A shout out to my friend, Gigi for her kindness and thoughtful ways! ❤️

The following photos are of the beautiful coloring book, “Bram Stoker’s Dracula, a coloring classic. “

Vampires: Bloodthirsty or Energy Fed?

Recently I watched the classic 1987 vampire film, The Lost Boys. Great cast, awesome storyline and a killer soundtrack! I was just eleven years old when I first watched it on the silver screen and it was at that young age when my fascination with the fanged creatures emerged.

The Lost Boys, a group of reckless youths embracing their immortality that try their best to recruit an unsuspecting newcomer into their bloodthirsty ranks. Reluctantly he resists, but with a struggle so defiant that he almost gives into temptation. The forces of good and evil battle it out with a nail biting ending that’s sure to satisfy the hunger of any horror fan.

I have honestly watched this movie so many times that I’ve seriously lost count. But every time that I watch it, it’s like watching it for the first time all over again. I loved the eccentric grandpa, especially when he used Windex as aftershave right before he left to go out on a date with the widow Johnson. That scene cracks me up every time! The grandpa even said one of my favorite movie quotes… “One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach; all the damn vampires.”

However alluring these creatures of the night may seem, romanticized by some of Hollywood’s finest, in the paranormal world a similar creature has been reported to exist.
It’s often referred to as an “energy vampire”. Unlike its popular counterpart, the energy vampire doesn’t have pearly white fangs that are waiting to pierce the warm flesh of its victims to taste the crimson nectar that we call blood. These preternatural beings are said to appear as shadows without any definite shape or form. How they “feed” is by finding a host (someone that the energy vampire can psychically latch onto) and drain the individual of their energy. This supernatural creature can emit negative energy that weighs its victim down emotionally, mentally and physically. Their victim can experience a great deal of exhaustion, possibly a lack of appetite and even depression that can become so intense through time that professional help may be required.

Having a positive mindset will strengthen one’s well-being and a fierce belief in one’s inner light can easily negate anything that’s negative. There’s an ethereal beauty that resides in the light within us and there is nothing that can darken our will power as long as we remain strong!

The Power of Positive Affirmation: Positively Amazing!

What a fantastic way to live, bringing forth one’s own positive energy to create a sense of empowerment. Now I know that life isn’t always a bowl of Hershey Kisses, but each and every single one of us has the ability to manifest great things in our lives.

On a television show that I’ve recently viewed, the host was conveying a very inspiring message. It was right after I finished writing “Hearing Angels”, an article about angelic communication. I was already feeling a great deal of positive energy when I started watching what was on t.v., but for some reason the show really pulled me in. The entire thirty minutes of its air time was one continuous uplifting message. I was in such awe because of the timing. It was like a message of affirmation…. a positive reinforcement of what I had just finished writing prior to the show.

It helped me to better understand that we all have this remarkable sense of power within us. A strength that resides deep within our well-being that yearns to surface so that each of us can manifest our dreams, birthing them into reality.

All we have to do is be positive. I know sometimes that’s not easy to do. Trust me, I’ve had my share of hardships too, but whether or not to let that weigh me down was my choice. And I chose not to let it weigh me down. Instead, I allowed those difficult times to show me how to better myself, not just for me, but for those around me as well.

Energy is all around us, good and bad. Stay strong and stand for what you believe in. Focus on all that is good and positive things will happen. Have faith and know that the power of positive affirmation does exist.

Light will always prevail!

~ Sheila 💋

A Grave Fear

It’s the safest place in the world to be.” So often I hear this when it comes to the reference of cemeteries. Why? People always tell me it’s because the dead are not a part of the living any longer and it’s impossible for them to inflict harm to anyone. Then why is there such terror in the hearts of the individuals who suffer from coimetrophobia? Hmm… good question!

Coimetrophobia is the fear of cemeteries. Those who live with this phobia say that when they are in or around cemeteries, they experience shortness of breath, bodily shakes and breaking out in a sweat, just to name a few. More severe cases even experience heart palpitations and a sense of temporary paralyzation, preventing the sufferer to move. In fact, some people are so terrified by cemeteries that they avoid them all together.

Now, this is not a fear that has manifested itself only in recent years. It actually has been around for quite some time. Fear of the dead rising due to superstitious lore has plagued mankind throughout the ages. It has given birth to such creatures like zombies, vampires and other similar beings. And thanks to Hollywood, such frightening legends have been given a form of life across the silver screen. I, myself enjoy a hair-raising tale. I believe it keeps the blood pumping and the senses intact.

I personally do not have a fear of cemeteries. However, one night when I was much younger and while out with some friends, we went to an old church and cemetery that were way out in the middle of the countryside on an old gravelly road. The night was solemn as the moonlight shined on the top of each grave. We all walked among the headstones in search of anything that had the potential to frighten a bunch of teen girls. Nothing out of the ordinary was seen that I can recall, except for a small red glow viewable through the church’s window. Keep in mind that this church was not hooked up to any electricity. It even had an outhouse located at the back of its property. So, how was it possible to see the red light inside an old structure with graves dated back from the late 1800s?

We never investigated it, nor did any research relating to the site. We decided to keep our distance and leave it alone. But to think of that night still ponders me to this day.

Today…. I will not…..

Remember, that which we cannot control causes unnecessary stress, which can lead to so many unnecessary problems. So, let go of the toxic mindset and simply “enjoy this beautiful day”.

~ Sheila 💋