A Strange Phenomenon

Last night something eerie happened! However, it wasn’t the first time, nor will it ever be the last time, I feel.

At home the light above the kitchen sink randomly started to flicker. (*No other lights in the house did this either.)

So, we decided to pull out the K2 Meters. They began lighting up! We were lucky enough to capture it on video.

Notice the stove light next to the sink light. It never flickered at all. Only the light above the sink kept performing its electrical theatrics, while both K2 Meters responded.

We bought the house nearly eight years ago. We were automatically drawn to its energy. Several things have happened while living here.

We’ve even captured EVPs here before!

Wanted to share an article that I recently wrote for my site about our house and its otherworldly activities….

(And trust me, I am definitely one to research and debunk before making any claims…. )

Anywho, here’s the article titled, “The House of Spirits” that I wrote about our beloved residence….. https://sheilareneeparker.com/2022/08/04/the-house-of-spirits/

Below are a couple of videos of last night’s strange phenomenon. Again, we checked the light bulb.. lighting… Etc… All are fine. Besides, if it were the light bulb and lighting, then explain the K2 Meters reacting and the EVPs we’ve captured before?!


Friday the 13th

Eeekkk!!!! It’s Friday the 13th!!! Hope you’re not superstitious…. 😉

Every time the 13th comes around and it lands on a Friday I get this sense of excitement, like a random burst of energy. It might sound crazy, but I love it, it’s great!! Superstitions circling this particular day have been in existence for centuries. It has always fascinated me how so many people take certain precautions to avoid such unlucky behavior that is associated with this mysterious day.

If you’re not familiar with the term paraskevidekatriaphobia, it simply refers to the fear of Friday the 13th. Unfortunately, there are those who are seriously afraid of this day and their reasoning is just as unique as the individual is who possesses the fear. In fact, they can be so affected that they will disregard normal routine by staying indoors, taking the day off from work and some are so extreme that they won’t even get out of bed. There is belief that the Middle Ages could possibly be the origin of such a superstitious day, birthing from the story of Jesus’ last supper and crucifixion where thirteen people were present in the Upper Room on the thirteenth of Nisan Maundy Thursday, the night prior to Good Friday which was the day of Jesus’ death. While doing some research, I discovered USA Today’s article, Friday the 13th: 5 things to know. I checked it out and found it to be quite informative, thought you might, too.

This frightfully intriguing day has never created nail-biting experiences for me. Actually, when I was a senior in high school, I remember prom being on Friday the 13th. I didn’t go and it wasn’t because of superstitious belief either. I chose not to go because it was the first weekend of The Crow’s release and I wanted to see the film instead. The theater was completely packed, it was awesome!!! Loved it!!! In case you don’t know the film, here’s the intense trailer……

But in all seriousness, if you are superstitious…. then by all means, I give you the utmost respect when I say this…… avoid anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Tomorrow is Saturday the 14th…. have a beautiful weekend. Stay safe!! Much love & Light!

~ Sheila 💋


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The Infamous and Macabre LaLaurie Mansion

Yesterday was a gorgeous day! It started off rainy, but cleared up with a nice January coastal temperature reaching the mid seventies. My family and I decided to drive west three hours to have breakfast at one of our fave places…. Cafe du Monde.While in New Orleans, we walked around and checked out the LaLaurie Mansion. Unfortunately, we were unable to go inside, but still able to visit. It’s reported to be extremely haunted! The following tells of its macabre history….

“Tales of murder, mystery, and mayhem flow throughout the history of New Orleans, but none are more captivating than the LaLaurie Mansion. Madame Marie Delphine LaLaurie was a notable Creole socialite before tales of unimaginable cruelty and killing swirled.

The gorgeous Royal Street mansion is located in the heart of the French Quarter. The family spared no expense decorating, shipping in ornate décor from Europe. The house was the talk of the town and home to many extravagant affairs until the dark truth was uncovered.

Slaves mysteriously disappeared, never to be heard from again, screams of ungodly torture could be heard coming from the upstairs, and the Madame’s personal slave jumped from the roof to her death allegedly to avoid being taken to the room of terror.

It was thought Madame LaLaurie’s husband knew of the sadistic happenings but turned a blind eye.

As rumors of grisly behavior echoed throughout the town, the once sought after socialite was avoided, parties unattended. Since it was illegal to mistreat slaves, the Madame was forced to relinquish hers. However, they were given to family members and she acquired back a few at a time.

Although whispers of slave mistreatment swarmed through the town, the reality of Madame LaLaurie’s insanity was unearthed in 1834 when a fiery blaze started in the kitchen uncovered dark secrets as it swept through the mansion. According to legend, the fire was set by a slave trying to commit suicide because she could no longer endure the torture of the lady of the house.

During the cleanup, more than a dozen slaves were found chained upstairs, maimed and tortured. Both men and women, some strapped to a makeshift operating table while others were confined in cages, human body parts were scattered around. Heads and human organs thrown in buckets, other body parts were placed on shelves next to whips and paddles.

After a mob showed up to ransack the mansion, the LaLaurie’s fled town never to be heard from again. Since then, blood curdling screams can be heard at all hours of the night, figures can be seen floating around.” ~ https://www.neworleansghostadventurestour.com/news/the-lalaurie-house-haunting/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA5NSdBhDfARIsALzs2ECiujxF7D2ai47Bku5tG1h2H6jcBtJTetEH3sg3-vZd9X1sMeUmk_AaAvljEALw_wcB

The following is a photo of the LaLaurie Mansion. Even with it’s dreaded history, the location is still very beautiful. And just after the first photo, are additional ones we took while we were visiting New Orleans. Love that architecture!!!

Stay blessed, everyone and know that you are all loved!

~ Sheila 💋

The LaLaurie Mansion


As Christmas vastly approaches, many of us celebrate with family traditions and regaled storytelling. However, some tales aren’t so lavish and magical. In fact, some are the makings of horrible nightmares. The story of Krampus is certainly one not to be ignored.

Krampus, a humanoid creature bearing a pair of wicked looking horns atop his head, resembling that of a sinister being set out to wreak punishment on all misbehaving youngsters during the Christmas holiday season. Unlike his jolly counterpart, good ol’ Saint Nick, Krampus doesn’t have a fantastical list of names that “he’s checking it twice and gonna find out who’s naughty or nice”. Nope, according to tradition that began centuries ago in Germany, Krampus begins appearing throughout the towns on the eve of December 6th known as Krampusnacht. His mission? To seek out the ungrateful children, snatch them up and take them back to his lair where he commits unspeakable acts of torture. This Christmas Devil is quite nefarious and isn’t exactly my cup of hot cocoa when it comes to memories of a warm holiday season, but still rather interesting. Interesting enough that a feature film has been released throughout the cinematic world titled, Krampus.

Folklore claims that this evil beast is the son of Hel. In Norse Mythology, Hel is a female who rules over the realm also known as Hel where many dead are said to go. According to Norse Mythology, Hel is the daughter of the shape shifter referred to as Loki and the phrase “Go to Hel” simply means to die. Not exactly an idyllic family tree compiled of warm holiday sentiment.

So, my question is this….. Since Krampus is a dark being of irrefutable fear that weeds out the bad children from the good, is he in cahoots with our beloved Santa Claus in order to help restore the light in humanity? Hmmm…. Question to ponder…. 🤔

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Men In Black

“Here come the men in black, the galaxy defenders……” ok, no worries, I’m not going to start singing the song. I’m sure Will Smith wouldn’t approve and luckily for you, by reading this, you’re not tortured by hearing my unmelodious voice. 😉 And I’m not here to talk about the hit film starring the very talented Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. However, I am a huge fan of their movies!

BUT……. I am talking about the supposedly real-life individuals known as the “Men In Black” (MIBs). Just like the Hollywood portrayals, these non-fictitious characters primarily wear black suits, white button-up shirts and black ties. They are reportedly some sort of secret organization that has been obviously denied by certain officials. It’s been said that the mysterious Men In Black appear anytime UFO sightings have been experienced. Why? Possible cover-up involvement? To insure that UFO witnesses remain quiet about what they have seen? By intimidating and threatening those who dare to speak publicly about any sort of UFO interactions?

Throughout recent decades, many supporters/investigators of ufology have supposedly been harassed and some have even died by mysterious causes. Are the MIBs to blame for all of this misfortune? Who knows?? It’s also alleged that the Men In Black have taped and recorded UFO hunters’ phones.

I personally have never experienced anything like this nor have I seen an alien or UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) of any kind. I’ve only witnessed shadow people, clairaudient experiences, touched by spirits and other paranormal encounters similar to those, but never aliens. I do know people who have claimed to have seen visitors from other planets, but none of them have ever told me about any visitors from the “Men In Black”.

So, do these well-dressed individuals actually exist or….??? I wouldn’t wanna find out…….

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A Ghostly Perspective

This next post was inspired by a film that I’ve recently watched titled, The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia. The film is based on a true story and here is its description: “A historic Southern home’s new residents come face to face with a malevolent force.”

While watching, that was when it dawned on me that I was already familiar with the people portrayed in the film. I had seen them on other paranormal shows talking about their story and discussing the daughter’s ability of clairvoyance and communicating with the dead.

After I finished watching the film, it got me to thinking about ghosts and why some of them seem to be so malevolent. Perhaps their spirit isn’t actually malevolent at all. Maybe they just seem that way because they are trying to convey a message to the living. And after countless failed attempts of communication with the living, the ghosts become enraged because they have something to say but have no way of reaching the other side.

I know it may sound crazy, even far-fetched, but it made me think. So, by the time these ghosts finally find someone with whom they are able to communicate, they’re ready to unleash all their built-up emotions. And with the rush of feeling (and the fact that they’re dead) it’s easy to understand why the living can get so terrified by a paranormal encounter.

It makes total sense to me. Put yourself in their position. One day you’re walking down the street and all is well, then unfortunately something tragically out of the blue happens and you’re no longer part of the living. You’re now on the other side. You’re terrified, freaking out and you have no one to turn to. You try so hard to communicate with the living, but nothing – nadda. You try and try until one day your persistence finally becomes successful when you’re able to communicate with someone. But by this time, when you’re able to speak to a clairvoyant or whomever, you’ve got all this rush of excitement and that’s what scares the living because it becomes too overwhelming for them to handle.

Now this isn’t me in any way, shape or form, discarding all malevolent entities as non-malevolent. Extreme caution should always be utilized when investigating the paranormal because there are evil creatures/beings on the other side. So, be careful!

But the film did make me think and I wanted to share……


Season of the Witch

It’s that time of the year again! Halloween is just around the corner, love it…. My fave holiday!

Fall weather is here…. Pumpkin spice and everything nice…. Ghosts, goblins, spooks and ghouls… And the ever enchanting witch. Magic is definitely in the air!

I, myself am Wiccan. I practice white magic. So with that being said, I hold a very special place in my heart for witches.

One of my fave songs is a cover by Lana Del Rey titled, “Season of the Witch”. https://youtu.be/zA4OjrpVsiY

Also, I just finished a shadowy sketch of a witch. Added a soft pink for her lips… Kept it simple.

Sketch by Sheila Renee Parker

“An it harm none, do what thou will.”

Blessed be, everyone!

~ Sheila 💋

The Endeared

One, two, three and four.
The petals are soft, but they still hit the floor.
Plucked from the bloom, the rose lays bare
in the hands of the jaded without a care.

A bodice draped in elegant lace
defines the figure of Victorian grace.
Staring out the window, vision’s a blur
from tear filled eyes longing for a cure.

Strong is the will waiting to survive,
creating the happiness to make one feel alive.

Suddenly, a love that’s been removed
now comes into view,
a view that’s been long over due.

The faint smell of a cigar quickly fills the
room with no smoke in sight.
Accompanied by a warm, curious feeling,
nothing of fright.

The ghostly vision comes clear
as he approaches her near.
To him she says sadly, “I’ve aged a bit.”
He sweetly replies, “Not in my eyes. I still see you as exquisite.”

Then he caresses her cheek softly and full of love. He adds,
“I still see you as my beautiful dove.”
A smile sweeps across her wrinkled face,
so elegant and full of grace.
She whispers, “I love you, my dear for all eternity.”
He nods, “I know, my sweet for our love shall forever be.”

(A poem by Sheila Renee Parker)


Suicide Forest

Sounds like such a frightening place doesn’t it? Suicide Forest, full of despair and darkness. It’s located at the northwest base of Mount Fuji in Japan and is also known as Aokigahara. This fourteen square mile forest is so thick with trees and other natural formations that it makes it difficult to hear anything that doesn’t belong there.

If anyone wants to visit the Sea of Trees, be forewarned for it harbors an egregious reputation. It’s reported to have an association with demons and more than fifty suicides took place among the woods in 2010. Sadly, this forest is one of the top three most popular locations worldwide for suicide. Up until around 1988, nearly thirty reported suicides occurred yearly. These lost lives have not gone unnoticed. Because of their tragedies, a warning sign has been erected at the beginning of the trail pleading that anyone contemplating suicide to please consider their loved ones and to contact a suicide prevention hotline.

Why the dark history? It’s believed that an old Japanese custom referred to as ubasute was practiced there until the 1800s and that the victims of this tragic era are to blame for the hauntings. Ubasute refers to an act where an elderly relative would be taken to an isolated location and left there to perish, be it by starvation, exposure to the elements, dehydration, etc….. all for the sake of euthanasia.

A feature film titled, The Forest starring Natalie Dormer and Taylor Kinney was released a few years ago regarding the topic. Here’s the cinematic trailer…

Suicide is nothing to take lightly and should be treated as an extremely serious matter. The following is contact information for suicide prevention.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (website)

Phone Number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

the forest

Below is a photo of the warning sign pleading that anyone contemplating suicide to please consider their loved ones and to contact a suicide prevention hotline.

suicide forest sign

Fear Cemeteries?

Fear cemeteries? Wait, no way… not me!!

Hmmm…. The fascination of cemeteries, graves, headstones, gargoyles…. etc. etc…. To many, they are quite attracted to such places. Why? Well, to me (and yes, I am one of those who find these macabre locations to be rather intriguing.) there’s something serene about the atmosphere. I am at such peace when I am at a cemetery. Which, if one truly thinks about it, should be comforting to know that the dead are “resting in peace”. After all, I am an empath and can feel the deceased’s energy. 😉

Did you know that there is actually a name for this curious allure? It’s referred to as coimetromania. According to an online definition, it’s simply defined as “An abnormal attraction to and desire to visit cemeteries.” There are many, many people with this interest. And I’m sure that with each individual, their reasoning is just as unique as they are……Find out more by reading….. A Grave Attraction