“Spooky Random Fact: #21”
Street Light Interference….. what is this electrical phenomenon?
It’s a supernatural ability claimed by those who believe they have the power to manipulate outdoor lighting, like street lights, by turning them on or off at will when approaching them. A popular theory shared by believers suggest that individuals with this extraordinary ability can create street light interference by using the energy they emit from their own bodies. People who supposedly have this ability are referred to as Sliders.
Many skeptics believe that the cause behind SLI (Street Light Interference) is from the idea that street lights have timers and that the SLI events are simply pure coincidental when the lights happen to turn on or off at the exact same time when Sliders are near. Some skeptics even blame the lights going out on old, burned out light bulbs.
There is another phenomenon that closely resembles Street Light Interference and this other one is referred to as…. Read more at Street Light Interference: An Electrical Phenomenon
“Spooky Random Fact: #20”
“Wiccaphobia” … now this phobia is rather interesting to me…..
Why? Because of my own personal beliefs and spiritual journey. Wiccaphobia: which is the fear of witches and/or witchcraft. I am Wiccan, a solitary one who practices the use of white magic, and there’s definitely no reason to fear anything I do. I only believe in promoting love and light. I am well aware of those who practice dark magic, and I also stay away from them. However, that doesn’t mean that I fear them.
But respectfully, it’s easy to fear that which one doesn’t understand. It takes strength, courage and faith to overcome adversity. That’s why I always encourage educating oneself. It helps to eliminate misinformation and eradicate fears.
To learn more about other phobias, including Samhainphobia: which is the fear of Halloween, read more at Phasmophobia: A Ghostly Fear.
“Spooky Random Fact: #19”
Automatic writing….. hmmmm…..
What is this mysterious form of writing and why are some so enraptured by it while others find it insidious? The practice of automatic writing (a.k.a. psychography) is a supernatural ability used by many individuals to communicate with spirits.
Often a person will sit in a trance-like state with a small chalkboard and a piece of chalk. While channeling, the individual allows the spirit to communicate through them. The person will transcribe the spirit’s message onto the chalkboard. This can also be done with the use of pen and paper. The individual, through which the spirit is communicating, claims to have no control over what’s being written, claiming that the spirit is in total control.
The mere thought of doing such an act frightens many people because of the idea of spirits entering (even if it’s for a brief period of time) a person’s body. They fear the possibility of a spiritual attachment. The use of a Ouija Board has also been considered a form of automatic writing.
A well-known case of automatic writing comes from the nineteenth century. New York Supreme Court Judge, John Worth Edmonds didn’t express any interest in automatic writing until after the passing of his wife. Even though Judge Edmonds put his career on the line, that didn’t stop him from pursuing communication with the spiritual world. Along with the help from his spiritualist friends, the judge claimed to have communicated with both historic figures….. Read more at Automatic Writing
“Spooky Random Fact: #18”
“The Unknown Woman of the Seine”, or more beautifully known as “L’Inconnue de la Seine”.
“Who was she?”, you may ask. Well, back in the late 1880s a young woman’s body was pulled out of the Seine River located at the Quai du Louvre in Paris. The local officials theorized that the cause of death was suicide since there was no evidence of foul play. Now here’s where the story gets a little strange. It was alleged that the Paris morgue’s pathologist at the time was so completely awestruck by the young woman’s beauty that he created a death mask of her face. Kinda creepy, right?!
And as if that wasn’t disturbing enough…. Apparently the pathologist wasn’t the only one who was charmed by the vision because a large amount of copies were made of the unknown beauty’s death mask throughout the years. As macabre as it may sound, the copies rapidly made their way in the fashion of Parisian Bohemian society. This mysterious belle has even been the inspiration that has led to the creation of countless literary works.
Did ya know that her beauty was so captivating that it even….. Well, ya gotta read more at L’Inconnue de la Seine 😉
“Spooky Random Fact: #17”
Ok, everyone’s heard of Casper the Friendly Ghost, right? You know, the cute transparent guy who floats around through walls? If all the hauntings were as adorable as him, then that would be pretty amazing and all the little kiddies wouldn’t be so afraid of the things that go bump in the night.
Well, let’s take a step back and face reality here. Some hauntings can be pretty frightening and down right mind-numbing. Did you know that there are actually two known types of hauntings? Yes, intelligent and residual…
An intelligent haunting is when the spirits can interact with the living, a type of energy that DOES have consciousness. These spirits may find ways of communication much like the ways discussed in my previous blog titled, The Afterlife ~ A Corporeal’s Transition, or the spirits can often communicate through the use of a voice box; a tool that is used to collect electronic voice phenomena (EVPs)……….
The second type of haunting is known as a residual haunting. It’s more like a supernatural experience that resembles a recording of past energy. For instance, like hearing footsteps walking down an empty hallway when no one is there. It’s believed that in a location where someone has released a large amount of energy or heightened emotions were experienced and the energy attaches or “imprints” itself. As a result of the abiding energy, individuals in the future may get to experience seeing a type of “recording” of these events. Some signs of a residual haunting may be the absence of interaction from the spirit. As if the spirit doesn’t acknowledge the presence of the living person. The spirit will almost seem totally oblivious to anything that’s occurring in it’s presence.
I’ve actually encountered both. Read more at Intelligent & Residual Hauntings: What Are They?
“Spooky Random Fact: #16”
Do you have a fear of ghosts, anything ghoulish that goes bump in the night and causes fright?
Well, if you do, then don’t worry because millions of others do, too. It’s a very common fear known as “phasmophobia”. The word “phasmos” derives from the Greek language referring to “phantom” or “supernatural being”. It’s also known as “spectrophobia”. “Spectrum” is Latin referring to a specter, or an image of a thing, or an apparition.
Symptoms of phasmobia can typically be found in most disorders that lead to anxiety. A sufferer can go through feelings of dread, rapid heartbeat, panic attacks, also nausea and severe vomiting. It’s even been reported that a person suffering from phasmosphobia can develop OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in order to conduct rituals to negate any kind of ghostly presence.
Is there treatment for such a phobia? Read more at Phasmophobia: A Ghostly Fear
“Spooky Random Fact: #15”
You say that I’ve done this before…. wait, what?! I don’t remember…..
Have you ever had a moment when you’ve bumped into someone that you haven’t seen in a while and they are so happy to see you, but you haven’t the slightest clue as to who they are? Or you go to a place that you’ve been to many times before, but you can’t seem to remember it? When this happens to someone, they have just experienced “jamais vu”.
Jamais vu is a French term meaning “never seen”, which (according to Wikipedia) “refers to the phenomenon of experiencing a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but nonetheless seems very unfamiliar.” Strangely, it’s the opposite of “deja vu” which is the phenomenon that basically describes the feeling one gets when they’re experiencing a current situation even though they know that it has never happened to them before.
And just for kicks…. here’s another “vu” that everyone’s well aware of, simply because it happens to us all. Ever have that moment when something is on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t, to save your own life, remember what it is? Like when someone starts to hum a song that you haven’t heard in a really long time and you know the name of the song, but you can’t quite get it out. Or when a couple of friends start talking about an old televisions series with what’s her name…. ya know the one… that actress that’s been on t.v. for years, but for some weird reason we just can’t remember her name at the moment….. Experiences like this happen to each and every single one of us. This phenomenon, my friends, is known as “presque vu”.
Read more at Jamais Vu: A Random Peculiarity of Familiarity
“Spooky Random Fact: #14”
Deja Vu… wait, haven’t we already talked about this before? It all seems so familiar! 😉
Deja vu is a French term meaning “already seen”. It basically describes the feeling one gets when they’re experiencing a current situation even though they know that it has never happened before. Why do so many people claim to experience such phenomenon? Who knows. Perhaps it’s a form of premonition or maybe even something due to reincarnation…. the mere possibility that the individual had been in that exact same situation in a previous life and being there in this life could have triggered some sort of “past-life” memory. As perplexing as it sounds, there may be some basis to that theory, but then again, that’s subject to one’s interpretation.
Read more at Deja Vu
“Spooky Random Fact: #13”
“Yes”… “No”…. The spirits will tell you so, or do they really even know?
The Spirit Board, more commonly known as the Ouija Board, actually is based from the American 19th century obsession with spiritualism which is the belief that the deceased can communicate with the living and vice versa. On a scary note, many people believe that by using a Ouija Board, one can open doors leading into the gates of Hell, allowing demonic beings into our own world. After people use the board, several report hearing strange noises, seeing dark shadows, witnessing objects move mysteriously without reason and some extreme cases even claim experiencing possession from what they believe they brought through the “portal” or “opening” of the Ouija Board.
It’s not just a game. Once you’ve played with one, your life may never be the same. For you’ve been forewarned, what lies beyond the ghostly door shouldn’t be opened with a Ouija Board.
Read more at Ouija Board ~ a.k.a. Spirit Boards
“Spooky Random Fact: #12”
Eeekkk!!!! It’s almost Friday the 13th!!! Hope you’re not superstitious…. 😉
Paraskevidekatriaphobia…. What is this centipede of a word aside from the fact that it also looks like a serious tongue twister?! For anyone who fears Friday the 13th, they know this phobia all too well. Sufferers of paraskevidekatriaphobia have been known to be so affected that they will disregard normal routine by staying indoors, taking the day off from work and some are so extreme that they won’t even get out of bed. There is belief that the Middle Ages could possibly be the origin of such a superstitious day, birthing from the story of Jesus’ last supper and crucifixion where thirteen people were present in the Upper Room on the thirteenth of Nisan Maundy Thursday, the night prior to Good Friday which was the day of Jesus’ death.
The misunderstood date with such a bizarre story…. Read more at Friday the 13th
“Spooky Random Fact: #11”
Fear cemeteries? Wait, no way… not me!!
Hmmm…. The fascination of cemeteries, graves, headstones, gargoyles…. etc. etc…. To many, they are quite attracted to such places. Why? Well, to me (and yes, I am one of those who find these macabre locations to be rather intriguing.) there’s something serene about the atmosphere. I am at such peace when I am at a cemetery. Which, if one truly thinks about it, should be comforting to know that the dead are “resting in peace”. After all, I am an empath and can feel the deceased’s energy. 😉
Did you know that there is actually a name for this curious allure? It’s referred to as coimetromania. According to an online definition, it’s simply defined as “An abnormal attraction to and desire to visit cemeteries.” There are many, many people with this interest. And I’m sure that with each individual, their reasoning is just as unique as they are……
Find out more by reading….. A Grave Attraction
“Spooky Random Fact: #10”
“It’s the safest place in the world to be.” So often I hear this when it comes to the reference of cemeteries. Why? People always tell me it’s because the dead are not a part of the living any longer and it’s impossible for them to inflict harm to anyone. Then why is there such terror in the hearts of the individuals who suffer from coimetrophobia?
Coimetrophobia is the fear of cemeteries. Those who live with this phobia say that when they are in or around cemeteries, they experience shortness of breath, bodily shakes and breaking out in a sweat, just to name a few. More severe cases even experience heart palpitations and a sense of temporary paralyzation, preventing the sufferer to move. In fact, some people are so terrified by cemeteries that they avoid them all together!
Fascinating stuff, huh?! I know it intrigues me….. 😉
Read more at A Grave Fear
“Spooky Random Fact: #9”
It’s said that one can see innocence in a child’s eyes, but there’s definitely nothing innocent when you’re staring face to face with a BEK.
Black Eyed Kids (also known as BEKs.) Their origin isn’t clear, but many believe that these young ones are the spirits of lost or murdered children.
Black Eyed Kids are typically known to travel in pairs. Their ages range from eight years to eighteen years old. They have very pale skin and black eyes, showing no pupil or iris. When these children make their approach, they usually ask to be invited in one’s car or home. Almost anyone who’s had an encounter with the BEKs become overwhelmed with a sudden feeling of fear or dread. When turning these kids away, the children show aggression with the intense need to be allowed inside. Those who claim to have encounters with the Black Eyed Kids report that the children refuse to go away until the said person either leaves the scene or closes the door on them. However, there are many reports of these encounters, there aren’t any confirmations of what could happen if someone actually complied with the demands of the Black Eyed Kids.
Read more at Doppelgangers & Black Eyed Kids
“Spooky Random Fact: #8”
They’re sharp dressed, unfathomable and supposedly don’t exist. So then, tell me this…. why have there been countless reports swarming around MIBs?
The inexplicable Men In Black (MIBs) are reportedly some sort of secret organization that has been obviously denied by certain officials. It’s been said that the mysterious Men In Black appear anytime UFO sightings have been experienced. Why? Possible cover-up involvement? To insure that UFO witnesses remain quiet about what they have seen? By intimidating and threatening those who dare to speak publicly about any sort of UFO interactions?
Throughout recent decades, many supporters/investigators of ufology have supposedly been harassed and some have even died by mysterious causes. Are the MIBs to blame for all of this misfortune? Who knows?? It’s also alleged that the Men In Black have taped and recorded UFO hunters’ phones.
Read more at Men In Black
“Spooky Random Fact: #7”
Mmmmm…. the energy vampire…. As sexy as Hollywood makes the alluring vampire out to be, I wouldn’t want to be enticed by this fangless entity.
Unlike its popular counterpart, the energy vampire doesn’t have pearly white fangs that are waiting to pierce the warm flesh of its victims to taste the crimson nectar that we call blood. These preternatural beings are said to appear as shadows without any definite shape or form. How they “feed” is by finding a host (someone that the energy vampire can psychically latch onto) and drain the individual of their energy. This supernatural creature can emit negative energy that weighs its victim down emotionally, mentally and physically. Their victim can experience a great deal of exhaustion, possibly a lack of appetite and even depression that can become so intense through time that professional help may be required.
Read more at Vampires: Bloodthirsty or Energy Fed?
“Spooky Random Fact: #6”
Our subconscious reveals our deepest fears…. or does it?
When you sleep, do you have dreams of grandeur, or perhaps maybe even something of a darker origin? Has your deepest fear ever been revealed in a horrific nightmare?
Here’s something that might set your nerves on end. The word “nightmare” dates back from Old English times when the word “mare” referred to folkloric demons that terrorized people by sitting on their chests while the individuals slept, causing them to have haunting dreams. These so-called demons were often thought to be incubi and/or succubi. The prefix “night” was later added to articulate the dream condition.
So, just when your eyes are falling heavy and you’re about to drift off to sleep tonight, remember it’s only a dream…. or is it?
Sweet dreams, everyone…… ❤
Read more at “A Nightmarish Origin”
“Spooky Random Fact: #5”
Sin Eaters: Not Your Typical Dinner Guests
The term “sin eater” refers to an individual that absolves the sins of the recently deceased. Consequently, by doing this it frees the soul of the one who passed on. This allows those who have died to eternally rest in peace and prevents the dead from getting trapped in the ghostly realm.
The ritual of a sin eater is the chanting of a prayer or spell prior to drinking wine and eating bread over the deceased individual’s body. Therefore, symbolically devouring their sins.
In past times, the individuals that took on the roles of sin eaters did so voluntarily and carried the sins of the deceased for the rest of their lives. In many cases, sin eaters were chosen from society’s destitute…… were still looked upon with little dignity.
Read more at Sin Eaters: Not Your Typical Dinner Guests
“Spooky Random Fact: #4”
“Suicide Forest”, full of despair and darkness.
Sounds like such a frightening place doesn’t it? It’s located at the northwest base of Mount Fuji in Japan and is also known as Aokigahara. This fourteen square mile forest is so thick with trees and other natural formations that it makes it difficult to hear anything that doesn’t belong there.
If anyone wants to visit “Suicide Forest” (also known as the “Sea of Trees”), be forewarned for it harbors an egregious reputation. It’s reported to have an association with demons and more than fifty suicides took place among the woods in 2010.
Why the dark history? It’s believed that an old Japanese custom referred to as ubasute was practiced there until the 1800s and that the victims of this tragic era are to blame for the hauntings.
Read more at Suicide Forest
*** Note: Suicide is nothing to take lightly and should be treated as an extremely serious matter. The following is contact information for suicide prevention. ***
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (website) 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
“Spooky Random Fact: #3”
Mmmmm…. mysterious and oh so seductive……
Did you know that reports of incubi (plural for incubus) date way back to 2400 BC during Mesopotamia times. It was rumored that the hero, Gilgamesh’s father was Lilu, an incubus that supposedly aroused women in their sleep with his erogenous ways. The men from that era had their version as well, the succubus referred to as Lililu. Another tale comes from the Malleus Maleficarum in 1486 written by Heinrich Kramer. Kramer wrote that a succubus’s purpose was to seduce her victim and collect his semen. Then, the incubus would take the semen and use it to impregnate his female victim. With this theory, it gives explanation as to how demons sire children. These alleged children were called cambions who were often born cursed with birth defects and a sensitivity to the supernatural.
Read more at Incubus & Succubus: Erotic Dream or a Deviant Reality?
“Spooky Random Fact: #2”
The ominous number 666….. To many, this number automatically brings fear due to certain beliefs and popular society’s portrayal of negativity. However, according to the Angelic Realm (a realm that I work very closely with), this dreaded number actually has a very empowering meaning behind it.
The Angels (yes, those beautiful Light Beings from above) convey a very important message associated with the number 666. And no, it’s nothing demonic either, so lay that fear to rest.
When the number 666 comes to us, it’s a message for us to take a step back to re-evalute our current condition and learn to let go of the fear and material things that tend to take us off our spiritual journey. It’s a message that we need to bring our focus back to our hearts and learn to listen within so that we can reach a level of higher learning of love and compassion. You can say that it’s like a “warning” message that we are being too negative with our thoughts, therefore the path of our daily lives, and that we should regain control by reinforcing ourselves with the positive energy of love and light.
So, if you ever find yourself seeing this number, don’t fear it. Stop what you’re doing and take a moment of reflection and see how you can change your life for the better by incorporating the power of positive affirmation.
Always remember love and light, my friends!
“Spooky Random Fact: #1”
Doppelganger: German for “Ghostly Double” or “Double Walker”.
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, reported seeing his very own doppelganger in a dream just days prior to his assassination in April,1865?! Catherine II, popularly known as “Catherine the Great”, and even the “Heart of Hearts” poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley also reported seeing their doppelgangers prior to their deaths.
Pretty trippy stuff if you ask me. Read more at Doppelgangers & Black Eyed Kids
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