Deja Vu

Deja vu is a French term meaning “already seen”. It basically describes the feeling one gets when they’re experiencing a current situation even though they know that it has never happened before. Why do so many people claim to experience such phenomenon? Who knows. Perhaps it’s a form of premonition or maybe even something due to reincarnation…. the mere possibility that the individual had been in that exact same situation in a previous life and being there in this life could have triggered some sort of “past-life” memory. As perplexing as it sounds, there may be some basis to that theory, but then again, that’s subject to one’s interpretation.

Like many others, I’ve had deja vu moments. I remember when I was a teenager, I was out with some friends and it was close to Halloween. We were going to a haunted Halloween trail. When we arrived at the location, I was in a state of awe, like wow! I didn’t say anything to my friends because I didn’t want to embarrass myself, but the familiar feeling of being there before was extremely intense. Weird thing was, that this location was in another county that I had never visited. But prior to arrival, I already knew what the main building looked like and the layout of the Halloween attraction’s trail. Spooky, right?! I thought so too at the time. Maybe that was the result of a premonition?

Another deja vu moment that I’ve experienced happened just last summer when my son and I visited an old hospital that had been beautifully restored and turned into a museum. As we toured this historic location, we walked through each room taking in the sights. So many things on display, it was astonishing! The whole time we were there, I kept getting this extreme feeling that I had been there before, but I knew for a fact that we had never been to that historical site. And there was no way possible that I was ever a patient there because the hospital closed down before I was even born. The connection that I felt to that place was absolutely undeniable!

Have you ever experienced deja vu? If so, please share!!

deja vu


Dreams… or Premonitions?

Dreams come in many forms. For some people, dreams occur like random flashes of broken images while other individuals may experience visuals that are in-depth with extreme detail. Many people dream in various shades of black and white, and others dream in vivid colors. Dreams are as unique as the individual who has them. There are even people who claim they don’t dream at all. Some dreams can have such an effect on us that they may linger on our minds for days. However, some can become easily forgotten within minutes upon us waking.

And yet, there are those of us who have dreams that are more than mere fantasy. I’m speaking in regards to premonitions like the ones that I have. When I get premonitions, they happen like reoccurring dreams. Often, I will have them over a matter of weeks and more extreme ones have happened over a matter of a few years. For me, these reoccurring dreams (or premonitions as I like to call them) don’t cease until they actually happen in real life. Occasionally, I will get a premonition only once just prior to it becoming real.

Do I consider myself a seer? Absolutely not. I’ve never experienced visions like those reported by Michel de Nostredame, Edgar Cayce or even Sylvia Brown. I don’t even have visions on a regular basis. They’re not something that I can easily pull out of thin air either.

Some of the earliest premonitions that I can recall happened back when I was a little girl in elementary school. The visions weren’t anything epic, but nonetheless, they were still something to me. I could “see” events happening in advance and other similar things. Like I stated earlier, my premonitions occur during dreams. I, like everyone else, have ordinary dreams that aren’t premonitions. It’s easy for me to tell them apart. All my dreams and premonitions come to me very vividly and realistically. However, with my premonitions I get a feeling that’s kind of hard to explain. The best way for me to describe it would be to say that when I get a premonition dream, the vision is accompanied by an intense sense of “knowing”.

When I was a kid I wouldn’t speak about my visions, but as I got older, I would randomly say little things to my friends and they would be like, “how did you know?”. I would simply shrug my shoulders and laugh it off, being very nonchalant about it. Do I take my premonitions lightly? Of course not, but I don’t shy away from them either. I welcome them and always listen to my intuition.

Dreams of Grandeur or Nightmares of Fear?

Our subconscious reveals our deepest fears…. or does it?

When you sleep, do you have dreams of grandeur, or perhaps maybe even something of a darker origin? Has your deepest fear ever been revealed in a horrific nightmare?

Here’s something that might set your nerves on end. The word “nightmare” dates back from Old English times when the word “mare” referred to folkloric demons that terrorized people by sitting on their chests while the individuals slept, causing them to have haunting dreams. These so-called demons were often thought to be incubi and/or succubi. The prefix “night” was later added to articulate the dream condition.

Scary stuff, right?!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

Imaginary Friends…. Make believe or something ghostly? 🤔

Excellent topic for discussion….. Imaginary friends … So many children have them…. Mindless playing with tea parties, outdoor games or just pretending to sing in front of an audience. Children letting their imaginations run wild with their sweet innocence.

And then here’s another theory …. Perhaps one that can be the premise to something other worldly.

Often, the plot of a horror film…. the subject evolves around a lonely child who may seek the attention from a playmate. The parents discount it as something lighthearted until time passes and either the child’s behavior starts to turn dark, or something sinister literally happens, which leads to ungodly acts that are blamed on the misunderstood child. And as the young one proclaims innocence, he or she is wrongfully accused and then a whole world of problems arise… Yes, we’ve all seen films like these, read about stories online or in the papers… Heard about kids in school…. etc…. etc…. The list goes on and on….

So…. Do you believe that a child’s imaginary friend could actually be a ghost, or something evil with cruel intentions waiting to happen?

Hmmm….. Ponderism… 🤔

“A Nightmarish Origin”

We’ve all had nightmares at some point in our lives. Several people are plagued with them as if they were in a film caught in some sort of terrifying loop destined to repeat itself while others are fortunate enough to hardly ever have one. Yet, we really don’t put much emphasis into the origin of the word “nightmare”. Many of us shudder at the mere thought of even considering it. So quick are we in wanting to forget such frightening visions, but the truth of the matter is that the word “nightmare” dates back from Old English times when the word “mare” referred to folkloric demons that terrorized people by sitting on their chests while the individuals slept, causing them to have haunting dreams. These so-called demons were often thought to be incubi and/or succubi. The prefix “night” was later added to articulate the dream condition.

Nightmares, as we all know, can cause us to awake abruptly in cold sweats with palpitating heartbeats. Sometimes they can be so disturbing and vivid that the horrifying dreams can linger in our minds all throughout the waking day. Studies report that they happen mostly during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and that we are more apt to remember nightmares than we are the more pleasant dreams.

It’s interesting how the mind works, how each and every one of us reacts to something that can leave such an impact like a nightmare. They can be so daunting that nightmares can even lead to insomnia. What causes such startling hallucinations in our sleep? Several things actually from living a stressful life that one’s subconsciousness can weigh heavily on the slumbering mind, drugs like antidepressants can also contribute to nightmares and many people even claim having scary dreams after eating late night snacks.

A lot of times, nightmares (or any other kind of dreams for that matter) can reflect feelings that a person subconsciously may not even be aware that exists. For example, let’s just say that an individual has a nightmare that involves a threatening storm with a huge house crashing down upon them. Does it literally mean that this will happen to them in real life? Let’s hope not! But it could possibly symbolize that there may need to be a change in the structure of their waking life. However with this subject, it taps into the discussion of dream analysis and that’s a whole other topic.

The way our subconsciousness works can certainly be full of loaded questions with “one of a kind” answers for everyone is different in their own unique way. How we all handle things can be compared to fingerprints, there are no two that are just alike. I’ve had my share of frightening dreams, but the way I’ve dealt with them was by bringing them to life with paper and pen, giving birth to the poems and stories that I’ve so happily created.

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

Dream on…..

“Never give up on your aspirations. Sometimes life is funny and can get in the way with simple distractions, but don’t let that stop you. If you have a dream, then go for it. You have the power to make it manifest itself into something fantastic, so mesmerizing that it has the possibility to astonish even the most daring of minds. Dream on and make it a reality.” ~ Sheila Renee Parker

The Consternation of the Subconscious Mind

It was getting late and I was falling fast asleep, into a peaceful slumber. And then, suddenly I awoke to a strange surrounding. It was daytime, several hours had obviously passed and I was oddly outside in a macabre setting. How I had gotten there was quite unknown to me. The sun was high, trees were all around and the figure of a filthy, vulgar man towered over me. With a half-smoked cigar gripped tightly in the corner of his mouth he asked me, “How ya likin’ that? Doesn’t it feel gooood?” As he finished his question, his speech became taunting as if he were playing some sort of twisted game.

Sweat and grime dripped off his forehead down to my face. I could smell his rancid breath filled with stale cigar smoke as he slurred each word. I quickly turned my head away from him. I could see that we were in a desolate place out in the middle of nowhere. I was alone with this societal reject who for some ungodly reason wanted to execute his perversion onto me. He had me laid out on my back on a hard surface, maybe a make-shift table or something, who knows…. and I was stiff, but not paralyzed even though the tingling sensation that coursed throughout my body caused me to feel numb. It was weird, like I had been drugged.

I struggled to move my arms and bellowed out. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?”

He erupted with a deep, guttural laugh, “HAHAHAHAHAHA… WHOOHOO!!!!” Laughing so hard that it caused him to stumble backwards, almost losing his balance, then he was back to me. Bending over, face to face with me again, as his eyes left mine he eerily led his gaze down to my stomach area. With his grisly smile he goaded, “You haven’t even noticed, have you?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” I was confused, my vision blurred as I tried making sense of it all.

“LOOK!” He demanded.

I mustered enough strength, blinked a couple of times to clear my eyes and brought my attention to where he was talking about.

“OH MY GOD!!!!!” I screamed.

He laughed even harder and more sinister as the look of terror consumed me. My eyes were lain upon a horrendous vision, one so vile that to speak of it continues to unnerve me.

What I was seeing before my very eyes was one of the most gruesome acts I had ever seen, and it happened to me. It threw me into a world of shock. Apparently the disgusting man was getting off on it because he looked so elated as he jeered around.

“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! WHHYYYY?!?!?!” I cried. My hands reached down to my midsection, grabbing what I could to piece myself back together. I had been sliced open, from side to side, with my entrails emerging to the surface. Blood was all over me as my insides slipped between my fingers.

His depraved laughter continued as I attempted to gain my freedom. Still on my back with my body ripped apart, I tried pushing backwards with my feet to inch my way off the table.

“You can’t do it! Look at you! HAHAHAHAHA…..” He roared.

Then, “PLOP!” My body fell to the ground. I moaned in agony as my back cracked with pain, but I didn’t let that stop me. While this revolting man continued to laugh, he casually wiped the sweat from his brow with his dingy white tank top. He was clearly enjoying watching me suffer for he knew I wouldn’t get far due to the dreadful state that I was in.

With each minute inch that I moved, so did my exposed intestines as the blood pulsated outward. I arched my back upwards to keep everything off the dirt and ground below, and just like a contortionist, I tried crawling backwards to get away. I looked ahead in my upside-down position, hearing his heckling behind me, knowing that I would eventually have to give up. I knew in my heart that there was absolutely no way that I was going to escape this wretched hell that I was in, but I had to at least try to survive.




It was in that moment that reality finally kicked in and I woke up. Everything that happened above was merely a nightmare. Thank God! It bothered me so much that I found it hard to go back to sleep. I went to work the next day feeling drained and offbeat. This was a few nights ago and I still can’t shake the vivid imagery of the dream. It was so real…  the colors, the surrounding, the intense fear. What would provoke me to have such a horrible nightmare? I’ve conducted dream interpretation before in the past, not just for myself, but for others as well. However, this one continues to bother me. Did I watch something disturbing prior to drifting off to sleep? Nope. Did I have a crazy conversation the day before pertaining to anything similar? Nope. So, what could it have been? Just some randomness played out by my subconsciousness?

The human psyche is a complex one, one that is so diverse that it leads to insurmountable inquiry.





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





Promote Love – Not Hate!

Happy Monday, everyone!! It has been far too long since my last post back in February! Hope you all have been well during this pandemic. What a crazy time we are in….. Phew!

With that being said, just a simple reminder as I write this post that each and every single one of you are so very important. You rock in your own unique way! Life really is a blessing. Even though there are times that we go through that may seem otherwise, we need to remind ourselves that those moments, as difficult as they can be, can be used as catalysts to make us stronger. Trust me, I know from experience. I’m not always smiles and positive vibes. However, I do try my very best to promote “feel good energy”. 🙂

We all have our darkness and that’s perfectly ok. As long as we are constructive with our emotions and never destructive. We must construct learning experiences and grow from them, rising ever so high and graciously like the soaring Phoenixes that we all are!!

Remember when you look in the mirror…. you are looking at someone amazing! There is an insurmountable greatness within you! The ability that you have to achieve your dreams is something phenomenal! Anything is possible and you own the key to your future, no one else does. Let no one ever dim the light that resides deep within your beautiful heart. Shine your magnificence for all the world to see!!!

With all the negativity that’s out there, let’s negate those bad, nasty vibes by overcoming adversity. Stand tall, shoulders back with heads held high. Inhale a deep, engaging breath in through the nose… hold for a count of five…. then slowly exhale that breath out through the mouth. Continue that simple breathing technique periodically as you carry out your day. And guess what?! You’ve got this!!!! Go on with your awesome self!!! Rock those positive vibes! Love yourself and love others! Promote Love – Not Hate!


Massive Love & Light! ~ Sheila ❤



Sheila Renee Parker ~ Author. Artist. Empath.





“The Reincarnated Soul”

This next topic is often bit of a controversial one due to different beliefs. It is never my intent to offend anyone with what I write, but I do believe that having an opened mind is key to understanding the unknown.

Now, the subject of reincarnation is one that I find to be extremely interesting. Do I believe in it? Absolutely, 100%! What exactly is reincarnation? It’s when a spirit/ soul is born again. After an individual dies, their spirit/ soul is reincarnated into another living body. A “rebirth”. Many believe that the reason for this is to learn from one lifetime to another, taking with us knowledge that will help us to achieve higher wisdom.

As crazy as it may sound, I actually have memories of some of the past lives that I’ve lived. These memories (as few as they are) are as clear as the ones that I have from this life. I know this sounds absurd, but I have strong connections with the eras from which my recollections come.

For instance, a few years ago I was at a book signing for my novel, The Spirit Within when I was approached by a lovely elderly woman (for which I wrote the article “A Curious Encounter”) who told me that she could “see” things that others couldn’t. Then, she proceeded to tell me that I used to be a white witch. I gently smiled at the beautiful face and replied, “I know” right before she walked away. And I honestly did know what she was talking about, even though to carry on such an intense conversation with her wouldn’t have been prudent at the time. However, I would have loved to have done so because she seemed truly inspiring.

But in regards to which she was referring to, I knew very well. It was late 1600’s, time of the witch trials. I was a single female in my mid- twenties and considered a healer among the community. I don’t remember exactly how it all transpired, but I was eventually wrongfully accused of working with dark magic. My last memory? Hanging in the tree just before I died and looking down at all the ones who sought out my help before the panic of ignorance changed their minds. I also remember my clothing, down to the very minute detail, from my brown dress to my shoes and even my long hair.

Then, there was the life when I was a male soldier in the U.S. Army during World War II. I have such a strong attachment to that time, including the music for which I absolutely love! I died after being shot out in the field. It was pouring down rain, my Army fatigues were soaked and muddied, and I fell face first into a fox hole where I drowned in a deep puddle.

There are a few more memories I have, including when I was a very caring nurse in a hospital at the turn of the 1900’s. These are all pretty intense memories, but they’re definitely mine. If you have any recollections of reincarnation, I’d love to hear about them. Let’s open up and share!



Here are a few great articles that I found to be rather interesting…. had to share! 😉

Past Lives: 11 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times

Have You Walked This Earth Before? 6 Signs of Reincarnation

10 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated – Power of Positivity






CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker









The Consternation of the Subconscious Mind

It was getting late and I was falling fast asleep, into a peaceful slumber. And then, suddenly I awoke to a strange surrounding. It was daytime, several hours had obviously passed and I was oddly outside in a macabre setting. How I had gotten there was quite unknown to me. The sun was high, trees were all around and the figure of a filthy, vulgar man towered over me. With a half-smoked cigar gripped tightly in the corner of his mouth he asked me, “How ya likin’ that? Doesn’t it feel gooood?” As he finished his question, his speech became taunting as if he were playing some sort of twisted game.

Sweat and grime dripped off his forehead down to my face. I could smell his rancid breath filled with stale cigar smoke as he slurred each word. I quickly turned my head away from him. I could see that we were in a desolate place out in the middle of nowhere. I was alone with this societal reject who for some ungodly reason wanted to execute his perversion onto me. He had me laid out on my back on a hard surface, maybe a make-shift table or something, who knows…. and I was stiff, but not paralyzed even though the tingling sensation that coursed throughout my body caused me to feel numb. It was weird, like I had been drugged.

I struggled to move my arms and bellowed out. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?”

He erupted with a deep, guttural laugh, “HAHAHAHAHAHA… WHOOHOO!!!!” Laughing so hard that it caused him to stumble backwards, almost losing his balance, then he was back to me. Bending over, face to face with me again, as his eyes left mine he eerily led his gaze down to my stomach area. With his grisly smile he goaded, “You haven’t even noticed, have you?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” I was confused, my vision blurred as I tried making sense of it all.

“LOOK!” He demanded.

I mustered enough strength, blinked a couple of times to clear my eyes and brought my attention to where he was talking about.

“OH MY GOD!!!!!” I screamed.

He laughed even harder and more sinister as the look of terror consumed me. My eyes were lain upon a horrendous vision, one so vile that to speak of it continues to unnerve me.

What I was seeing before my very eyes was one of the most gruesome acts I had ever seen, and it happened to me. It threw me into a world of shock. Apparently the disgusting man was getting off on it because he looked so elated as he jeered around.

“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! WHHYYYY?!?!?!” I cried. My hands reached down to my midsection, grabbing what I could to piece myself back together. I had been sliced open, from side to side, with my entrails emerging to the surface. Blood was all over me as my insides slipped between my fingers.

His depraved laughter continued as I attempted to gain my freedom. Still on my back with my body ripped apart, I tried pushing backwards with my feet to inch my way off the table.

“You can’t do it! Look at you! HAHAHAHAHA…..” He roared.

Then, “PLOP!” My body fell to the ground. I moaned in agony as my back cracked with pain, but I didn’t let that stop me. While this revolting man continued to laugh, he casually wiped the sweat from his brow with his dingy white tank top. He was clearly enjoying watching me suffer for he knew I wouldn’t get far due to the dreadful state that I was in.

With each minute inch that I moved, so did my exposed intestines as the blood pulsated outward. I arched my back upwards to keep everything off the dirt and ground below, and just like a contortionist, I tried crawling backwards to get away. I looked ahead in my upside-down position, hearing his heckling behind me, knowing that I would eventually have to give up. I knew in my heart that there was absolutely no way that I was going to escape this wretched hell that I was in, but I had to at least try to survive.




It was in that moment that reality finally kicked in and I woke up. Everything that happened above was merely a nightmare. Thank God! It bothered me so much that I found it hard to go back to sleep. I went to work the next day feeling drained and offbeat. This was a few nights ago and I still can’t shake the vivid imagery of the dream. It was so real…  the colors, the surrounding, the intense fear. What would provoke me to have such a horrible nightmare? I’ve conducted dream interpretation before in the past, not just for myself, but for others as well. However, this one continues to bother me. Did I watch something disturbing prior to drifting off to sleep? Nope. Did I have a crazy conversation the day before pertaining to anything similar? Nope. So, what could it have been? Just some randomness played out by my subconsciousness?

The human psyche is a complex one, one that is so diverse that it leads to insurmountable inquiry.





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker