Spooky Random Fact…… “Wiccaphobia”

“Wiccaphobia” … now this phobia is rather interesting to me…..

Why? Because of my own personal beliefs and spiritual journey. Wiccaphobia: which is the fear of witches and/or witchcraft. I am Wiccan, a solitary one who practices the use of white magic, and there’s definitely no reason to fear anything I do. I only believe in promoting love and light. I am well aware of those who practice dark magic, and I also stay away from them. However, that doesn’t mean that I fear them.

But respectfully, it’s easy to fear that which one doesn’t understand. It takes strength, courage and faith to overcome adversity. That’s why I always encourage educating oneself. It helps to eliminate misinformation and eradicate fears.

To learn more about other phobias, including Samhainphobia: which is the fear of Halloween, read more at Phasmophobia: A Ghostly Fear.

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker


Coming Out Of The Broom Closet

Not necessarily an easy thing to do for a witch. Well, at least not for me. I was raised as a Baptist. When I was little, we went to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. We also attended other church related events and gatherings like Vacation Bible School and holiday celebrations. I was even in the church choir. Everyone was always extremely welcoming and full of love, however that was never enough. Why I say this is because while growing up, my curiosity always had the best of me. I would often question things about religion and the reply I got every time was, “Never question God.”. No disrespect to the ones who told me that, but their answer never satisfied me. It actually troubled me because I wanted to know more. I’ve always been extremely inquisitive about life in general. So, when I was told “Never question God”, that made me want to question all the more.

As I got older, and upon doing my own research, I discovered there was so much more than what I was lead to believe as a child. Keep in mind, I am not trying to dance on anyone’s toes or show any kind of disrespect to anyone’s beliefs. I am merely speaking on my own personal behalf and what it was like for me. But after years and years of going through life feeling unfulfilled with my faith, I finally came to a point in my life when I stopped listening to certain popular beliefs that made me feel uncertain and them trying to fulfill their need to “save me”.

Wait…. Save me? Save me from what? I don’t need saving just because I don’t believe like them. And I am not going to Hell because of my choice. I no longer follow the path to which I was raised, meaning that of course, I am not a Christian. I am a Wiccan, a solitary practitioner. I do not belong in a coven (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that for those who do). I follow my own heart, my own path. I love being at one with nature and embracing all its magic. I communicate with the Angels, listen to my Spirit Guides and try my very best to live at peace with all the beautiful energies of the Universe.

A few summers ago, a young individual tried to convert me. She was on a missionary trip that lasted several weeks to help spread the word of Christ. While doing so, she and her group were seasonally employed at the same place where I worked. One day she asked me about my faith, so I openly told her about it. And then, as time went on, she tried to persuade me to listen to her as she attempted to make me change my belief. I asked her very calmly, “Why are you trying to do this?”. She replied, “Because I’m worried for your soul. I don’t want you to go to Hell.”

Honestly, I could see the concern in her eyes. She was such a kind and bright young lady, just a little naive was all. When she said that she was worried for my soul I told her, “No need to be worried because I’m not. I feel that I’m following the right path for me just as you are in your belief. As long as we all follow what is right and what is good, isn’t that what really matters? What defines your belief doesn’t define mine. Just because I don’t follow your path doesn’t mean I’m going to Hell.” That made her quiet for a moment as she pondered, looking into my eyes. I continued (again, very calmly and politely), “Honey, you’re wasting your breath with me.” I then put my arms around her to give her a great big hug and told her that I loved her because after all, she was such a sweetheart and a complete joy to work with.

It’s only been within the past few years that I’ve found the courage to speak openly about coming out of the broom closet. Why? Well, because of my upbringing and the societal fear about witches. (Wiccaphobia: the fear of witches or witchcraft.) Throughout the centuries, and thanks to Hollywood’s constant misleading portrayal, it’s easy to understand why people fear us. However, it is ignorance that keeps people in the dark. That’s why I now openly talk about being a Wiccan in hope to help educate others and let them know that we are nothing to be afraid of. I can only speak personally on my behalf because I know how I am with my spiritual journey and the fact is that I only practice white magic. I negate anything that is dark, negative and/ or evil. I stand proudly and firm with my beliefs and if anything of the latter ever tried to gain control over me, I would quickly call upon the Angels, my Spirit Guides and the positive energies of the Universe for white light protection. Trust me, I do not follow the dark arts. I promote, protect and project only and all that is good. As I always say, “Love & Light!” and I mean that with all my heart!

Several years back I wrote a previous article about another encounter that I had with a “bible handler” going door to door. Here’s that article titled, “Ignorance is Bliss”…. or is it just annoying?

Keep it real, people and never be afraid to be yourself! You are loved!! AND…. YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!

Love & Light! ~ Sheila 💋

I Am A Witch……

I am a Witch, I do not hide.

A path I follow with great pride.

Love and Light I share thee well,

with intent cast in spell.

My heart is true, I do not lie

’tis can see with thine eye.

My Spirit runs deep by the Power of Three.

An’ it harm none…. so mote it be!



~ Poem by Sheila Renee Parker



I wrote the above poem about my own spirituality inspired by the wonderful season of Yule. However you spend this precious time of year, stay blessed and enjoy!


~ Love & Light, Sheila ❤





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy! https://www.etsy.com/shop/CSParkerJewelry  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker









Feeling Blessed!

Hey, hey, hey, everyone! TGIF and a very happy weekend to you all! If you’re here in the beautiful U.S.A., hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving yesterday! I know my fam and I did! Nothing better than spending time with loved ones!

It’s been a while since my last post…. a little more than three months, but I’ve been taking this time to…. as I mentioned in my last article…. “disconnect to reconnect”. Still working out daily, continuing to eat better… eating cleaner by omitting butter, oils, grease… refined sugars…. etc…. eating more produce and less processed…. and making sure to drink plenty of water instead of caloric drinks that are unhealthy.

Also, continuing to spend as much time going on nature walks as I can, weather permitting… (after all, the temps are getting colder). Trying to slow down my pace when it comes to enjoying life. Unfortunately, so many of us get wrapped up in the rat race of trying to get everything done in such a minute amount of time that we forget to literally stop and simply just…. breathe.

Periodically throughout the day, if we could all take a moment here and there to stop what we’re doing, regardless of what it is, and take a slow breath in… exhale slowly… repeat two more times, resulting in a total amount of three calming breaths. If we can all just do this two, three, or perhaps even more times a day, think of how much better we will feel. A more peaceful mindset helping us to stay focused so we can accomplish our goals more effectively with a positive outlook! Really isn’t hard to do once an individual initiates the process. Incorporate this simple act into your daily life, and before ya know it…. it becomes routine! That’s how it was for me. Something so simple as learning to stop and breathe has lead to so much more for me. And I couldn’t be happier! Life is a beautiful blessing, treat it as such and you will be blessed with life’s wondrous gifts.

And since my last post, not only have I been changing things internally for myself, I have also changed my appearance somewhat… lol. I no longer color my hair. Finally embracing my natural salt and pepper look! Got all my hair cut off and I love it!!! No more getting my hair colored every few weeks to hide the roots. My hair is so much softer and healthier now. Should have done it a loooonnnnggggg time ago, but I wasn’t quite ready to. All in due time, things will always happen accordingly. 🙂

Anywho…. I love you all and please stay blessed! You all are so extremely important, not just to me, but to those who hold you dear to their hearts as well. Realize your self-worth and continue to rock on!!! STAY AWESOME!!!!!! ❤





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy! https://www.etsy.com/shop/CSParkerJewelry  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





Me with all my hair cut off…. Total transformation!!! And I love it!!! Stay blessed, everyone!! 🙂

“Spooky Random Fact: #20”

“Spooky Random Fact: #20”

 “Wiccaphobia” … now this phobia is rather interesting to me…..

Why? Because of my own personal beliefs and spiritual journey. Wiccaphobia: which is the fear of witches and/or witchcraft. I am Wiccan, a solitary one who practices the use of white magic, and there’s definitely no reason to fear anything I do. I only believe in promoting love and light. I am well aware of those who practice dark magic, and I also stay away from them. However, that doesn’t mean that I fear them.

But respectfully, it’s easy to fear that which one doesn’t understand. It takes strength, courage and faith to overcome adversity. That’s why I always encourage educating oneself. It helps to eliminate misinformation and eradicate fears.

To learn more about other phobias, including Samhainphobia: which is the fear of Halloween, read more at Phasmophobia: A Ghostly Fear.





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





“Ignorance is Bliss”…. or is it just annoying?

Ok, I’m about to start talking in regards to something that I normally don’t bring up, simply out of respect because I am an open-minded individual. BUT…. something happened yesterday evening that has prompted me to speak a tad forward. Now, I’m not posting this to tick anyone off or to dance on anyone’s toes, but I just wanted to write about it. (Ahhh…. the beauty of free speech….)

Yesterday I was at home having dinner with my family when, all of a sudden, my doorbell chimed. We were puzzled a bit because no one heard anyone pull up into our driveway. After a brief moment, my husband grabbed our excited, little furbaby so he wouldn’t go scurrying out the door upon me opening it. Once the front door was opened, I was greeted by an elderly man with two *barely* male teenagers, all dressed in their Sunday’s finest. Suddenly, I was well aware of the impending speech, but respectfully allowed the older man to begin speaking. He started off by briefly introducing the young lads who accompanied him, then continued to introduce himself. They were from a local church going “door to door to spread the word” and to invite us to their religious establishment. The two young men to his side were obviously feeling somewhat nervous with their awkward smiles. I returned the gesture just to show no disrespect, then I looked back at the elderly one who was trying to hand me a small pamphlet from his shirt pocket.

As I politely interjected his speech, all I said was this….. “Not to be disrespectful or anything, but we’re not interested in what you have to offer.”

The man paused, looking confused and asked, “Why? You don’t believe?”

I replied, “No, not like you do.”

With a stern face he continued, “Oh, but you will when you’re in hell for not believing.”

Quietly, yet still respectfully for the young lads’ sake, I quickly smiled back, “That’s your belief, not mine.” 

The old man tried to say something else, but then I graciously stepped back, still with a smile and told the three standing at my door to “Have a good day.” The older man respectfully said the same, for my family and I to have a good day as well. I nodded and then closed the door.

It made me a little irritated because I thought, “how dare he say I was going to hell for not believing the same as he did.” But then it came to me. He actually inspired me to write this article about it. Why? Not to complain, but to be more open about my beliefs. I’m a Wiccan and I am damn proud of it, too! Yes, I am a white witch. I used to hide my beliefs out of fear because of close-minded individuals like him, but I will do it no more. The older I get, the more I realize I am my own individual and I am the only one who’s in control of my life. The fear of others and their beliefs will not control who and what I am.

I proudly follow the Wiccan Rede, “An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will”. Which basically means, not to cause or bring any kind of harm to others (including one’s self). I am a very spiritual person. Yes, I work with crystals, incense, candles…. white light…. and I even communicate with the Angelic Realm quite regularly. And no, Angels aren’t just “Christian based”. Angels are beautiful messengers for anyone and everyone regardless of their beliefs.

A couple of days ago my friend and I were out getting some tattoos. I got a small one behind my left ear. It’s an Angelic symbol meaning “Listen Within”. I chose the design because it symbolizes something that is very dear to me, the voice within us all. Like I said, the older I get the more I realize things. And I am starting to focus more on listening to the messages that I receive from the Angelic Realm, my spirit guides and my higher self, instead of listening to all the clamorous nonsense and negativity that tend to plague society.

Since I’ve been doing so, I find myself more at peace. I’ve become even more open-minded with an even greater sense of understanding. Of course, I still get irritated with certain things, after all… I am human with human emotions, but because of narrow-minded people like the older gentleman from yesterday with his biblical message, I am more open-minded and now speak more freely about who I truly am. A proud Pagan and I don’t feel the need to go “door to door” to spread positive vibes. I do it with the simple gesture of a warm smile with the feeling of love and light.

I’m sure the man’s intentions were sincere, as close-minded as they were, but people like him have to understand that not everyone believes as they do. And because of that, it doesn’t mean that the rest of us are “going to hell”.

I am at peace to say that the bible handler’s message did inspire me, just not in a way that he intended.

Be proud of who you are and never let anyone tell you any differently! They’re the ones who have to live with their small minds, not you! So go out there and stand for what you believe in!


Positive Vibes Only, Baby!! 😉


~ Love & Light, Sheila





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html





Here’s a photo of my new tattoo… An Angelic symbol meaning “Listen Within”….

Here’s a photo of my new tattoo… An Angelic symbol meaning “Listen Within”….



“A New Look with a Few Spooks”

Hey all you ghosts and ghouls, beautiful people, lightworkers and such! Wow, that was quite the diverse greeting, wasn’t it?!

It has been nearly four fantabulous years (June to be a tad more precise 😉 ) since the creation of my site and I thought it was time for a change, one that’s been way overdue. As you can see, there’s a kickass new header image (designed by a very dear friend), shadowed by an adorable black, Gothic background adorned with skulls. And I’ve added a few more pages that were once written articles by me. I decided to upgrade the articles to having their own pages to help encourage people to openly discuss their very own personal paranormal experiences and more. So, I gladly welcome everyone’e interactions with an open mind and open arms.

My site here, sheilareneeparker.com, is non-judgemental and is free of all negativity. As I always say, “Positive Vibes Only”, baby!

Also, just for a little added creepiness, periodically I will be posting on here “Spooky Random Facts @ sheilareneeparker.com” to help sharpen the senses about things that “go bump in the night”. So, stay tuned and join in. Let’s have some spooky fun! I’ll try to keep things at a moderate level, not causing too much fright…. and I’ll even promise not to bite…. well, maybe just a little nibble. A girl’s gotta feed sometime, right?! 😉


Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html






The Circle of Life

Tomorrow is Easter for many people, but I celebrate it as Ostara. This is a very beautiful time of year. Spring is upon us as new life emerges. Warmer temperatures, bright colors as the flowers bloom and the smell of the fresh, crisp air make everything so invigorating. The energy is so enlightening, not to be filled with positive vibes, to me, would be absolutely unheard of!

I am proudly a Wiccan and I take this time of year very seriously, but I also believe in having lots of fun with it! I always enjoy painting and decorating eggs. Love those pastel colors: pinks, blues, yellows and so on and so forth… and today I’m even thinking about adding some sparkly jewels for a little extra pizzazz…. 😉 The egg is a beautiful symbol of fertility and new life. Which makes it all the more fun to decorate, right?! Not to mention all the other fun decorations with ribbons, rabbits, etc. etc….

However you celebrate it, enjoy this amazing and magical weekend! And always…. be blessed!!!

~ Much Love & Light, Sheila ❤





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html







Phasmophobia: A Ghostly Fear

Do you have a fear of ghosts, anything ghoulish that goes bump in the night and causes fright? Well, if you do, then don’t worry because millions of others do, too. It’s a very common fear known as “phasmophobia”. The word “phasmos” derives from the Greek language referring to “phantom” or “supernatural being”. It’s also known as “spectrophobia”. “Spectrum” is Latin referring to a specter, or an image of a thing, or an apparition.

Symptoms of phasmobia can typically be found in most disorders that lead to anxiety. A sufferer can go through feelings of dread, rapid heartbeat, panic attacks, also nausea and severe vomiting. It’s even been reported that a person suffering from phasmosphobia can develop OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in order to conduct rituals to negate any kind of ghostly presence.

However, one can find treatment for such a fear. Self help methods can be extremely successful by reaching out to someone to openly talk about it to help eradicate the phobia by facing it. Another way is to contact professional help so that the phobia of ghosts can be removed. I always suggest to anyone who believes they’re experiencing any kind of ghostly activity to contact their local paranormal investigative team. It’s been from my own experiences that I’ve found these teams are compiled of members who are intelligent, non-judgmental and extremely open-minded, and are very willing to help to the best of their ability. Many of my friends are paranormal investigators and I always feel comfortable and at ease when working with them.

Also, the relaxation method of meditation (which I highly recommend) can help calm one’s inner turmoil, creating more focus, therefore a sense of confidence to bring forth a well-balanced mental state of mind. And…. having a close relationship with one’s spirit guide is something else I recommend. I work very closely with mine and by doing so, I have absolutely no fear.

There’s even a “specific phobia” involving a ghastly fear of mirrors. This macabre phobia is referred to as “catoptrophobia” which derives from the Greek language for the word “mirror”. Now I mentioned “specific phobia”, which simply refers to any type of anxiety disorder that signifies an illogical fear of the exposure of a specific item and/or situation which can eventually lead to the distressed individual avoiding all contact with the item and/or situation. The fear can actually be so paralyzing to the individual’s mental state that it literally disrupts their life.


Here are a few more phobias that I found to be rather interesting.

Achluphobia: which is the fear of darkness.

Eisoptrophobia: which is the fear of one’s own reflection.

Samhainphobia: which is the fear of Halloween.

And…. Wiccaphobia: which is the fear of witches and/or witchcraft.

The last phobia I had to include. Why? Because of my own personal beliefs and spiritual journey. I am Wiccan, a solitary one who practices the use of white magic, and there’s definitely no reason to fear anything I do. I only believe in promoting love and light. I am well aware of those who practice dark magic, and I also stay away from them. But that doesn’t mean that I fear them.

It’s easy to fear that which one doesn’t understand. It takes strength, courage and faith to overcome adversity.

“…I am perfectly aware that the fear of ghosts is contrary to science, reason and religion. If I were sentenced to spend a night alone in a graveyard, … I should already know that twigs would snap and the wind moan and that there would be half-seen movements in the darkness. And yet, after I had been frog-marched into the graveyard, I should feel a thrill of fear every time one of these things happened…” ~  Philosopher, Peter van Inwagen




Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sheilarenee-parker.html








Auld Lang Syne

“Should auld (old) acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld (old) acquaintance be forgot, and auld (old) lang syne?” Ahhh…. the long familiar song associated with this time of year.

Auld Lang Syne: “For (the sake of) old times.”

‘Tis the end of another year, my friends. 2016 is coming to a close as 2017 approaches. Did you all have a wonderful Christmas? I sure did. I was extremely grateful to spend a relaxing holiday at home with my family. We carried on the annual Christmas Eve tradition of driving around looking at the local Christmas decorations and lights as we sipped on our milkshakes. Then, once we arrived home we watched the classic film, A Christmas Story starring Peter Billingsley as Ralphie Parker, along with Darren McGavin and Melinda Dillon who played his parents and Ian Petrella who played his pesky little brother, Randy. My family and I have seen the movie countless times, but every time we watch it, it still cracks us up.

And then on Christmas day, we stayed home opening our gifts as we sat by the fireplace. It was definitely a wonderful time!

Tomorrow is the first day of the new year and I’m certainly ready for it. Are you? I’ve got some exciting projects that I’ll be working on and I promise to keep you all posted with the updates as time progresses. I’m really looking forward to this next year! What does 2017 have in store for you? I’d love to hear about it! What are some of your holiday traditions and what exciting plans have you got for the upcoming year?

As we celebrate this festive holiday season, always be safe and enjoy. Life is for remembering, not regretting!


~ Love & Light, Sheila



Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author


