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~ Here Are Your Ghostly Tales! Thanks For Sharing, Everyone!!! ~
“Our night at the Myrtles Plantation
(***A true paranormal encounter experienced by paranormal investigators, Lori and Brian Davies of NWA Ghost Connection.***)
John Winters Room
3 p.m. check in, we arrived at 2 p.m. anxious to get there and excited about crossing off a bucket list item. Brian bought me a night at the Myrtles for my 50th birthday gift. He knew it was on a list of things I wanted to do since I was nineteen. We purchased some things in the gift shop and checked in. We were taken to the house to see our room and my gift kicks in as the door opens. At the top of the stairs I was greeted by a woman who appeared to be in mourning. She was in a black dress with a veil coming down over her face. I was taken a back by her but proceeded up the large staircase that led into the house to our room. The young lady who showed us to our room politely stated all the rules of the house and then opened our door and handed Brian the keys. Our night began.
We walked in and acquainted ourselves with the room, all the while this woman standing in our doorway. I asked Brian if he had seen or sensed anything. He said how weird it was, the water started dripping in the tub and he tried to turn the water off, but it was tightly off (weird). We had a quick, odd moment and he left to go get our luggage for the night. I sat in the chair in the corner watching her and when alone I asked her what her name was and she replied, “Sara M Bradford”, and then walked in a little girl who stood along side her in a pretty, little blue dress and blondish-brown hair. I assumed had some relation to her, but the child wouldn’t speak to me.
I heard a commotion in the hall and stuck my head out when I encountered another employee of the Myrtles and I asked her if I could ask her a question, she replied sure and came into the room. I then asked her if she had heard of this Sara or knew of her or was my being a medium allowing everyone to come through. She took two steps back and asked me, Sara? I replied, yes, she is standing right there pointing towards the door, she said her name was Sara M Bradford. The lady looked at me and smiled and said you are the first one who has called her that. I responded, called her what, Sara? She said no, calling her by her maiden name, Bradford. The employee then said her name was Sara Matilda Bradford Woodruff and her father built the Myrtles.
After some light conversation she invited me to do a private tour, with me being a physical medium she wanted me to walk the home and tell them what I could see and hear along with feel. I agreed because I was curious about her story and why she was so sad. As the night went on I ended up hurting my knee and had a difficult time walking, so of course I couldn’t walk the house and I wonder to this very day if that was the plan the whole time. During the night in our room the curtain continuously moved on just one side, the chandelier rotated back and forth and then my fan got knocked over against the wall which created a level of uneasiness. At this time I pulled out our infrared camera and began to take pictures and, what do you know, there she was in all her glory. My husband ran downstairs to talk to the tour guide and showed her the photo and, what do you know, she identified her as Sara.
They were so excited to see this photo and sad I could not do my private walk and as they were all looking at this photo I took I was settling in to sleep because I was in pain from my knee. Brian came back up and we took several videos of the excitement in our room and then decided to sleep so I could rest before the long drive home. Well, the night was crazy as around 2 a.m. I saw a man at the foot of our bed dressed in confederate attire and just starring at me. I was unnerved and asked him what he wanted, which was when I began to taste blood and have stomach issues and he pointed at the wall and disappeared, well…..that was interesting, and the footsteps and humming I heard all night made it difficult to sleep.
As day break rose, I was seriously done at this point and Brian woke up and I needed to leave, with all the energies in that home, lack of sleep, hurt knee, I think I had seen enough of the house for this trip. I have since promised to go back to walk the house for the woman and send them a copy of my photo so they can share my night with Sara. All I could gather from her was how sad she was for all her loss of children, father, and husband. She just did not get to live how she wanted. The humming was from the room we stayed in which was the old nursery, go figure… all in all, it was a sleepless night, but I do recommend the stay just for the interaction with the spirit world. The John Winters room was definitely a hit on my night.”
Lori Davies – Founder NWA Ghost Connection

(Photograph courtesy of Lori Davies, Founder of NWA Ghost Connection.)
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Send Sunshine: “My husband and I were excited to expand our living areas in 2012 since we live in the Pacific Northwest where rainy days are commonplace. We built our house in 1999 on a virgin piece of forest land. The remodel allowed our granddaughter to run or ride her tricycle around a makeshift track, circling the kitchen island and through the family room.
Her energy level was exceptional at the age of two and would have my husband race her in looping circles, constantly. Living with us, every day, she would chant, “Chase me, chase me.” On occasion, I’d give in but, personally, being out of shape and tired easily; the routine most often saved for her grandfather. She awoke before the birds at 5 am and was ready to, “run, run, run,” or drive her trike like an Indie car racer, narrowly missing more than one occasional obstacle.
At this age, she used single words and was working on developing full sentences. Her favorite lines were those above, “chase me,” “run, run, run,” and, “lady.” She’d grab my husband by the arm and have him follow her as they’d laugh and begin their laps. She made sure he stayed a certain pace behind her and continued to call him “lady.”
They’d giggle, pretend he was a monster, take water breaks and begin all over.
The year went on, and her vocabulary grew, she gained a small Pomeranian who joined the melee, barking like a wild thing in pursuit of the two-person parade. Imagine, whizzing past you a slick pink tricycle tricked out like a Harley Davidson, a tireless granddad jogging behind it while the sun has hours before it’s yet to rise and a crazy, yapping fluff ball whose foaming mouth and low-growled frenzy would lead one to believe he carried rabies.
One day while trailing her, my husband decided to ask, “Babe, why do you always call me, Lady?” she briefly looked back, responding out of breath, “No, no, she’s behind you.””
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Lori Davies: “Hallway on the fourth floor, you could hear her crying. The halls flooring took away my husbands equilibrium. The creepy feeling of someone you can’t see or acknowledge. The cold spots and the ghost boy in the elevator. So my story goes like this, January 26th, 2018 checked in at 4 p.m. waited for the elevator that only holds 5 people. Me being sensitive I love these old buildings. I can hear them but they don’t know this I don’t let on. A young boy 17 or so rides the elevator. He loves to see the people get on and off. He rides and like a small child you can hear him say “wee” it’s very interesting. The hall to our room was dark and deserted. I faintly heard a woman weeping. I didn’t let on I heard her until we were in the room, I told my husband I heard a faint whimpering like a crying lady. I pushed it into the back of my head and we went on our mini vacation. We got familiar with our room and unpacked a few things before going for dinner. While walking down the hallway on our way out I heard the lady crying but of course could not see her. We kept moving on and reached the lounge for dinner and I told Brian I heard her, and he proceeded to tell me how off he feels. We enjoyed dinner and conversations before returning to our room. It was quiet on the way in however our night turned into a story. 2:15 a.m. she came into our room, 4ft 11in long blackish hair very tiny frame wearing a long wavy night gown. She tells me she was in love with James a prominent gentleman who was married with a family. She told me of her meetings with him 3 or 4 times a week and this had been going on for moths. Her name was Elizabeth and she was a woman of the night and she kept James company the majority of the week. He was either a banker or worked with paper like the newspaper or something. She was in love with James and tells me how he had planned to leave and go further south for work and Elizabeth was so upset by his news. Elizabeth thought he would stay with her and marry her but he already had a family. This news came as such a shock that the night she found out, she ran a bath and slit her wrists with a straight blade and died. She roams the hotel waiting for him to return and she is so angry that she let herself feel so abandoned. She enjoys the people coming and going because she feels less alone. Elizabeth visited my husband and I every night we stayed there. She woke Brian up at 3:30 a.m. by shaking him. And she would rub my hand and arm usually around 2 a.m. She informed me of over 30 spirits at the Basin 2 of which are a couple who parishes in a fire, and 2 teenage boys 17 and 18. Needless to say the 4th floor is a very good place for speaking to Elizabeth and the elevator is a good place for one young man who loves to ride. We only shared the story of Elizabeth because that’s all I would allow in my space, but I learned of a woman in love who still roams the halls of the 1905 Basin Hotel.”

(Photo by Lori Davies)
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