Doppelgangers & Black Eyed Kids

Doppelgangers and Black Eyed Kids. Are they real? What do you believe?

Doppelgangers (German for “Ghostly Double” or “Double Walker”) simply refers to a double of a living person. According to legend, these otherworldly creatures harness the ability to mirror the appearance of those they encounter. Many believe that doppelgangers are harbingers of doom. For instance, if a doppelganger was seen by a person’s loved one, then the doppelganger may be a messenger of danger or ill health. However, if one sees his or her own doppelganger, it’s said to be an omen of death.

A doppelganger is often considered to be a shadow self that is thought to follow every living person. In instances of bilocation, a person can either spontaneously or willingly project his or her double known as a “wraith” to a remote location. This double is identical to the real person and can interact with others just as the real person would.

Several well-known people in history reported seeing their doppelgangers prior to their deaths. Some of these historic figures include Abraham Lincoln, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Catherine The Great, Queen Elizabeth 1 and Maria de Jesus de Agreda just to name a few. Even Vice-Admiral, Sir George Tyron had reportedly been seen walking through the drawing room of his Eaton Square home in London at the exact time he had gone down with his ship, HMS Victoria after colliding with HMS Camperdown.

Another harbinger of doom is known as the Black Eyed Kid (also known as BEKs.) Their origin isn’t clear, but many believe that these young ones are the spirits of lost or murdered children.

Black Eyed Kids are typically known to travel in pairs. Their ages range from eight years to eighteen years old. They have very pale skin and black eyes, showing no pupil or iris. When these children make their approach, they usually ask to be invited in one’s car or home. Almost anyone who’s had an encounter with the BEKs become overwhelmed with a sudden feeling of fear or dread. When turning these kids away, the children show aggression with the intense need to be allowed inside. Those who claim to have encounters with the Black Eyed Kids report that the children refuse to go away until the said person either leaves the scene or closes the door on them. However, there are many reports of these encounters, there aren’t any confirmations of what could happen if someone actually complied with the demands of the Black Eyed Kids.



Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author





Interview with Rich

Today I’m welcoming Rich, a gentleman who possesses the supernatural ability of Street Light Interference (SLI). Thank you, Rich for stopping by!



Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I am from a blue collar town in New Jersey. I attended Catholic grade school and High School before heading out to West Virginia University where I earned by BA degree in Political Science. After college I worked in law enforcement as a narcotics officer. Finding the legal aspect of that profession interesting, I decided to apply to law school. I was accepted in a Catholic law school and became an attorney leaving my law enforcement career after 5 years. I moved to the Jersey shore area and opened up my own law practice. Having come from a political family where my dad served as a Mayor and a Member of the NJ Legislature, I also decided to run for public office. I became a candidate for my local town council and again ran for the NJ Legislature. I was not a fortunate as my dad in my pursuit of political office holding but thoroughly enjoyed the campaigns. I am the proud father of one son and grandfather to my four-year grandson. I enjoy the beach, sports, skiing, collecting antique political campaign items, helping others and my precious family time.



You have the ability of being a Slider. Can you share with us what that means?

I never realized what a Slider was until about 10 years ago when I began researching the phenomena of having the ability to extinguish street lights at random either on a road or a parking lot. My understanding that the term “Slider” is an acronym for “street light interference” and is given to individuals who have experienced this ability. I always thought I was the only one who consistently “knocked out the lights” until researching this topic.



How long have you had this ability and how did you discover it?

I first noticed this in college (over 40 years ago) when I was entering the parking lot of one of my favorite restaurants. Every time I would get out of my car the light in the parking lot went out and I could barley see while walking to the restaurant. I told several of my friends who thought I was crazy until they witnessed it themselves with me. I have been doing this at random ever since first noticing it when I was a college student. In fact, it happened several time today while driving home form work and again walking to my mailbox in front of my home. There is a street light near my house that goes out about 90% of the time when I approach it. I wonder if my neighbors notice it always going out when I am around! I noticed on occasion, while driving down a highway, the street lights would go out in succession as I approached each light. It happens on different street lights and in mall parking lot at random. I do notice when I am most stressed out (being a lawyer can do that to you) it happens more often.



How has being a Slider affected your life? And would you consider this ability a blessing to have?

It has not affected my life in any way, shape or form. In fact, I get amused when I see a street light go out, which is on a daily basis. I strongly believe that the light would not go out but for my physical presence near them. The other night I was walking to my car in a parking lot with my girlfriend and remarked that I didn’t see any lights go out yet. Within seconds later the light above my car went out. The lights appear to always re-cycle and come on after a few minutes but it is funny how they go out so often. I would not call it a blessing but now just my normal way of life that I have accepted and have fun with.



How have people who are near to you, family and friends, reacted to your ability?

At first my friends and family were skeptical as I would be. When they drove or walked with me to witness it first hand they thought it was creepy but now accept it and believe that it is an ability that I have. I remember years ago walking with my son in a mall parking lot at night. My car was on the opposite end of the mall parking lot. As we were walking toward the car, each row of lights would go out as we got near. I mentioned that to my son and he was fascinated. He said we should turn around and walk back the way we came. It happened in reverse as we got to our original location. We laughed about it. Many years later all my family members and many of my friends (at least the ones that I told) witnessed this happening. I rarely discuss it with anyone except my inner circle of friends and family. It has just became a part of my life and I enjoy watching the lights go out. In any given day, I notice about 5 to 7 street lights go out. If I am with a friend or family, I point it out to them as they see the darkened light either slightly flicker or go out completely.



What would you say to someone who may be skeptical?

I don’t blame them. I doubted this was happening to me for many years until I started to research it and found that I was not alone in this world. It made me comfortable to talk about it to various people and have them see it for themselves when they are with me. I once thought it was from a maybe some silver from a tooth filling while trying to make some sense of it. Now I truly believe there is some sort of electrical impulse that I emit which causes interference with the street pole lights.



Any words of advice to others who possibly may be Sliders as well?

Embrace it and be amused as I am. There is nothing scary about it. Just have the piece of mind to know that there are other people in the world that have experienced this same Slider ability. You are not crazy!










Meet Cassy Blakemore

If you’ve read my novel, The Spirit Within, then you’ll know who this young lady is…. the main character, Cassy Blakemore! Join Cassy’s gripping journey into the unknown as she discovers deep-seated secrets and supernatural powers!


Who is this intriguing young lady?

She’s a mousy nineteen year old college student who’s major is in art with hopes and dreams of owning her own gallery one day. Her name is Cassandra Blakemore, but to those dearest to her, she’s affectionately known as Cassy. She tries to live a simple life with her boyfriend, Raleigh Nichols, a rugged mechanic who Cassy’s Uncle Mitch sorely dislikes, but tolerates for the love of his niece.

Raleigh, who claims he loves Cassy undeniably, soon finds comfort by delving deeper into the bottle. His insufferable alcoholism takes an unruly turn as he becomes abusive towards Cassy. It’s at this point in her life that she’s faced with her worst fears.

And as if all of this wasn’t enough, not only does she endure verbal and physical abuse, Cassy discovers a whole other side to herself that she never knew existed. Cassy starts to have premonitions, experiencing ESP right before horrible things happen. Also, supernatural abilities of levitation and telekinesis begin to show through Cassy’s newly found powers.

She’s terrified and confused. Fight or flight. She has to decide. As she moves forward, she meets new people, embraces new love with a mysterious bookstore clerk named, Drew Stevens, and learns about deep-seated family secrets that are shockingly revealed.

Cassy struggles, but finds the strength to travel down a path to empowerment. She becomes the Phoenix that rises high above the ashes of adversity. Cassy discovers The Spirit Within!


Here is the sketch that I did of Cassy Blakemore, the main character of my novel, The Spirit Within. Prints of my sketch are available at…



Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author




(“Cassy Blakemore”. Sketch by Sheila Renee Parker.)