The Infamous and Macabre LaLaurie Mansion

Yesterday was a gorgeous day! It started off rainy, but cleared up with a nice January coastal temperature reaching the mid seventies. My family and I decided to drive west three hours to have breakfast at one of our fave places…. Cafe du Monde.While in New Orleans, we walked around and checked out the LaLaurie Mansion. Unfortunately, we were unable to go inside, but still able to visit. It’s reported to be extremely haunted! The following tells of its macabre history….

“Tales of murder, mystery, and mayhem flow throughout the history of New Orleans, but none are more captivating than the LaLaurie Mansion. Madame Marie Delphine LaLaurie was a notable Creole socialite before tales of unimaginable cruelty and killing swirled.

The gorgeous Royal Street mansion is located in the heart of the French Quarter. The family spared no expense decorating, shipping in ornate décor from Europe. The house was the talk of the town and home to many extravagant affairs until the dark truth was uncovered.

Slaves mysteriously disappeared, never to be heard from again, screams of ungodly torture could be heard coming from the upstairs, and the Madame’s personal slave jumped from the roof to her death allegedly to avoid being taken to the room of terror.

It was thought Madame LaLaurie’s husband knew of the sadistic happenings but turned a blind eye.

As rumors of grisly behavior echoed throughout the town, the once sought after socialite was avoided, parties unattended. Since it was illegal to mistreat slaves, the Madame was forced to relinquish hers. However, they were given to family members and she acquired back a few at a time.

Although whispers of slave mistreatment swarmed through the town, the reality of Madame LaLaurie’s insanity was unearthed in 1834 when a fiery blaze started in the kitchen uncovered dark secrets as it swept through the mansion. According to legend, the fire was set by a slave trying to commit suicide because she could no longer endure the torture of the lady of the house.

During the cleanup, more than a dozen slaves were found chained upstairs, maimed and tortured. Both men and women, some strapped to a makeshift operating table while others were confined in cages, human body parts were scattered around. Heads and human organs thrown in buckets, other body parts were placed on shelves next to whips and paddles.

After a mob showed up to ransack the mansion, the LaLaurie’s fled town never to be heard from again. Since then, blood curdling screams can be heard at all hours of the night, figures can be seen floating around.” ~

The following is a photo of the LaLaurie Mansion. Even with it’s dreaded history, the location is still very beautiful. And just after the first photo, are additional ones we took while we were visiting New Orleans. Love that architecture!!!

Stay blessed, everyone and know that you are all loved!

~ Sheila 💋

The LaLaurie Mansion


Men In Black

“Here come the men in black, the galaxy defenders……” ok, no worries, I’m not going to start singing the song. I’m sure Will Smith wouldn’t approve and luckily for you, by reading this, you’re not tortured by hearing my unmelodious voice. 😉 And I’m not here to talk about the hit film starring the very talented Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. However, I am a huge fan of their movies!

BUT……. I am talking about the supposedly real-life individuals known as the “Men In Black” (MIBs). Just like the Hollywood portrayals, these non-fictitious characters primarily wear black suits, white button-up shirts and black ties. They are reportedly some sort of secret organization that has been obviously denied by certain officials. It’s been said that the mysterious Men In Black appear anytime UFO sightings have been experienced. Why? Possible cover-up involvement? To insure that UFO witnesses remain quiet about what they have seen? By intimidating and threatening those who dare to speak publicly about any sort of UFO interactions?

Throughout recent decades, many supporters/investigators of ufology have supposedly been harassed and some have even died by mysterious causes. Are the MIBs to blame for all of this misfortune? Who knows?? It’s also alleged that the Men In Black have taped and recorded UFO hunters’ phones.

I personally have never experienced anything like this nor have I seen an alien or UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) of any kind. I’ve only witnessed shadow people, clairaudient experiences, touched by spirits and other paranormal encounters similar to those, but never aliens. I do know people who have claimed to have seen visitors from other planets, but none of them have ever told me about any visitors from the “Men In Black”.

So, do these well-dressed individuals actually exist or….??? I wouldn’t wanna find out…….

MIB 145

A Ghostly Perspective

This next post was inspired by a film that I’ve recently watched titled, The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia. The film is based on a true story and here is its description: “A historic Southern home’s new residents come face to face with a malevolent force.”

While watching, that was when it dawned on me that I was already familiar with the people portrayed in the film. I had seen them on other paranormal shows talking about their story and discussing the daughter’s ability of clairvoyance and communicating with the dead.

After I finished watching the film, it got me to thinking about ghosts and why some of them seem to be so malevolent. Perhaps their spirit isn’t actually malevolent at all. Maybe they just seem that way because they are trying to convey a message to the living. And after countless failed attempts of communication with the living, the ghosts become enraged because they have something to say but have no way of reaching the other side.

I know it may sound crazy, even far-fetched, but it made me think. So, by the time these ghosts finally find someone with whom they are able to communicate, they’re ready to unleash all their built-up emotions. And with the rush of feeling (and the fact that they’re dead) it’s easy to understand why the living can get so terrified by a paranormal encounter.

It makes total sense to me. Put yourself in their position. One day you’re walking down the street and all is well, then unfortunately something tragically out of the blue happens and you’re no longer part of the living. You’re now on the other side. You’re terrified, freaking out and you have no one to turn to. You try so hard to communicate with the living, but nothing – nadda. You try and try until one day your persistence finally becomes successful when you’re able to communicate with someone. But by this time, when you’re able to speak to a clairvoyant or whomever, you’ve got all this rush of excitement and that’s what scares the living because it becomes too overwhelming for them to handle.

Now this isn’t me in any way, shape or form, discarding all malevolent entities as non-malevolent. Extreme caution should always be utilized when investigating the paranormal because there are evil creatures/beings on the other side. So, be careful!

But the film did make me think and I wanted to share……


The Endeared

One, two, three and four.
The petals are soft, but they still hit the floor.
Plucked from the bloom, the rose lays bare
in the hands of the jaded without a care.

A bodice draped in elegant lace
defines the figure of Victorian grace.
Staring out the window, vision’s a blur
from tear filled eyes longing for a cure.

Strong is the will waiting to survive,
creating the happiness to make one feel alive.

Suddenly, a love that’s been removed
now comes into view,
a view that’s been long over due.

The faint smell of a cigar quickly fills the
room with no smoke in sight.
Accompanied by a warm, curious feeling,
nothing of fright.

The ghostly vision comes clear
as he approaches her near.
To him she says sadly, “I’ve aged a bit.”
He sweetly replies, “Not in my eyes. I still see you as exquisite.”

Then he caresses her cheek softly and full of love. He adds,
“I still see you as my beautiful dove.”
A smile sweeps across her wrinkled face,
so elegant and full of grace.
She whispers, “I love you, my dear for all eternity.”
He nods, “I know, my sweet for our love shall forever be.”

(A poem by Sheila Renee Parker)


Fear Cemeteries?

Fear cemeteries? Wait, no way… not me!!

Hmmm…. The fascination of cemeteries, graves, headstones, gargoyles…. etc. etc…. To many, they are quite attracted to such places. Why? Well, to me (and yes, I am one of those who find these macabre locations to be rather intriguing.) there’s something serene about the atmosphere. I am at such peace when I am at a cemetery. Which, if one truly thinks about it, should be comforting to know that the dead are “resting in peace”. After all, I am an empath and can feel the deceased’s energy. 😉

Did you know that there is actually a name for this curious allure? It’s referred to as coimetromania. According to an online definition, it’s simply defined as “An abnormal attraction to and desire to visit cemeteries.” There are many, many people with this interest. And I’m sure that with each individual, their reasoning is just as unique as they are……Find out more by reading….. A Grave Attraction

Paranormal Investigative Equipment: What’s Your Pick?

There are so many different types of equipment that one can use while conducting a paranormal investigation, even supposedly fully equipped ghost hunting kits that claim to have everything one needs. Interesting…. do these kits come with an unlimited supply of batteries? Ghosts are known to drain batteries for the energy. So, if these kits don’t come with batteries, they’re not fully equipped now are they? Just a random thought… 😉

Anywho, the pieces of equipment that an investigator can add to his/her collection can be quite impressive to say the least. The technology and research required to create such devices go way beyond my level of education. Such devices like a full spectrum digital camera that can be used to capture videos and photos. Another one is the Ghost Box Ovilus that “converts environmental readings into real words”. Then, there are Rem Pods that detect energy disturbances and fluctuations. And, there’s even digital thermometers that are created to locate temperature changes. The list goes on and on with the various tools that one can use in hunting the paranormal. Pendulums and divining rods are a couple of other ones as well. The routine and methods used are as unique as the investigator conducting the investigation.

Here is where I want some interaction. From you, the daring individuals who aren’t afraid to go out and search for the unknown. Tell me, share with us all, what’s YOUR favorite piece of equipment to use while investigating the spectral realm? And why?



Debunking by Candlelight

The paranormal is definitely something that I believe in. Without a doubt, there are inscrutable entities in their own realm of existence. Some are shady with dark, malevolent intent, while others are merely passing through for whatever reason. However, I still view things with a skeptical eye. Not everything “incomprehensible that happens can be explained with paranormal reasoning. In fact, with research and investigation, often what we perceive to be unexplainable can actually be justified with plausible cause.

So many factors need to be considered when trying to debunk or prove the preternatural world. Often, findings can be conclusive with the simplest of methods. And other times, even some of the most advanced paranormal equipment ends up with inconclusive results.

Recently, something peculiar happened in my home. Now looking back, it’s kind of embarrassing because it’s so mundane, but I want to share it with you because I believe it’s a prime example of investigating the unknown. Previously, I mentioned in another article that there is a huge window in my bedroom. On its sill at night I like to light tea lights. There’s just something soothing about the illuminating glow from the warm little flickers. Anyway, when I first began doing this, I noticed some gentle, random tapping outside on my window. I quickly brushed it off, thinking it was due to a soft wind blowing by. A couple of more nights passed with the same tapping , but there wasn’t any wind to blame. So my curiosity grew. I grabbed a flashlight and began to search for answers outside my window for the source of the tapping, but nothing was found. So, I went to bed that night still without explanation as the candles burned down.

The very next night I lit the candles again. The gentle tapping slowly started back up. It was dark, no street lights and the wind was calm. So where was this mysterious sound coming from? I looked outside the window, searching for an answer. “Question mark” was all I could think about, and then I noticed something…. something small and fluttering… bobbing around in the darkness….

I looked at this little insect as it attempted to fly towards the light given by the candle on the inside of the window. And that’s when it dawned on me. Every night when I’d light the tea lights, flying insects were attracted to their illuminating glow, creating the tapping on the glass with their attempts to enter.

Something so simple with a plausible explanation… nothing paranormal at all. Just the innocent curiosity of some winged little insects wanting to get in.


A Spooky Q & A

At the speaking events that I’ve hosted in the past about the paranormal, I got asked all kinds of questions. The following are some of those questions.

1. What are some ways to help ward off negative energy?

As simple as this sounds, I get asked this a lot. There are actually lots of different things that a person can do to help guard against anything negative.

Saging (a.k.a. “smudging”) can be very effective and is very easy to do. All one has to do is get a bundle of sage and light one end of it. Blow the flame out and fan the burning smoke (this can be done with the use of a feather) throughout the area needing to be cleansed of negative energy. Many people choose to repeat a mantra as they do this. The mantra is primarily chosen by the individual and includes positive words of reinforcement. Also, the use of certain kinds of incense like dragonsblood and sandalwood can be used much in the same way as doing a smudging with sage.

Another way to help ward off negative energy is by “cleansing” the home with sea salt at the base of windows and doorways. This can also be extended out to the perimeter of one’s property to help create a protective barrier that blocks out anything negative.

Calling upon Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels is another effective way to help maintain a positive atmosphere. In my belief, I like to use the protection of white light. I find it pretty easy to do. All I do is envision a “protection shield of white light” encircling me.

Like I tell people, there are so many ways of removing negative energy. My suggestion is to find a way that works and practice it. Find comfort with it and know deep within the heart that there is empowerment in all that is positive.

2. Several family members have seen the spirits of deceased loved ones, but a certain family member may not be able to. Why is that?

Often the deceased will be seen by loved ones. Their spirits are seen by the bereaved sometimes for closure purposes, but there are times when the deceased will not make their presence known to certain individuals simply because the spirit may feel that their living loved one may not be “ready” to see them, there may be fear creating the block that prevents the encounter from happening.

The loss of a loved one is never easy for anyone, including the dead. We, the living, have lost them, but they’re the ones who lost their lives and for many deceased, the acceptance of passing away is more difficult to swallow than it is for the living. It’s possible for the dead to go through a grieving period as well.

3. Can animals be sensitive to the paranormal like humans?

I strongly believe that this is possible. I once talked with a lady who had a cat. Along with her family, she and the cat lived in an older house whose previous occupants also had a cat that had unfortunately died in the home. Prior to moving into the house, the lady said that her cat was sweet but very “stand-offish”. Then after they moved into the home, her cat started becoming very affectionate and wanted to be held all the time. It would act strangely around certain parts of the house as well. The lady told me that she believed that her cat was trying to hoard all the attention from the ghost cat of the previous tenants.

4. After someone who was considered a good person dies, can their spirit become malevolent?

Yes. For example, this can happen to victims of violent crimes that resulted in death. Therefore, causing them to feel as if they were horribly robbed of their life, creating mixed feelings of confusion and rage. With these distraught emotions, a happy person could quite possibly become the opposite in the afterlife.

5. Can the negative energy of someone living manifest itself into a malicious entity?

Unfortunately, this can happen. Someone who is deeply depressed and saddened can bear a great deal of negative energy. This dark energy emitted from the individual’s body can become so “weighed down” and “heavy” that it manifests into a separate entity that attaches itself to the depressed person. Therefore, the creation of something malevolent can be born even without the intentions of the individual.

At my speaking events, I encounter so many inquisitive people, and from them, I also learn. Knowledge is never ending… and understanding… well, that goes without saying…. having an opened mind is key to understanding the unknown.

“Wherever there is darkness, light will always prevail.”
~ Sheila Renee Parker

A Grave Fear

It’s the safest place in the world to be.” So often I hear this when it comes to the reference of cemeteries. Why? People always tell me it’s because the dead are not a part of the living any longer and it’s impossible for them to inflict harm to anyone. Then why is there such terror in the hearts of the individuals who suffer from coimetrophobia? Hmm… good question!

Coimetrophobia is the fear of cemeteries. Those who live with this phobia say that when they are in or around cemeteries, they experience shortness of breath, bodily shakes and breaking out in a sweat, just to name a few. More severe cases even experience heart palpitations and a sense of temporary paralyzation, preventing the sufferer to move. In fact, some people are so terrified by cemeteries that they avoid them all together.

Now, this is not a fear that has manifested itself only in recent years. It actually has been around for quite some time. Fear of the dead rising due to superstitious lore has plagued mankind throughout the ages. It has given birth to such creatures like zombies, vampires and other similar beings. And thanks to Hollywood, such frightening legends have been given a form of life across the silver screen. I, myself enjoy a hair-raising tale. I believe it keeps the blood pumping and the senses intact.

I personally do not have a fear of cemeteries. However, one night when I was much younger and while out with some friends, we went to an old church and cemetery that were way out in the middle of the countryside on an old gravelly road. The night was solemn as the moonlight shined on the top of each grave. We all walked among the headstones in search of anything that had the potential to frighten a bunch of teen girls. Nothing out of the ordinary was seen that I can recall, except for a small red glow viewable through the church’s window. Keep in mind that this church was not hooked up to any electricity. It even had an outhouse located at the back of its property. So, how was it possible to see the red light inside an old structure with graves dated back from the late 1800s?

We never investigated it, nor did any research relating to the site. We decided to keep our distance and leave it alone. But to think of that night still ponders me to this day.