Can’t Stop The Feeling!

It was one morning a little over a month ago, I was in my car on my way to work when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the image of fluorite stone randomly popped into my head. As I was nearing the stop sign of the intersection, I was like, “wha??”. Thought it was odd because I wasn’t even thinking anything remotely to the subject of healing stones. But of course, being the person that I am, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I openly took it as a sign from the Universe. So, when I got to work and had a free moment, I began researching fluorite and its meaning.

And that was when it hit me! Upon my research I discovered this…. “Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit.” ~

“Fluorite crystals cleanse your mind, body and spirit. On a psychic level, they are very protective stones, protecting you from outside influences and drawing off negative energy.  They balance both sides of your brain to bring mental clarity and rid your mind of any mental or creative blocks. They also cleanse and stabilize your aura, cleansing, purifying and dispelling anything within your body or energy field that is not in perfect order. Fluorite crystals are said to rid your aura of any cording—meaning any unwanted energy lines from other people.”  ~

It literally gave me goosebumps! Why? Because on so many levels I’ve been going through a major lifestyle change. I’m eating healthier, exercising daily, creating a much more positive atmosphere, I’m being more open to my abilities and expressing them to others in hope to help people embrace their special gifts. I mean, so many wonderful things are happening and I have never felt so at peace before in my life!

So, by the image of the beautiful fluorite stone coming to me, I had to tell my husband about it! We then decided to order some fluorite beads to make our own necklaces. I made myself a sweet little choker, one so that I could easily layer it with other necklaces if I wanted. For my husband, I made him nearly an 18 inch necklace.

I’ve been wearing my choker every day now for several days and I cannot express the mental clarity it’s given me. I honestly believe in the benefits of fluorite! It’s even helped me “see” things better psychically. I feel like it’s helped me open my third eye all the more.

I also like layering it with my necklace adorned with a moldavite pendant. Moldavite is excellent for…. “Connectivity, Moldavite carries an intense frequency, a fusion of earthly and extraterrestrial energies that are quickly felt, often dramatically in those who resonate with its power. Holding Moldavite for the first time often produces a sensation of heat, felt first in the hand, then progressively throughout the body. In some cases the heart chakra is activated, experienced as a pounding pulse, followed by sweating or flushing of the face, and an emotional release that may range from laughter to tears. Moldavite’s frequency may take some getting used to, but its profound ability to accelerate one’s personal and spiritual evolution makes it highly sought after in the metaphysical world, both for its life-altering capabilities and as a catalyst for drawing in Light to aid in Earth’s healing.” ~ [Simmons, 262][Simmons/Warner, 30-32][Hall, 187]

“Moldavite is a powerful aid for meditation and dream-work, as well as increasing one’s sensitivity to guidance, intuition and telepathy, and the ability to understand messages sent from higher realms.”[Simmons, 262-263][Megemont, 126]

Together, or wearing separately, the fluorite and the moldavite stones create such an amazing sense of well-being! Some people may say that it’s simply the placebo effect induced by reading materials, but I would dispute that because I know what I feel and I cannot deny that. Things that would have bothered me in the past, now have no affect on me at all. I just let them “roll off my back”. My mental clarity has greatly improved and the beautiful, warm energy that I feel surrounding me, the Universal connection… beyond words! It’s all so inspiring!!

Life is a blessing, live it to the fullest!

Love & Light, my friends! ~ Sheila





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





My fluorite choker layered with my moldavite pendant.




2017 Gulf Coast ParaCon!!


Come one, come all to The 2017 Gulf Coast ParaCon!! 

Join SPARS Paranormal for this amazing 3rd annual event! When? September 22 – September 24. Where? At the beautiful, historic Beauvoir, The Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library located at 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, Mississippi 39531. It’s an exciting time for all paranormal enthusiasts! You’ll have the opportunity to meet celebrity speakers, vendors and also take part in an exclusive paranormal investigation at Jefferson Davis’s last residence. And we wouldn’t dare leave out the “Meet & Greet Ball“, a costume party with the 80’s theme!

I, myself, am really excited about being there as a vendor and we hope you all can attend because we would love to meet you!!!


For ticket information please visit: SPARS Paranormal’s site at

And on Facebook: 2017 Gulf Coast ParaCon

Want a chance to win your very own ticket to this spooktacular event? Two lucky individuals will get the opportunity to win a general admission ticket! Yes, that’s right!! Two General Admission tickets will be given away! All you have to do is send in your name to Contact Sheila Renee Parker. Entries for the drawing must be submitted before the deadline date and time of Friday, September 15th at 11 p.m. Eastern time. The winners will be notified the following day.




Gulf Coast ParaCon 2017





“The Apparition”

The mysterious world of the unknown has always fascinated me.The exploration of the various topics is something that I will continue to research for as long as I live. However using caution, I will remain strong, courageous and show absolutely no fear. I’m often asked if I’m frightened by the paranormal. Honestly, I used to be, especially when I was a kid. My lack of understanding was basis for that. ‘Tis the reason for me eventually facing my fears and overcoming them. I do believe in respect by showing it and giving it to the spirit realm. I never provoke, nor display any form of agitation towards them. For me, it’s all about respecting both, the living and the dead…. and everything in between.


By doing so, I truly feel at peace as I openly express my curiosity for the supernatural by being an author and also an artist. My expression isn’t only conveyed through words, but through other artistic media as well. There’s such passion in one’s creativity.


The below image is a watercolor that I painted. Then, I added some digital effects to give it more color, making the painting more vibrant.

I’ve titled it, “The Apparition”.

Prints are available at….


*** (A little side note here…. lol… I finally got on Instagram! Would love to see ya there!!! @sheilareneeparker.) ***



Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker



“The Apparition” ~ by Sheila Renee Parker. Prints available @…




“Interview with Adrian Lee”

Today I’m welcoming psychic, paranormal investigator and author, Adrian Lee! Thank you, Adrian for stopping by!



Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I am the founder of The International Paranormal Society and a member of the Luton Paranormal Society in England. I have comprehensively investigated ghosts and paranormal activity all over the globe. I first became interested in the paranormal after experiencing several events in my childhood home. In adult life the idea progressively intrigued me that I could interface with the dead from a historical perspective. I first came to Minnesota early in 2008 to work on several paranormal video productions, and I spent two years working in Minneapolis as the national and international news correspondent for a live paranormal talk radio show on 100.3 KTLK. I currently host the only weekly paranormal news quiz show, More Questions than Answers.
My paranormal investigations are informed by my clairvoyance. I see detailed pictures in my third eye presented to me by the deceased. This allows me to have a very precise communication with the spirits. I also have the skill of remote viewing and clairsentience. In my youth my psychic sensitivities were dormant for some time. It was only through my work with other sensitives and through being exposed to various kinds of paranormal contact–coupled with my own personal psychic development, that I developed to where I can now utilize those skills freely. Like any other ability my clairvoyance continues to evolve and is becoming stronger through the implementing of structures surrounding my design for life, critical introspection, and practice.
I have also written the books Mysterious Minnesota: Digging up the Ghostly Past at 13 Haunted Sites and How to be Christian Psychic, What the Bible says about Mediums, Healers and Paranormal Investigators. I currently lecture on all aspects of the paranormal including ghosts, UFOs, psychic development, and angels.



At what age did you discover that you were psychic? And how have you lived with this ability, do you consider it a gift or a curse?

It is definitely a gift. I have trouble understanding those that complain about it being a curse when we have been given the unique ability to help, heal, and save others—whoever saves one life saves the world entire.
I saw entities in my bedroom when I was a small child growing up in east London—I believed one of them to be my great-grandmother. I described these phenomena to my parents and my father replied by saying, if it was my great-grandmother, then she would not want to hurt me, as she loved me. This is true and I have taken this concept through into my life of investigating the paranormal. Ghosts just reflect the society in which they were born and lived, and people (despite what the media would have us believe) are generally friendly and loving. If you fell over on the sidewalk, or broke down in your car, most people would stop and help.
The only issues I’ve had with ghosts and spirits is when they did not want me on their property, or I was considered the enemy (especially when investigating places like Fort Snelling in Minnesota, which was constructed to stop the British from coming back down from Canada). If individuals were mean and miserable when they were alive, then they are mean and miserable when they are dead—and who doesn’t know people like that now in their own lives. You keep the same humanity and personality when you die, you just lose your physical self.
I have gained the ability through meditation and a design for life to be able to turn my psychic skills on and off when I choose. So I am not bothered by spirits when I am walking through the grocery store or when I am in the shower.



You’re also a healer, tell us about that.

Many years ago I was the guest at a paranormal investigation being held in a disused Victorian School House in Derbyshire, England. The event was run by the respected British psychic and healer, Annette Moss. She told me during the event that I was a natural healer and that she would teach me to be a Reiki healer. I embraced the chance and studied Reiki and healing energy.
Over the course of my healing practice I have witnessed the most incredible transformations and healing taking place in the individuals I have worked with—in many cases baffling the medical profession by removing or curing disease and illness. Science is always playing catch-up to man’s wisdom. During the modernity of the scientific age of discovery we threw out much of our wisdom and knowledge in favor of what science could prove was right or wrong. Only recently has science discovered and recorded energy and auras being emitted from living creatures and plant-life. It has now recognized that energy can be transmitted from one person to another—so science is slowly catching up. Up until 1992 science said there were only nine planets, today we have found thousands. That is not to say they did not exist before 1992, just that science could not prove they existed.
Last year I had the privilege of healing a horse back from near death with pneumonia, so I am looking forward to working more with more animals in the future—that was a very touching and profound experience for me.



Being a paranormal investigator and founder of The International Paranormal Society, how do you incorporate your abilities into an investigation? And what has been your most challenging case thus far?

My psychic abilities are used on investigations just like any other piece of equipment. In an ideal world I would want to spend the beginning of an investigation annotating the psychic information I am receiving from the ghosts and spirits in the property. We investigate historically important sites and I am looking to bring history back from the lips of the dead—adding to the canon of American history by unwrapping information that has long since been lost to the knowledge of man.
Having created a large document of names, dates, and events psychically, we would then use the equipment to cross collaborate my findings—so we have empirical evidence backing up my psychic skills. After the investigation I would then find the individuals and the events the spirits spoke of within secondary source materials, like: newspaper archives, books, obituaries, banking details and censors records. I then find historically the individuals that I had not previously been aware of. This is a very powerful tool in proving that an afterlife exists and it is difficult to argue with from a skeptic’s perspective.
The most challenging aspect of investigating comes from the weather conditions or the state of the property I am investigating in. Ghosts and spirits in general don’t give me any issues and they want to be recognized and written about—these individuals are other people’s great-grandparents and great great-grandparents.
I investigated in the town of Long Prairie in Todd County, Minnesota, and it was so cold in the disused opera house that the ink froze in my pen. I have been in the bottom of several historic cargo freighters on a frozen Lake Superior up to my knees in lake water, oil, peeling paint, and other detritus. I guess I am learning that in the Midwest there is no such thing as the wrong weather, just the wrong clothing.
I am asked to remove darkness and Biblically evil entities from locations and properties but I have progressively found that they have removed themselves before I arrive—who is going to stick around to be banished if they know we are coming. The key is to stop them coming back into the property once we have departed, by anointing doorframes and windows, by blessings and using prayers, positive intensions, and clearing ceremonies. The use of salt is very effective and is found in Holy water, as well as many other religious beliefs.



You’re the author of several books such as How To Be A Christian Psychic: what the Bible says about Mediums, Healers, and Paranormal Investigators…. Mysterious Minnesota: Digging up the Ghostly Past at 13 Haunted Sites….. Tales From A Pioneer Town: the Earliest Stories of Sauk Centre, Minnesota….. and The Haunting & History Of The Christie House.
What was your inspiration to write them and where can readers go to purchase their very own copies?

I am a historian by trade and I lectured history all over Europe. As a historian you are solely dealing with secondary source materials as described above. We do not have a time machine and we were not there. So we collate all the information and present it how we think it may been have been back in that time period. As a psychic and paranormal investigator I can interview someone that was living in 1863 and actually ask them what it was like—just like asking your living granddad what he did during the war. This is now primary source material and I am uncovering history that has been lost and never seen before, this is very exciting and I feel like a cross between Indiana Jones and Sherlock Holmes. It is also unique and no one else is writing books in this manner.
My books can be found in every online bookstore and can be ordered by the well-known multinational book stores found around the US and the rest of the world (if they do not have a copy on their shelves). Please remember when you have read any book that you have enjoyed to leave a positive comment on Amazon. Ninety percent of all book sales are now sold through Amazon and any comments you leave allow the publisher, the author, and the distributor to keep promoting that author’s work—and will allow the writer to publish more in the future.



More Questions than Answers is your paranormal news radio show. Mind telling everyone about your broadcast and where can listeners tune in?

More Questions than Answers is the only paranormal news quiz show on the planet. We search the world for stories of the paranormal, strange and bizarre, and we test each other’s knowledge. It is a witty and comedic show with a guest panel. It is listened to by over 100,000 people a week in over 190 countries.
The fan mail I receive from all over the world is truly remarkable and humbling—it makes you realize that whether you live in Brazil, Serbia, Vietnam, the Philippines or Egypt, we can all laugh and get on together in the common love of the oddly intriguing and morbidly fascinating.
We broadcast every Friday central time at 8pm of the Dark Matter Digital Network or you can listened to all of our archives from the last four years anytime visiting You can also find us on Stitcher, I-Tunes and Tunein Radio.



What’s next for Adrian Lee, any upcoming projects?

As always I have about five books on the go all at once. I am working on several titles that I hope to have published this year including: Ghosts and UFOs, are they the same? and More Mysterious Midwest. I have expos and events solidly booked for every weekend throughout spring, where I will be a keynote speaker and psychic reader. I am also touring and signing my latest book: Mysterious Midwest, Unwrapping Urban Legends and Ghostly Tales from the Dead. Recent Grammy winner David Ellefson of Megadeth has written the forward to this book. I am filming a paranormal show with him in April with several other celebrities.
Due to its success I am also publishing a second edition of my first book Mysterious Minnesota with a forward written by the author Antonia Felix. I am always busy but I love being active and squeezing every minute out of every day.



Where can fans follow you and your work?

I have several websites where people can access my events or book a reading or healing:
You can find my books at:
On Twitter I am: @Adrian_Lee_TIPS
Or search for More Questions than Answers with Adrian Lee on Facebook. You can write to me at



Any advice you’d care to share?

Two things that I consider to be very important. Firstly, learn to meditate, this is the quickest way to improve any psychic abilities and to develop your own sensitivities. There are some great guided meditations you can find on YouTube, search for the ones that suit you best and get started.

Secondly, show no fear. If you write a book or place yourself in the public eye then people will try and shoot you down and write negative things about you—it is an unfortunate part of the human condition. But for every negative comment that is written, another twenty people will say that you have given them life changing healing, valuable advice, or connected them to a loved one that has turned their life around.
Do not let fear stop you from being successful, or let people judging you stop you from achieving your potential, your dreams, your hopes. Go onto Amazon now and look at the negative reviews written for some of my books, when those individuals have never even read them—the lies, the vitriol, the hatred. Then look at the many positive, remarkable, and amazing reviews. I am not concerned in the slightest by those negative comments, if I am not upsetting someone then I am doing something wrong—it is a sign of gaining success and a reflection of where those people are in their own journeys. Not a single negative comment will ever stop me from fulfilling my dreams, writing my books, broadcasting my shows, healing, or investigating. Working with the dead all day has made me realize what it is to be alive…so show no fear!



Phantom Travelers ~ a.k.a. ~ Ghostly Hitchhikers

There have been countless reports of these preternatural creatures throughout the centuries. Phantom travelers are supposedly the spirits of humans and/or animals that haunt certain locations like roads or well traveled areas. They’re thought to originate from the catastrophic events that happened at these locations, therefore intensifying tenacious emotional attachments that heighten the supernatural energy of these places. Such horrific events include car crashes, train wrecks and motorcycle accidents just to name a few that have proven fatal.

These spirits appear as if they are among the living, like you and me. They seem tangible without any transparency at all. Yet, they are not to be confused with doppelgangers for they are not harbingers of doom. The opaque apparitions seem deeply saddened, traumatized and severely lonely.

They are commonly seen alongside roads, railroad tracks and even cemeteries. Often, a passerby traveling will see these life-like phantoms as they suddenly appear in the car’s headlights. Looking as if they are distressed, the driver will ask the ghost if they are in need of any help or possibly wanting a ride somewhere. Several reports claim that when the living person’s kind offer was accepted, there was little interaction with their ghostly passenger. And once destination was reached, the phantom traveler exited the vehicle only to vanish into thin air, leaving the driver completely terrified and confused.

When I was growing up, an urban legend floated around town that mystified all those who listened. The details, for me, were never clear, but I somehow remember the tale of a headless woman that haunted a small bridge on a county road. It was said that anyone stopping on this old bridge around the hour of midnight, turning off their car and then repeatedly flashing the headlights, would see the vision of the headless woman carrying her head in front of the vehicle. Did I ever try this alleged paranormal experiment? Of course I did with many of my friends, but was unable to witness anything conclusive.

Perhaps the ghostly hitchhikers aren’t aware of their passing or are simply too distraught to move on, causing them to be trapped in our physical realm. Who knows….

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter @sheilarparker.

Interview with Robb Demarest of Ghost Hunters International

Today I’m welcoming paranormal investigator, Robb Demarest of Ghost Hunters International. He’s also investigated on Haunting: Australia and on Seekers. Thank you, Robb for stopping by!


Sheila ~ Why the paranormal? Is it something that you’ve always been interested in or was there a particular instance that started it all for you?

Robb ~ It mainly started because my mom would take my sister and I to empty buildings in the area where we lived. Many of these buildings, of course, had received the reputation of being haunted. While I did not see any ghosts lingering about, it became a life-long passion.


Sheila ~ What was it like working with Jason, Grant and the rest of the crew of Ghost Hunters?

Robb ~ The funny thing is that, while it was great meeting them, I have never actually investigated alongside any of them. We have been in the same location, but I was with my good friend Dustin Pari the entire night.


Sheila ~ Did things change (in the paranormal sense) when you became the lead investigator for Ghost Hunters International?

Robb ~ I wouldn’t say anything changed for me in the paranormal sense. Perhaps the biggest change was being able to work alongside some great investigators with different mindsets that helped bring new ideas to the table.


Sheila ~ Of all the locations you visited worldwide, what was your favorite one and why?

Robb ~ I would say that there are a number that stick out. Clark Air Force Base Hospital in the Philippines was an incredible place in terms of activity and history. The monastery in Italy, an island prison in Costa Rica, an insane asylum in Australia… there have been a lot of dream locations that I’ve had the unique luck/honor of being able to investigate.


Sheila ~ Do you have any special gifts, like being psychic or a sensitive, that helped you with your investigations?

Robb ~ I am not a psychic or a sensitive. I would say my unique gift is to have an open mind. Most investigators go in to prove something. They may want to prove there are ghosts present or prove there aren’t. I try my best to just let the evidence speak for itself.


Sheila ~ What was the scariest encounter that you’ve experienced?

Robb ~ I don’t know if there has been anything too incredibly scary, but I was investigating a war museum in Malaysia, using a devise called an Echovox when I had hair-raising replies from the device. First, it said my name. I asked what I could do. A woman’s voice replied “Help”. I asked what I could do to help, and a young girl’s voice replied “die”.


Sheila ~ Have spirits ever followed you home from a location? And if so, what did you do to make them go away?

Robb ~ I think no ghosts have followed me home because US immigration is so tough. No, I’ve never had anything follow me home.


Sheila ~ Have you ever been physically attacked by a paranormal entity?

Robb ~ I have never been attacked. I have asked the spirit of a little girl to take my hand, and subsequently had the air around my hand drop instantly. Keep in mind this was on a VERY warm summer’s night in Argentina.


Sheila ~ What is your favorite piece of equipment when doing an investigation and why?

Robb ~ My go-to piece of equipment is a digital voice recorder. I probably have 20 or so of them. I believe EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) is the best evidence that we have been able to collect in our search for ghosts.


Sheila ~ Do you have any advice for anyone that wants to become a paranormal investigator?

Robb ~ My advice, as always, is be you. Don’t model how you investigate on what you saw on tv or glimpsed in a book. For the field to move forward, investigators need to keep trying new ideas, techniques, and equipment. This is the only chance to move forward. Thank you for inviting me for this interview. I will be doing a very rare public appearance on October 10th at The Italian Club in Tampa Florida for an evening of real paranormal investigation. More details and tickets available at


Find Robb Demarest online @

Road jpg

The Spirit Within (Novel & Reviews)


The Spirit Within is an intoxicating story of a battered love with a unique supernatural twist.

College student, Cassandra Blakemore may seem to have the perfect life on the outside with her loving family and friends, but on the inside she harbors a terror created by her abusive boyfriend, Raleigh Nichols, who quickly sinks his way deep into the bottom of the bottle. Cassandra’s emotional strength suddenly emerges but at a price as she’s faced with her worst fear.

Battered and betrayed, she soon discovers hidden abilities while her own secrets unfold. As if levitation, telekinesis and premonitions weren’t enough, what else is Cassandra Blakemore hiding?

*Reviewed by Andrea Staunton.*

“When I volunteered to do this month’s book review, the editor told me, “ok, you can review your favorite book.” After some consideration, I chose the one that I had just proofread for Spero Publishing. It replaces a number of…

View original post 1,019 more words

Ouija Boards ~ a.k.a. Spirit Boards

Ah yes, the infamous Ouija Board. Many of us have heard of these communicative devices used to speak to the dead thanks to the hugely named board game companies that have popularized it as a favorite past-time for those who want to interact with the beyond.

This preternatural board is flat with the alphabet of A – Z displayed in two semi-circles above the numbers 0 – 9, two words “yes” and “no” in the top two corners and the words “good-bye” printed at the bottom center. Accompanied by a communicating tool called a planchette, which is usually a tear-drop shaped device used to maneuver about the board. It can be used by a single individual or several at any given time. There are typically no rules. All anyone has to do is simply place the fingertips upon the planchette and begin asking questions. It’s that easy… or is it??

The Spirit Board, more commonly known as the Ouija Board, actually is based from the American 19th century obsession with spiritualism which is the belief that the deceased can communicate with the living and vice versa. On a scary note, many people believe that by using a Ouija Board, one can open doors leading into the gates of Hell, allowing demonic beings into our own world. After people use the board, several report hearing strange noises, seeing dark shadows, witnessing objects move mysteriously without reason and some extreme cases even claim experiencing possession from what they believe they brought through the “portal” or “opening” of the Ouija Board.

From a skeptical point a view, scientists speculate that the cause of the movement with the planchette on the spirit board is veritably the result of the ideometer effect. The ideometer effect is a psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes movement or motions unconsciously. For example, when the body produces tears in response to powerful emotions without the person consciously deciding to cry.

People of all walks of life have played with the Ouija Board at different ages. Some are the younger generations who make their interactions with innocence and others may in fact, use the Ouija for sinister purposes. While some people may be well aware of the movement created by their own hands in attempt to spawn the “wow” factor to scare their friends. Whether or not this communicative board really does work or if it’s the result of scientific reasoning is solely based on individualistic experience.

Who are we to judge the authenticity of one’s belief?


Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter @sheilarparker.




Intelligent & Residual Hauntings. What are they?

Ok, everyone’s heard of Casper the Friendly Ghost, right? You know, the cute transparent guy who floats around through walls? If all the hauntings were as adorable as him, then that would be pretty amazing and all the little kiddies wouldn’t be so afraid of the things that go bump in the night.

Well, let’s take a step back and face reality here. Some hauntings can be pretty frightening and down right mind-numbing. Did you know that there are actually two known types of hauntings? Yes, intelligent and residual…

An intelligent haunting is when the spirits can interact with the living, a type of energy that DOES have consciousness. These spirits may find ways of communication much like the ways discussed in my previous blog titled, The Afterlife ~ A Corporeal’s Transition, or the spirits can often communicate through the use of a voice box; a tool that is used to collect electronic voice phenomena (EVPs). Spirits of intelligent hauntings are known to interact with the living by attempting physical contact as well. For instance, spirits can be playful in nature and a person may feel their hair being pulled or a gentle touch when no one else is to blame for the action. However, other spirits of intelligent hauntings may not be as friendly and the living can experience a sense of malevolence and often these types of spirits are more negative with their contact and might even try to inflict harm upon the living. Many people do try to provoke this type of haunting and I strongly recommend using extreme caution because one never knows what can happen. So, be wise and be careful.

The second type of haunting is known as a residual haunting. It’s more like a supernatural experience that resembles a recording of past energy. For instance, like hearing footsteps walking down an empty hallway when no one is there. It’s believed that in a location where someone has released a large amount of energy or heightened emotions were experienced and the energy attaches or “imprints” itself. As a result of the abiding energy, individuals in the future may get to experience seeing a type of “recording” of these events. Some signs of a residual haunting may be the absence of interaction from the spirit. As if the spirit doesn’t acknowledge the presence of the living person. The spirit will almost seem totally oblivious to anything that’s occurring in it’s presence.

Another sign of a residual haunting is the energy that is felt can often be quite intense for the individual experiencing it, but this isn’t anything that should be feared. The energy can also be the result of the interruptions to electricity and electrical appliances. It’s also very possible for things in the immediate area to change. For example, doors opening and shutting. Once again, this is simply energy. The spirit is completely not applying any conscious effort to these activities.

Throughout the years, I have experienced both types of hauntings. They were very mild in nature and I never felt threatened. I’ve heard footsteps jaunting down an empty hallway and creaking down an old set of stairs. I’ve seen electrical disturbances when there was no accountable reasoning for anything else. I have even experienced the gentle touches from spirits on several occasions.

So, now you know there are two kinds of hauntings. If you’ve had any experiences, please feel free to comment and share! 🙂

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter @sheilarparker.