Historic Blakely State Park: more than just history….

Nestled within the scenic Mobile-Tensaw Delta, Historic Blakeley State Park is one of the largest and most diverse attractions within the Gulf Coast region.

Within these more than 2,000 acres of some of the most biodiverse habitat in North America, the park contains the sites of Alabama’s largest Civil War battle, the important early Alabama town of Blakeley, and Native American settlements dating back thousands of years. Nowhere else will you experience such a rare combination of rich cultural heritage and abundant natural beauty.” ~ https://www.blakeleypark.com/

Yesterday, my husband and I visited this beautiful place. The temperature was in the low 80s, and the sun shined high above with just a few clouds floating by. We had been there before, years back, but decided to visit again while out on a Sunday drive.

We were there for a couple of hours walking the historic trails that were used during the Civil War. The old roads had landmarks directing the way. There was so much to see! Old military redoubts (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redoubt), a couple of monuments, a site where Baldwin County’s first courthouse was, remnants of a small town, the Tensaw River, a hiding tree that had huge exposed roots where it was reported that soldiers literally could hide under.

Also, as macabre as it sounds, another massive tree that was known as “the hanging tree”! This tree was just a few feet away from where the original courthouse stood.

Aside from all of the above, there were miles of beautiful trails one could hike, ride bicycles through or even go horseback riding. Streams were also all over the place! I got super excited when we came to a little wooden bridge that crossed one of the streams. The water was so clear! And yes, I took my shoes off and had to step into the water. It was cold at first, but loved it so much! It reminded me of when I was a little girl, growing up in the country, and there was a little stream by the house where I grew up. (Childhood memories, gotta love ’em!) My husband laughed at me for stepping my feet into the stream. He even took some photos. Lol

Later, we walked on a wooden boardwalk that went along the side of the Tensaw River, which is also a part of the Blakeley Historical Site.

The day was absolutely perfect! And this time, a dragonfly was literally still long enough for me to take a photo. (Unlike in one of my previous posts when the dragonflies were being extremely active.) Such beautiful messengers!

Anywho…. The following are some more photos of our day out yesterday at the Historic Blakeley State Park. Hope you enjoy!

~ Sheila 💋

4 thoughts on “Historic Blakely State Park: more than just history….

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