Today’s a bad day ….

Last night totally sucked. Actually, yesterday morning, too, but throughout the night things got much worse. I barely got any sleep. No matter how I laid in bed, my body fought with me. From my left hip all the way down to my toes, the pain and tingling sensation wouldn’t stop. And if I laid on my right side, then my right hip started throbbing. My neck was also against me. The pins and needles numbing pain was relentless… it was shooting up into my head and down to my shoulders…. Then to both my hands… And let’s not forget about my lower back that throbbed with its own aching pain. When I say that I hurt from head to toe, I literally mean that!

With all that going on, I did what I could mentally to hold back the panic attack that was trying to happen. Sometimes the pain gets so bad that I can’t fight the anxiety. It sucks!

It’s barely 8 a. m. and I’ve already had four pieces of chocolate… some homemade Christmas candy… But hey, it’s healthy right?! I mean, after all, it does have mixed raisins, cranberries and dried cherries with peanuts in it. Lol… At least I’m telling myself that it’s healthy candy. Yeah, I’m a stress eater…. Goes well with the second pot of coffee I’ve already made.

The reason why I’m writing all this isn’t to get sympathy points, but to hopefully raise more awareness of chronic pains and diseases.

A few months ago I was diagnosed with even more debilitating conditions that make my prior ones even more of a living hell. (Degenerative Disc Disease in both my neck and lower back, foraminal stenosis in my neck and lower spine, cervical stenosis in my neck, straightening of the cervical lordosis in my neck…. on top of what I was already diagnosed with…. bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, anxiety, insomnia and fibromyalgia.) So yeah, daily life is a challenge. The mobility issues, constant pain, stiffness, mental state…. the list goes on… Sometimes to crack a smile literally takes all my strength.

I know a lot of you out there live with chronic pains and diseases as well, and my heart goes out to you all. Stay strong and remember, life is what we make it…. One day at a time!

A BIG THANK YOU to each and every single one of you for always being so amazing! Much love and light to you!

~ Sheila 💋


Watch “Chronic pain… what a pain in the arse! 😉” on YouTube

Here to say, “Hi!!”…. on YouTube

Promote Love – Not Hate!

Happy Monday, everyone!! It has been far too long since my last post back in February! Hope you all have been well during this pandemic. What a crazy time we are in….. Phew!

With that being said, just a simple reminder as I write this post that each and every single one of you are so very important. You rock in your own unique way! Life really is a blessing. Even though there are times that we go through that may seem otherwise, we need to remind ourselves that those moments, as difficult as they can be, can be used as catalysts to make us stronger. Trust me, I know from experience. I’m not always smiles and positive vibes. However, I do try my very best to promote “feel good energy”. 🙂

We all have our darkness and that’s perfectly ok. As long as we are constructive with our emotions and never destructive. We must construct learning experiences and grow from them, rising ever so high and graciously like the soaring Phoenixes that we all are!!

Remember when you look in the mirror…. you are looking at someone amazing! There is an insurmountable greatness within you! The ability that you have to achieve your dreams is something phenomenal! Anything is possible and you own the key to your future, no one else does. Let no one ever dim the light that resides deep within your beautiful heart. Shine your magnificence for all the world to see!!!

With all the negativity that’s out there, let’s negate those bad, nasty vibes by overcoming adversity. Stand tall, shoulders back with heads held high. Inhale a deep, engaging breath in through the nose… hold for a count of five…. then slowly exhale that breath out through the mouth. Continue that simple breathing technique periodically as you carry out your day. And guess what?! You’ve got this!!!! Go on with your awesome self!!! Rock those positive vibes! Love yourself and love others! Promote Love – Not Hate!


Massive Love & Light! ~ Sheila ❤



Sheila Renee Parker ~ Author. Artist. Empath.





Interview with Chase Smith, store owner of Lotus CBD

Today I’m welcoming store owner, Chase Smith of Lotus CBD to share with us the benefits of CBD products. Thank you, Chase for stopping by!




Tell us a little about yourself and your company.

Hello, my name is Chase Smith and my wife’s name is Cortney Smith. We own and operate Lotus CBD in Foley, AL. It is the first CBD store in this area of its kind. We like to think of ourselves as a one stop shop for alternative healing. We sell pretty much anything with CBD incl. edibles, gummies, trans-dermal pain patches, bathbombs, vapables, face creams, under eye serums, hydrating lotions, subdermal topicals, Gel caps, dry capsules, CBD water, pet oils, pet edibles and of course, several different CBD oils.




What was the inspiration behind your business, Lotus CBD?

In 2017 my wife had 5 seizures that I had to revive her from, she stopped breathing. She had become debilitated from severe migraines, sleeping 16 hrs a day and developed drop foot. After 4 neurologist, multiple MRI’s and 2 Lumbar punctures we found out she has 12 dime sized lesions in her brain; she received a diagnosis of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) in early 2018. She was given a prescription for medication that would have cost us $9,000 a month… with insurance!!! After weeks of research we discovered CBD oil and all of its wonderful health benefits; we decided to at the very least give the natural path a try… what could it hurt right??? Well since she has been using our water soluble full spectrum CBD oil, she has not had a single seizure! The debilitating migraines she once had several times a month have stopped all together and we truly believe in the medical benefits of CBD. It’s been almost 2 years since she has had a seizure and I am happy to say she is doing incredibly well given her diagnosis!!!




Why “Lotus” in your company’s name, does the lotus flower itself have any symbolism to you?

Well, as you may know a lotus has to rise through the mirk and mud to reach the surface of the water, then it beautifully blooms. Despite all those obstacles and conditions the flower grows from the mud and rises to the surface clean. The lotus may appear fragile on the surface but it’s flexible and strong; securely anchored under the surface of the water. We liked that metaphoric imagery of this fragile yet strong flower and how it represented many people’s day to day struggles. Be that addiction, pain, anxiety or whatever else; we know with a little help everyone can bloom to their full potential.




What are the benefits of CBD products and are there any known side effects?

So, I may go a little long winded and in depth, but it all starts with the Endocannabinoid System. Scientists discovered this in the last century and it’s a biological system made up of endocannabinoids. They are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body and in all mammal brains. CBD is one of the primary cannabinoids found in hemp and these cannabinoid receptors play a huge role in physiological processes such as mood, memory and pain.


There are two types of cannabinoid receptors – CB1 and CB2 that are located on cells throughout the body. CB1 receptors are primarily located on nerve cells in the brain, spinal cord and central nervous system and are very abundant in the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and hippocampus. These CB1 receptors have been found to play a role in memory processing, motor regulation, pain sensation, mood, and sleep. CB2 receptors are primarily found on cells in the immune system and its associated structures.


When these receptors are activated with CBD, they stimulate a response that fights inflammation which can reduce pain and minimize damage to tissues. Cannabinoids help coordinate and regulate how we feel and think by binding with the endocannabinoid system’s CB1 and CB2 receptors. They fit like puzzle pieces, cannabinoids are designed to link together with the cannabinoid receptors. This linking of receptors activates the receiving neuron into action. This then triggers a set of events to pass along the message and carry out a variety of cellular responses needed for homeostasis and healthy functioning.


Since the use of CBD oil in the last 30-40 years, there are no known side effects.




What would you say to someone who may be on the fence about trying CBD products?

If you have suffered, tired of hurting, anxious, stressed and on pharmaceuticals for any of those…and looking for relief then why not give this natural, safe alternative a try!? At the most it will be the best decision you ever made and at worst you have tried an alternative route that doesn’t harm you in any way. CBD extracted from HEMP is LEGAL and safe, if you get a product with THC it will NOT get you high.




Are there any kinds of medications that someone may be on that shouldn’t be accompanied with any CBD products? Any precautionary words of advice?

So, there are a few drug interactions but any knowledgeable and reputable store will tell you to watch out for these. Mostly these are statin drugs or any drug using the CYP-450 enzyme to break it down (usually there is a grapefruit or citrus warning on these medications). You can google the medication you take and CYP-450 enzyme and usually you will find a list, this doesn’t mean you can’t use CBD… it just means you need to space out the time between the two.




Tell everyone how they can contact you and the location of your store. What are your hours of operation and please share with us any links you have so people can follow you via social media.

We are on Facebook ( and Instagram (

We are located in Foley, AL at 3872 S. McKenzie Street. Hours of operation are 10-7 Monday through Saturday.

You can also contact us via phone at anytime 404.386.3683




Anything else you would like to inform everyone about in regards to CBD products?

NOT ALL CBD PRODUCTS ARE THE SAME, NOT ALL STORES ARE THE SAME… If you are going to buy something to improve your health PLEASE buy it from a reputable and knowledgeable source. If you ask where the CBD is sourced, what was used to extract the oil and they can’t explain ANY question you pose then just walk away. If you don’t get told about the analytics and they are not readily available, updated every few months… JUST DON’T DO IT!! Not all ailments are solved by one product, the store should know what products work best for which ailments.




Any positive words of wisdom you’d care to share?

We have been in the CBD industry for 3 years now and I have seen the miraculous things this plant can do, we use these products daily, we believe in them and I offer a money back satisfaction guarantee.  If you have heard about CBD and want to give it a try, come to a place you know what you’re getting! We can discuss all your options and see all the products we have for a healthier you!



Chase Smith