“Be strong, but not rude. Be kind, but not weak. Be bold, but don’t bully. Be humble, but not shy. Be confident, but not arrogant.” ~ Attitude to Inspiration ❤️
“Be strong, but not rude. Be kind, but not weak. Be bold, but don’t bully. Be humble, but not shy. Be confident, but not arrogant.” ~ Attitude to Inspiration ❤️
Hey, everyone! It’s my favorite time of year! I love everything “Fall”….. The cooler temps, the crisp air, hot cocoa, yummy comfort foods and we can’t leave out… pumpkin spice ‘n everything nice! Lol 😉 … Not to mention, the beautiful colors of orange, yellow and brown…. It’s all so warm and cozy!
You all know I love art! And here are a couple of pieces I created with coloring pencils.
The first one is a cornucopia… *Fun fact* about the cornucopia… “The earliest reference to a cornucopia is found in Greek and Roman mythology, which dates back nearly 3,000 years ago. The name itself comes from Latin, cornu copiae, which translates to horn of abundance. The most likely source of the horn of plenty symbol is a story related to the Greek Zeus, king of all the gods.” ~ https://agamerica.com/blog/thankful-for-ag-the-history-of-cornucopia/
And this next one, obviously it’s a leaf.. lol… But as simple as a leaf is, it’s just like a snowflake… There are no two exactly alike. Each and every single one, beautiful in its own, unique way!
Remember, you are all loved! Thank you for all you do! Stay blessed!
~ Sheila 💋
“Here come the men in black, the galaxy defenders……” ok, no worries, I’m not going to start singing the song. I’m sure Will Smith wouldn’t approve and luckily for you, by reading this, you’re not tortured by hearing my unmelodious voice. 😉 And I’m not here to talk about the hit film starring the very talented Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. However, I am a huge fan of their movies!
BUT……. I am talking about the supposedly real-life individuals known as the “Men In Black” (MIBs). Just like the Hollywood portrayals, these non-fictitious characters primarily wear black suits, white button-up shirts and black ties. They are reportedly some sort of secret organization that has been obviously denied by certain officials. It’s been said that the mysterious Men In Black appear anytime UFO sightings have been experienced. Why? Possible cover-up involvement? To insure that UFO witnesses remain quiet about what they have seen? By intimidating and threatening those who dare to speak publicly about any sort of UFO interactions?
Throughout recent decades, many supporters/investigators of ufology have supposedly been harassed and some have even died by mysterious causes. Are the MIBs to blame for all of this misfortune? Who knows?? It’s also alleged that the Men In Black have taped and recorded UFO hunters’ phones.
I personally have never experienced anything like this nor have I seen an alien or UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) of any kind. I’ve only witnessed shadow people, clairaudient experiences, touched by spirits and other paranormal encounters similar to those, but never aliens. I do know people who have claimed to have seen visitors from other planets, but none of them have ever told me about any visitors from the “Men In Black”.
So, do these well-dressed individuals actually exist or….??? I wouldn’t wanna find out…….
Good morning, everyone! It’s a beautiful, chilly day here on the Gulf Coast. I have my hot coffee at hand as I write you this article, ready to start the day!
Today is Friday, November 11th. A very important day for us here in the United States. It’s Veterans Day!
“A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.” ~ https://www.va.gov/opa/vetsday/vetdayhistory.asp
I have a lot of family members that have served in the military, and are still serving…. Including all branches. The military is extremely dear to me, gets me choked up with pride. I love them all!!
Also, with it being November 11th…. Which is Angel Number 11/11…. To me, it holds a great deal of significance as well.
*While other numbers also have special meanings, 1111 — in particular — is considered an “angel number” that has been connected to good events, “such as, people being saved from some life-threatening occurrences or circumstances,” says Vincent Genna, spiritual teacher, psychic therapist and host of weekly radio show, Stop Stopping Yourself!” ~ https://www.womansday.com/life/a39779218/1111-meaning-numerology/
“1111 is a very high vibration number that communicates confirmation, especially as it pertains to spiritual discovery and journeying,” says Lady Tracey Bond, innovator, co-creator of the DoubleOHHSevenEffect and spiritual author.
When you see 1111 — a time, on a piece of paper, on a license plate, a phone number, on a sign, etc. — angels are trying to tell you something. It’s time to connect with your intuition. Whether your life is about to change for the better or it’s signaling you to take action for a positive outcome, have faith. A good transformation is near.” ~ https://www.womansday.com/life/a39779218/1111-meaning-numerology/
So, it’s 11/11…. About our Angels and our courageous Veterans. Who in my heart, our Veterans are our Angels!
Thank you so much to all the Veterans who served our country! Your bravery and commitment speak volumes and there aren’t enough wonderful words to express the ongoing appreciation, respect and love that we have for you! ❤️
Resources for this article are: https://www.va.gov/opa/vetsday/vetdayhistory.asp & https://www.womansday.com/life/a39779218/1111-meaning-numerology/
“Should you ever find yourself victim of other people’s bitterness, jealousy, lies and insecurities, don’t let it bother you. Remember… things could be worse, you could be them.” ~ Attitude to Inspiration
This next post was inspired by a film that I’ve recently watched titled, The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia. The film is based on a true story and here is its description: “A historic Southern home’s new residents come face to face with a malevolent force.”
While watching, that was when it dawned on me that I was already familiar with the people portrayed in the film. I had seen them on other paranormal shows talking about their story and discussing the daughter’s ability of clairvoyance and communicating with the dead.
After I finished watching the film, it got me to thinking about ghosts and why some of them seem to be so malevolent. Perhaps their spirit isn’t actually malevolent at all. Maybe they just seem that way because they are trying to convey a message to the living. And after countless failed attempts of communication with the living, the ghosts become enraged because they have something to say but have no way of reaching the other side.
I know it may sound crazy, even far-fetched, but it made me think. So, by the time these ghosts finally find someone with whom they are able to communicate, they’re ready to unleash all their built-up emotions. And with the rush of feeling (and the fact that they’re dead) it’s easy to understand why the living can get so terrified by a paranormal encounter.
It makes total sense to me. Put yourself in their position. One day you’re walking down the street and all is well, then unfortunately something tragically out of the blue happens and you’re no longer part of the living. You’re now on the other side. You’re terrified, freaking out and you have no one to turn to. You try so hard to communicate with the living, but nothing – nadda. You try and try until one day your persistence finally becomes successful when you’re able to communicate with someone. But by this time, when you’re able to speak to a clairvoyant or whomever, you’ve got all this rush of excitement and that’s what scares the living because it becomes too overwhelming for them to handle.
Now this isn’t me in any way, shape or form, discarding all malevolent entities as non-malevolent. Extreme caution should always be utilized when investigating the paranormal because there are evil creatures/beings on the other side. So, be careful!
But the film did make me think and I wanted to share……
Hey everyone!
Going through some of my things… Can’t believe it’s been ten years since the publication of my novel, The Spirit Within!! Wow, time has really flown by!
Anywho… I have two copies…. If you would like to purchase a signed copy, just message me.
It’s $20 plus shipping.
Here’s what The Spirit Within is all about…..
“This is a paranormal romance. Perfect for young teens, young adults and everyone who believes in the spirit within. College student, Cassandra Blakemore may seem to have the perfect life on the outside with her loving family and friends, but on the inside she harbors a terror created by her abusive boyfriend, Raleigh Nichols, who quickly sinks his way deep into the bottom of the bottle. Cassandra’s emotional strength suddenly emerges but at a price as she’s faced with her worst fear. Battered and betrayed, she soon discovers hidden abilities while her own secrets unfold. As if levitation, telekinesis and premonitions weren’t enough, what else is Cassandra Blakemore hiding?”
It’s that time of the year again! Halloween is just around the corner, love it…. My fave holiday!
Fall weather is here…. Pumpkin spice and everything nice…. Ghosts, goblins, spooks and ghouls… And the ever enchanting witch. Magic is definitely in the air!
I, myself am Wiccan. I practice white magic. So with that being said, I hold a very special place in my heart for witches.
One of my fave songs is a cover by Lana Del Rey titled, “Season of the Witch”. https://youtu.be/zA4OjrpVsiY
Also, I just finished a shadowy sketch of a witch. Added a soft pink for her lips… Kept it simple.
“An it harm none, do what thou will.”
Blessed be, everyone!
~ Sheila 💋
One, two, three and four.
The petals are soft, but they still hit the floor.
Plucked from the bloom, the rose lays bare
in the hands of the jaded without a care.
A bodice draped in elegant lace
defines the figure of Victorian grace.
Staring out the window, vision’s a blur
from tear filled eyes longing for a cure.
Strong is the will waiting to survive,
creating the happiness to make one feel alive.
Suddenly, a love that’s been removed
now comes into view,
a view that’s been long over due.
The faint smell of a cigar quickly fills the
room with no smoke in sight.
Accompanied by a warm, curious feeling,
nothing of fright.
The ghostly vision comes clear
as he approaches her near.
To him she says sadly, “I’ve aged a bit.”
He sweetly replies, “Not in my eyes. I still see you as exquisite.”
Then he caresses her cheek softly and full of love. He adds,
“I still see you as my beautiful dove.”
A smile sweeps across her wrinkled face,
so elegant and full of grace.
She whispers, “I love you, my dear for all eternity.”
He nods, “I know, my sweet for our love shall forever be.”
(A poem by Sheila Renee Parker)
Hi everyone! Hope you are all well. It has been a wonderful day so far. Transplanted this little beauty from a group of wild ferns that were growing outside our house.
Also, clipped pine straw from the yard to make mulch.
Doing things like this really make me feel more connected with Mother Nature. ❤️
The Earth is full of so many bountiful gifts!
Stay motivated and stay blessed! You all are amazing!!
~ Sheila 💋