Last night totally sucked. Actually, yesterday morning, too, but throughout the night things got much worse. I barely got any sleep. No matter how I laid in bed, my body fought with me. From my left hip all the way down to my toes, the pain and tingling sensation wouldn’t stop. And if I laid on my right side, then my right hip started throbbing. My neck was also against me. The pins and needles numbing pain was relentless… it was shooting up into my head and down to my shoulders…. Then to both my hands… And let’s not forget about my lower back that throbbed with its own aching pain. When I say that I hurt from head to toe, I literally mean that!
With all that going on, I did what I could mentally to hold back the panic attack that was trying to happen. Sometimes the pain gets so bad that I can’t fight the anxiety. It sucks!
It’s barely 8 a. m. and I’ve already had four pieces of chocolate… some homemade Christmas candy… But hey, it’s healthy right?! I mean, after all, it does have mixed raisins, cranberries and dried cherries with peanuts in it. Lol… At least I’m telling myself that it’s healthy candy. Yeah, I’m a stress eater…. Goes well with the second pot of coffee I’ve already made.
The reason why I’m writing all this isn’t to get sympathy points, but to hopefully raise more awareness of chronic pains and diseases.
A few months ago I was diagnosed with even more debilitating conditions that make my prior ones even more of a living hell. (Degenerative Disc Disease in both my neck and lower back, foraminal stenosis in my neck and lower spine, cervical stenosis in my neck, straightening of the cervical lordosis in my neck…. on top of what I was already diagnosed with…. bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, anxiety, insomnia and fibromyalgia.) So yeah, daily life is a challenge. The mobility issues, constant pain, stiffness, mental state…. the list goes on… Sometimes to crack a smile literally takes all my strength.
I know a lot of you out there live with chronic pains and diseases as well, and my heart goes out to you all. Stay strong and remember, life is what we make it…. One day at a time!
A BIG THANK YOU to each and every single one of you for always being so amazing! Much love and light to you!
~ Sheila 💋