The Creative Mind

“‘Tis the pen for the writer and the brush for the artist that will help to bring forth one’s inner soul. And I gladly entertain both titles, it’s how my stories are told.”

~ Sheila Renee Parker ~



As I’m always saying… the creative mind never rests. Regardless of how one chooses to express their creativity, a myriad of emotions can be transformed in so many ways. Just like with my writing, I also find great joy immersing in art as I described in a previous article titled, “Artful Expressions”.

Here on my site I’ve created a page (Poetry & Art) specifically for the display of my art, which has received such amazing feedback from so many of you and I greatly appreciate all the kind words! Each and every single one of you are my inspiration, so THANK YOU!!! 🙂

Many have asked if my art is available for sale and the answer is a very happy yes!!I  Prints can be purchased at….

I can also do special request pieces of art. All one has to do is send the request to me via my link at Contact Sheila Renee Parker.


Cheers to all the creative minds! Keep the expressions flowing for all the world to see!!


~ Love & Light, Sheila ❤





Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:




Year 3: A Ghostly Anniversary!!!

Yes!!! Can you believe it?! I’m soooo excited to be celebrating THREE fantabulous years with you all!!!

This post is a little past due and my sincerest apologies for its delay, but this summer has been quite the busy one full of wonderful things! So many projects going on right now and I promise to keep everyone posted. As many of you know, I’ve recently been the guest on a couple of different shows. In June, I was the guest on Vegas Supernatural. If you missed it, then here is the link..  

And at the beginning of July, I was the guest on Vanishing Gates livestream…

Also, I was featured on 1HourProofreading…

All exciting events that I’m very proud to have been involved in! What an honor!!!

Aside from those, I’ve been working on some pretty exciting interviews for my site. Interviews with guests that I know you’ll all love and enjoy. Can’t wait to share with you!!

With all that being said, what about my paranormal articles? Not to worry, my research never ends. I’ve been working diligently with various spooky topics as well. And thanks to everyone, it’s because of you that I’ve found the courage to speak up more openly about my own paranormal experiences! I can only hope that you can do the same, and feel comfortable about opening up with any ghostly tales that you may have.

Oh and one more thing that I’ve been working on, (told ya that it’s been a busy summer… lol). My artwork. As many of you know, I’m also an artist. People have asked if prints of my art are available and the answer is yes. Here’s the link….

I’ve also been commissioned to do private sketches for people. If anyone is interested in that, please feel free to contact me…..

Again, it’s been three fantabulous years that I’ve been sharing with everyone. The summer of 2014 was when I first created this site and each year just keeps getting better and better, and I owe it all to YOU!!!! I wish I could give each of you the BIGGEST HUG EVER!!!! You all are the greatest and I truly mean it when I say that I love you!!!

YOU ROCK and always remember: Be Original. Be True. Be YOU!

~ Love & Light, Sheila


Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author





Meet Raleigh Nichols

Have you read my paranormal romance, The Spirit Within? If so, then you’ll know who this rugged mechanic is. Meet Raleigh Nichols, the inimical boyfriend of the main character, Cassy Blakemore.

Who is this irreverent soul?

He’s a hard working mechanic who’s employed full-time at the local body shop. His name is Raleigh Nichols and is crazy in love with his girlfriend, Cassy Blakemore. Sure, he may be a tad overbearing and a bit cynical, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to please his girl with his sultry, southern charm. The way Raleigh’s sensual touch melts Cassy’s heart, gets her every time. Well, that is until the day Raleigh’s inner darkness emerges. A darkness that becomes so brutal that it creates a terrifying wedge between the two lovers.

Their love is undeniable, but the personal turmoil that Raleigh battles causes him to lose the fight to alcoholism. While his thirst grows deeper for the bottle, his anger becomes intensified as his emotions become explosively abusive towards Cassy. Raleigh’s apologies are hollow and ignored, but that doesn’t end his relentless obsession with his girlfriend.

Before the final straw breaks, Cassy discovers supernatural abilities that she never knew she had. It’s thanks to these newly found powers that keep her world from totally disintegrating.

How does Raleigh deal with Cassy mysteriously “zoning out”? And how does this volatile relationship continue….. or does it? Get your very own copy of my novel, The Spirit Within available on Amazon!


Here’s the sketch that I did of Raleigh Nichols from my novel, The Spirit Within. Prints of my sketch are available at….



Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author



(Raleigh Nichols. Sketch by Sheila Renee Parker.)

Artful Expressions

Hi everyone, hope you’re enjoying an exciting weekend full of adventure! I just wanted to take this moment to share with you a personal side of me. As you all know, I’m a published author and poet, an empath and a paranormal researcher who has had many paranormal experiences throughout my life, but what you might not know is that I am also an extremely passionate artist. I find great inspiration from the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Salvador Dali and Vincent van Gogh. However, regardless who the artist is, art is such a beautiful form of expression. Whether one chooses to create magnificent pieces of enchantment with oils, acrylics, watercolors or even pencils, the imagination can unleash such exquisite perceptions.

The following pieces are some of my own creations. I hope you enjoy them! And if you would like to check out more of my artistic creations, including poetry… visit this page, Poetry & Art by Sheila Renee Parker.

Love & Light,                                                                                                                             Sheila


Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author



(“Simplicity”. A watercolor by Sheila Renee Parker)

p 3

(“The Embrace”. A watercolor by Sheila Renee Parker)

p 1

(A pencil sketch of my son. ~ by Sheila Renee Parker)

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(A pencil sketch of my son. by Sheila Renee Parker)

("Floral Abstraction" A watercolor by Sheila Renee Parker.)

(“Floral Abstraction” A watercolor by Sheila Renee Parker.)


(“Doppelgangers”. A pencil sketch by Sheila Renee Parker)

(A sketch by Sheila Renee Parker.)

(“Eternal Kiss”. A pencil sketch by Sheila Renee Parker.)