“The Apparition”

The mysterious world of the unknown has always fascinated me.The exploration of the various topics is something that I will continue to research for as long as I live. However using caution, I will remain strong, courageous and show absolutely no fear. I’m often asked if I’m frightened by the paranormal. Honestly, I used to be, especially when I was a kid. My lack of understanding was basis for that. ‘Tis the reason for me eventually facing my fears and overcoming them. I do believe in respect by showing it and giving it to the spirit realm. I never provoke, nor display any form of agitation towards them. For me, it’s all about respecting both, the living and the dead…. and everything in between.


By doing so, I truly feel at peace as I openly express my curiosity for the supernatural by being an author and also an artist. My expression isn’t only conveyed through words, but through other artistic media as well. There’s such passion in one’s creativity.


The below image is a watercolor that I painted. Then, I added some digital effects to give it more color, making the painting more vibrant.

I’ve titled it, “The Apparition”.

Prints are available at…. https://fineartamerica.com/featured/the-apparition-sheila-renee-parker.html


*** (A little side note here…. lol… I finally got on Instagram! Would love to see ya there!!! @sheilareneeparker.) ***



Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker



“The Apparition” ~ by Sheila Renee Parker. Prints available @… https://fineartamerica.com/featured/the-apparition-sheila-renee-parker.html)




8 thoughts on ““The Apparition”

  1. Love the painting….. I agree, showing respect is what it’s all about. I was wondering if you had any advice to protect oneself from negativity?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, glad you love the painting!

      How I protect myself from negativity is by the use of white light protection and asking my guides for assistance as well. Hope this helps 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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